This KILLS the newfag

This KILLS the newfag

Attached: Newfags.gif (244x203, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1544975361206.gif (224x400, 2.15M)

What is wrong with you?


Attached: 445463325886.png (551x548, 445K)

They are asian, god did not honor them with a soul.

Why aren't you laughing?

chink leaf, what did you expect?

Attached: 1531843017160.png (741x649, 26K)

No this kills dog

A fucking LEAF!

Chinks have no empathy for man's best friend

Attached: 1546485535429.jpg (1022x1143, 329K)

boring and gay youre a retard if you think this shocks anyone here

You will die in the civil war, then I will kill the rest of your family god willing.

never understood this "if you hate dogs you're a chink/muslim" bullshit pol meme. Dogs are shit-tier animals and are terrifying to be around. There was this rottweiler in the house next to mine about 10 years ago. Whenever I walked by the house it would jump against the fence and bark and I'm pretty sure it wanted to kill me.

Someone post the gifs of the dogs getting ready to get stewed up down in bugmen land.

What a pussy

good luck nigger, i'm ready

Attached: 875598456332.png (498x410, 393K)

If dog barks,
he no cooked enough.

Not as ready as I am, dick breath

Do you use tampons or pads for your gushing pussy user?

nigger detected

keep seething kike

Attached: my feets.jpg (555x415, 29K)

why is this pinned?

Newfag ain't laughing

I'm a chinese girl and I've killed so many rats when I was younger in a poor neighborhood. Different white boys used to catch em with mouse traps string em up and mutilate their bodies and leave them in front of the houses of white people.

White boy killing animals with me and putting them on the porches of other whites, they just smile and laugh with me lmao anything to impress an asian girl for pussy I guess, shame only 1 of them was good enough to fuck

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pic related

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Only liberal faggots don't appreciate nor can tame a dog

Dogs can sniff out a faggot from a mile away.

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too bad there's no sound

kys pussy

kek haven't seen that one before, I rate 9/10, but only because aftermath is missing, otherwise it'd be 10/10

>seeing moral faggots get their fee fees hurt over dog gore to the point where they are SEETHING out of control.

You won't even last the first day once the pharmaceutical providers shut down you fat fucking human waste.

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A non doggo stands zero chance. You have already proven yourself a pussy, you dumb faggot

>Complaining about newfags while treating this like /b/

anyone with a brain knows you can be traumatized as a child to hate dogs. its commonly found in women but i guess apllies to you. however if you were not traumatized you can clearly at a very young age realize the majority of dogs are fucking awesome. i dont even like dogs im purely a cat person but i have never had an issue with dogs and whenever i see one i love petting them and looking into their happy faces.

if you weren't traumatized then you are definitely a chink/muslim.

>no timestamp
>no tits
Peak fucking larping

unironically using fee fees. Who's the real boomer?

It's because these kids grew up on pokemon. There is literally no other reason.


>hurr durr hating annoying barking shit dogs means you're a nigger
nah people who can't keep their dogs calm are niggers.

You again with your ugly as fuck feet?

The sticky is too big.

>larping tranny
off yourself you no timestamp faggot

Attached: saksawtf.png (200x200, 62K)

yeah ok nigger

fuck off now mahmoud

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lmao up your ass nigger

I feel that animals have no place among humans myself. They are savages who shit on the street.

>adult acne


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You look like a fucking loser

Look everybody, I am a white guy, What is your malfunction dude?

thanks for banning me for being italian faggot

nice samefagging, faggot
I've beat the shit out of a guy for kicking a dog. be careful out there when you're trying to be an edgelord

That is because God did not honor your kind with a soul. It must be awful.

Is this what chinks jerk off to?

lol Italians aren't white ;D

That user didn't ask you to post your face. He only said your left foot looked ugly.