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Other urls found in this thread:

We get it, Fox News is shit. No need to make the exact same thread about it.

an illegal alien mexican getting served warrants murdered a white cop yesterday in Mobile

Haven't seen that on FNC they shill for the kikes mostly and allow dumb anti white mental fucking slime you and whore mother to come on and pretend to be vietnam veterans and "oppressed"

And what is the problem here?

Both CNN and Fox News are shot equally

If it was still 2005 or maybe even 2012 this might’ve been funny. In 2019, it just reeks of the leftist hivemind that doesn’t even watch Fox News.

Meanwhile on CNN.

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>equating a boy smirking and doing nothing to reports of actual non white rapists and criminals

Nice try, filthy fucking leftist j*w pig.


Attached: 1495538516247.png (2000x2000, 159K)

well the brown people committed heinous crimes while he was just smiling at some asshole.

>Be Marco perez
>Be Illegal Alien mexicano
>Burglarize a bunch of shit
>Could have confessed and literally got less than 5 years MAX with good time talking 2 years for non violent felony could have used his youth status
>Decided to murder cop
>ASS RAPE FOR 100 years

People tell me IQ isn't real

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I don't see an issue

>most crime is commited by brownskins
>It's biased to report this factually

Just another day in liberal la la land


Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED;,


KYS Nigger Faggot

>i hate fun and even saved some copy-pasta to show it

>the left can't meme

Wrong again magapedes

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doing gods work

>Literally ignoring evidence and being smug about
You people are genuinely missing chromosomes.

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That's because the top is a response to leftist propaganda; while the bottom makes reference to reality and the non-white crime statistics support this.

This is so sad.

Well, if there weren't so damn many brown rapists and criminals...

Attached: fbi_murder_stats_2008-2017.png (753x4185, 546K)

well, they do commit a lot of rapes and crimes...

If you watch any msm, you are a lost soul.

pic is true

Strawman 101

False equivalency, kill yourself.

>total chinlet
I bet he killed the cop out of chin jealousy.

>has never proven it can meme
>thinks saying it can counts

Attached: thisisbait.png (625x626, 66K)

usually they don't make shit up entirely and edit the footage

The difference is that the liberal agenda is based on lies and deception, while the conservative one is based on truth
Pick one

Go back to plebbit asshole.

fuck all msm just get your news from Jow Forums

Both of those are fine. Go back to your discord.

Islam is a Jewish religion.
It is more political same as judaism.
You are a fucking retard

cool story brah

Attached: sarsour.jpg (400x530, 35K)

I didn't said or implied Islam was good. But nice try anyway, shit for brains anti-white zionist j*w.

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>jews and muslims are death cults working together unified against whites as the common enemy

Tell me something I don't already know.

Attached: ((((women's march)))))).png (582x287, 54K)

2010 census
black pop 12.3% = 38,043,000
white pop 72.4% = 223,933,200

2010 murder stat, your image.
black = 2,950
white = 3,062

you do the math

Attached: 1416111151837.gif (282x257, 1.8M)

>gee golly look at this evil white guy smiling
>gee golly look at these evil brown people committing shitloads of crimes

the pic CLEARLY shows that blacks commit a shit-ton more murder per capita. only a fool would think otherwise. but if you need your images to be CRYSTAL CLEAR

Attached: whites_murdered_by_blacks_and_blacks_murdered_by_whites.png (936x2923, 441K)

the highlighting is only there to show that even without looking at populations per capita, blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks, consistently, across the board.
This cleans up the figures a little, but doesn't account for black latinos.


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>You almost don't even have to go by capita.
Fuck me

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Busted by Don Shipley

Nathan Phillips, AKA Nathan Stanard, Native American Drummer Dude was NOT a Vietnam Vet.
he got his records

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>check article
>mfw the ileagal beaner is whiter than the mutt cop

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