Why are American whites the only non-liberal white Anglos?

The only reason liberals are relevant at the federal level in the U.S. are blacks and Hispanics, so what is the excuse of Canada and Britain for their white populations voting in these shitheads?

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You literally voted in a corrupt, lying nigger as a president, and you defend him just like Tyrone defends Jamal for doing nuffin.

Trudeau is fairly corrupt, but if he did what your president did, he would have resigned by now. Our Liberal PM in the 1990s (who was ironically quite based) stepped down as leader because of party corruption, although his successor ended up being the fall guy for the corruption and lost the election.

American culture, the last remaining particles of it, is anti-gib and anti-left.

America is the most degenerate, liberal country on the planet. Even Sweden can at least claim to be mostly White

things've turned around since

British and australian whites are conservative though.

What are you taking about Labour only got 36%

? Ur country is about to be a Chinese colony and half ur men prefer asian girls over white woman, its ogre senpai

Roll for Asian hunnie

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16$ a piece of chicken

Maybe this graph will shed some light on the situation.

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Most American whites aren't anglo though, they are German or Irish

This targeted toward American liberals to attack nationalist Americans, this type of deception has been going on in America forever.

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Shut the fuck up, maple nigger.
Enjoy your constant importation of Somalis, you fucking nigger lover.

They aren't anglos

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but glad to see you at least agree with what I said.

literally nobody but niggers defend king nigger, fuck are you talking about?

Imagine what happened in the US Oval Office between a black man and his hung tranny “wife”....mmm god I wish that were me.

White people in white societies are liberal.

Once racial dynamics are intorduced they necessitate only voting upon racial or religious grounds.

Ergo whites vote conservative for racial or religious reasons not social or economic ones. The other races do the same.

Basically multi culti makes the government non functional because of mass psychology.

Fake news

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Pretty sure he’s talking about Trump.

>so what is the excuse of Canada and Britain for their white populations voting in these shitheads?
Legal weed.
but of course he broke many key promises. He said the government would be changed to proportional representation. Millions of people (non weed smokers) voted for him on that. Then he came out and said "people don't want it" never actually said the Canadian people don't want it, he probably meant his Globalist puppet handlers don't want it.
Iceland got good under proportional representation, the corrupted politicians started going to jail within months of it being implemented and the people have a say depending on the percentile of people they represent.
Max is going to kick ass in October.

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canadian whites are on average way more liberal, most Canadians live right along the border in the most populated metro areas.

Trudeau is single handedly destroying Canada's aerospace industry. His administration approving the sale of Newsat to the chinks destroyed the lives of more than 100,000 engineers in Canada and indirectly 2 million Canadians.

America is a conundrum or sorts because in one way you're really economically developed and technologically advanced which should make you the liberalist whites around but you're also the most rural/suburbanized of the white countries by far(internet and computer use per week in america trails almost every first world country) and this makes you the most frank and right wing western society. I always picture the US flag as a sort of neo naziism type symbol as a result.

letting the unions milk corporations didn't help either, It's why GM left. Having to pay people $68 a hour they did what they wanted and couldn't be fired. Show up for work drunk or stoned? 3 months paid off work.....
the Gm employees here always bragged that they simply couldn't get fired, ever.

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>implying it wasn't a rigged election
lmao oh you naive fool


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Why do you care tho? All that might be 1 million % correct but still doesn't matter at all to your life.

kys dumb faggot

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They got fired because Gm cars are trash and nobody was willing to buy them tho not their nigger behaviour.

Its Eastern canada. From Manitoba west it would of been conservative majority. This country needs to break apart.

That oshawa plant was operating at 30 percent capacity. GM is a terrible product and Ontario a terrible place

He made good points that are probably all true but im still curious.

Canadians are the offspring of redcoat loyalists who left America because they didn’t want to object to the king of England. It’s in their DNA to be cucked

Maybe stop being such a faggot and your country wouldn’t be shit. Food for thought.

people voted for him to get rid of Steven Harper(conservative) because he was in power for 8 years, so they voted for the other big party to have a change. while I didn'T vote for him, I knew he would win, but not by that much. also, we have the big metropols full of niggers/sand niggers/chinks that votes and will always vote liberal.

