Can you OD on redpills?
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daily reminder that most 'redpills' are ludicrous coping mechanism type things for losers and failures. Most redpills are flat out non truths.
Yeah this brainlet is just pushing boundaries. He will come back down to Earth eventually. This guy was completely zogged his while life and had it entirely shattered around him. He still has no way to judge what is up or down yet, but he is thinking and that's great.
>when you're a bot and claim Owen Benjamin is a loser or failure
Wew lad
It's called Jow Forums and Free Republic, yes.
He does a good Ben Shapiro.
This is the third thread on the board about him right now. They’re fucking shook
shook about what .. I love this guy.
Welcome to Jow Forums, enjoy your stay
btw, your propaganda is obvious
Maybe anons feel bad about what this poor cunt is doing to himself. He's unhinged, this isn't going to end well for him or his family.
Most redpills are just data you fucking idiot
Give a few examples, fuck nuts.
Based counterculture opinion of the day
Whoops. Meant to reply to this fag
>Feigned concern shilling
What’s tragic is that you’re so pissed you can’t call him an incel that you’re reduced to feverishly hoping for the implosion of his family so your fat faggy forever alone ass can feel less inferior about the sad state of your life.
Hi Owen. How is it going?
You’re response wouldn’t make sense for my post I think you might just be a retard. Also “fucknuts” instantly gives you away as plebbitor you might wanna be less oblivious next time.
OK leftypol
Then they are not redpills. Neat how that works, innit?
Fake Sam Hyde, still like him tho
Hi shill! that tactic is old and doesn’t work and also popped up verbatim in all the other multiple Owen threads made tonight when anons called you a kike and told you to get fucked. You’re really trying too hard
Where's the debate video he talks about that he did on infowars? Really want to watch that.
I don't understand this trend with Jow Forums making you feel bad.
I was happy to to discover this place.
>those youtube comments
Hi Owen, NASA called, they wanted you to know that the moon landings were real and to ask you to stop spreading misinformation.
I think the moon landing was real. I still enjoy the madlad’s streams. If that bothers you that’s very strange and not my fucking problem. Cope
To be fair, you have to have a pretty low IQ to understand Owen's streams.
literally none of this matters. ecelebs are an irrelevant waste of time.
Lol thinking that shaming someone into not liking someone would work on anyone but liberals is unironically low IQ. Cope harder
Take my poll
the earth is flat, the moon is fake, donate to me on paypal
-owen benjamin 2019
>Mommy I got first post again! That makes me right.
Owen is gonna get JFK'd this year
Check em
You should update your shill folder and not be such a buttmad faggot
Pretty sure it’s on a channel called Owen Benjamin Clips, along those lines at least
Way to oust yourself as a butthurt shill retard
right right he got fired for the "astronaut thing"
>guy tells the truth
>gay discord trannies infuriated
>Jow Forums upset he won’t say gas the kikes
>guy continues to tell the truth
My IQ is at least 140 since I maxed a Wonderlic. I have no problem understanding Owen. I don't agree with him on the moon but there's nothing wrong with questioning things.
Crowder was always more mainstream Con and they’ve gone semi separate paths, but I find it shady that Crowder didn’t call him up and talk to him like a man about not directly working together. From what Owen’s said he’s spent extended periods of time with and grown a bond with his family. That’s shady as fuck to me to just drop out of touch. At least be a man
Yes, its called flat earth
If you start believing the earth is flat you are fucking ODing on bullshit
the only buttmad faggot around here is Owen "boohoo the world is flat, it's making me feel so sad" Benjamin. (remember to donate on patreon)
>Most redpills are flat out non truths.
then they are blue pills. Do you even know how this works?
are you saying owen-sama believes the flat earth hypothesis? because he's been clear about this issue.
He specifically said he doesn’t think the earth is flat but it’s funny you feel the need to lie about that. Keep coping
Fuckin love Owen
I can't wait 'til they reboot The Matrix!
It's literally not even hard to land on the moon, what's so hard to believe about the landing?
>He specifically said he doesn’t think the earth is flat but it’s funny you feel the need to lie about that.
Then why would he give a platform to that absolute faggot Eric Dubay? The poster child of Flat Earth. Why deny the moon landings? Why do you support an openly zionist shill?
It’s a disinfo kike shill raid. Anything that sounds like it was written by a faggot leftist is likely a literal tranny on a d&c spam mission. They happen all the time. Regular people with leftist opinions do not post here.
This faggot is an example:
Ps. Owen is based.
Why do you seem to know the entire history of his streaming career if you think he’s such a retard?
most of the things on that list are true though
Why are you so obsessed with him if you don’t like him? That’s the real question desu
True in that kikes have been pushing all of it only since he started to name the Jew. The more you respond the more blatant it becomes and ffs you really need to update your shill folder
because i get triggered by scientific illiteracy. i have a geology background so I try to help people gain a better understanding of the subject if it come up. I absolutely fucking hate people who spread disinfo about scientific subjects, Owen is one of these people. I expose them where I find them.
I don't know man, Owen Benjamin is pretty successful in his life.
I actually recognize you from one of the older threads hahahahahah you claimed to be an expert on the moon landing because you were a geologist and everybody shat on you holy shit this is amazing I thought you were just being ironic
owen, redpill me on the moonlanding
I don’t think the moonlanding was fake and calling me Owen doesn’t bother me because I’m not
Scared he will desu, they'll try just smearing him as crazy first though
So obvious you're a fucking kike