Did you see our new food guide?

all the conservatives left for america

I’m white but not Anglo though

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This, plus the massive amount of draft dodging limp wrist faggots let into Canada has ensured it's demise

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I think it's cultural distrust of government

People noticed things were't really getting better under Harper and the Liberal party promised change. Obviously that didn't work and swingback is likely. Not that it matters they're all the same.

I mean it's all a fucking scam no matter who's in. Anything other than ending mass migration and ending the banking scams is a part of the global corruption.

t. 8 years of obama

Conservitive whites in America are the only people on earth who believe in economic freedom, freedom of speech, and the right to bare arms. Everywhere else on earth one or more of those are missing. It truly is a blackpill when you calculate how small the percent is worldwide of real freedom fighters.

I remember that fucking day. The day i told myself "is everyone that shitwitted? Or am i just some asshole with a superiority complex?"

I hope for the former.

Amerimutts are the refuse of nations.

Based Trudeau.

you're literally a blind retard if you don't think white liberals are responsible for the liberalism in the us government and their actions are fueled white guilt instilled by other whites
thats the agenda, make the whites docile and the world is yours, espeially the american whites

>The only reason liberals are relevant at the federal level in the U.S. are blacks and Hispanics

Ultimately this is why. Canada and the UK haven't had to deal with these people. Now they are finding out and starting to go more right.

You can be a faggot liberal when it's overwhelmingly white.

>Or am i just some asshole with a superiority complex?
Almost anyone who uses this site is.
Trudeau is a fag for sure, but he is unimportant ultimately.

>implying we didnt have a majority rebel vs loyalist people who were unfortunately outgunned by the british
>implying any americans today still have revolutionary spirit as their country falls into utter corrupt shit

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White Americans were the anti-government religious nuts that fled Europe. Many of the Hispanics even were the “white” people in their countries that socialism and communism. Hence there’s a very very strong anti-government sentiment in the US that is not found elsewhere other than maybe like some small Asian countries and some ex Soviet Union countries.

That fled*

>literally genocide millions of white men in two world wars, removing alpha genes from the gene pool from already small population nations in Europe


Except you don't campaign for the right of government to stay the fuck out of a women's decision to have a kid, men's decision to use drugs and for the right of not having government shove religion down your throat, including in schools.

Don't think you're in any way special or different my burger friend.

Based and syrup pilled.

Ya GM are shit. When moved here bought a GM Truck that was made here. What a fucking POS.
Starter falls out on highway, surprise Canadian Tire has had a kit to fix the known issue for the last 14 years.... Because the guy putting the starters in was forgetting to put thread lock on the bolts, I guess it took to much time for him to do that.
but it all combined, the autoworkers union, the cost of power here, the seriously shit quality vehicles produced, the fact that they owe our government like a billion $$$.

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I keep seeing people say "I'd vote for PPC, but he has no chance of winning so I'm going to vote for CPC"
If everyone that had that mentality actually voted PPC then we'd fucking win. Fuck people are stupid.

Also Scheer isn't going to do shit, he's going to keep our country chugging along into the dirt. He's just a Trudeau clone except without the charisma

>forgetting king nigger

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In the UK it's because the Tories are a fucking meme, UKIP are a joke and the BNP are so hamfisted they can't be taken seriously

Mutt genes :^)

Pures whites are cucks

anglos are right wing in britain, its micks and frogs that are left wing.

Things America did while 80%-90% white-
>legalise abortion
>normalise divorce
>let in over 80 million non-whites
>let faggots come out the closet
>make porn mainstream
>promote porn as freedom of speech
>give Mugabe $3 billion
>sanction South Africa and support the ANC
But you're not liberal, you're all based and redpilled.

most american whites are german and came here after WW2. they killed off the anglos and arent very civilized

No one will ever be as based as you loving salt of the earth christian SA whites

we know, just let us dream

Sure whatever you say lad.

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>No one will ever be as based as you loving salt of the earth christian SA whites
Stop buying the hype. Saffers are just like everyone else. South Africa backstabbed Rhodesia, there are a lot of pozzed Afrikaners. Don't you get it? The problem is pretending anyone is fucking based when we've all been left a broken and leaderless people. No one is getting through clown world unscathed. Anyone pretending their shit doesn't stink is the enemy at this point. You can't address a problem you pretend doesn't exist.

This desu

Lol, all these butt hurt American racists in the thread. Justin has been our greatest leader yet!

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