and all the video does is smash the kids even more
what the hell?
and all the video does is smash the kids even more
what the hell?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jews did 9/11
I love my job
what. bumpo.
They want to keep the image of that grin in the public eye because they want to give it a new negative interpretation. They are trying to saturate the audience with it so that any type of grin from a white person will instantly make the people around feel mocked. It’s a new twist on punch a nazi, because it’s giving people the green light to punch any one who grins. I wonder if they’ll be any follow on stories about righteous people punching grinning nazis
>they didn't really do anything wrong now that we've seen the evidence but our brains were triggered and made us feel bad so THEY'RE BAD for doing that!
This is how liberals do everything. They aren't apologizing for being wrong, they're accusing them of "triggering" them and "causing us to feel bad". Its the equivalent of a woman being mad at you because she had a bad dream with you in it. Because you are associated with the bad feeling THEY generated, it MUST be your fault somehow, by association.
>it wasn’t you, it was your reptile brain
They’re just trying to give a moral pass to the people who wanted to literally murder these innocent kids.
Fucking (((reptilians)))
exactly user. Just more deferral of responsibility.
>unconchush byass
I want off this ride but I don’t
It appears that it's some type of propaganda technique designed to separate themselves from the "riff raff" of social media.
>spoiler alert: it doesn't help
Excuse me...did you say reptile brains?
>January 23
>CNN still pushing the fake narrative of the indian lefty "being surrounded" and being a vietnam combat veteran
Holy shit, once you are aware of their lies it's so blatant.
they still cant figure out why theyre called reptilians
Each one tied by lying and biased gaming news.
This isn't a new incident just a continuation of the same problem.
> They’re just trying to give a moral pass to the people who wanted to literally murder these innocent kids.
Its the end times bro
Either we live or they do.
there can be only one
>Blame Neurology not leftist journalists or black women who point the finger at a white man for gofundme bucks.
Nothing is ever their fault.
>It's real
Reminder that Douglas Rushkoff is this guy:
This. bump. Beck nailed it.
Its unironically so tiresome. Its an unwinnable battle, ain't it?
The (((ideology and connections))) are extremely deep, Trump alone isn't even close to enough
>Video is not available in your country.
2019 is fucking lit and it's still January.
There are MAGA enthusiasts, on the other hand, who don't see these boys as inhumane or racist. These enthusiasts see the history of the world as a competition for dominance, with white people as the rightful, if unrecognized, winners. They see young men righteously, if a little indignantly, defending their race and civilization against leftist social warriors and the forces of political correctness.
this but unironically
Haters gonna hate
That actually was pretty damn good. I'm downloading it and uploading it to Bitchute "just in case"
inb4 (((every time)))?
how have i not seen that one before
David Icke was right all along
It's fantastic, at this rate we'll be slaughtering commies in the streets by summer.
itss a video compressssion artifact.
Only low IQ think this isss reptilian
He's starting to look like hipster Colonel Sanders.
> human beings become more entrenched in their positions and driven by a fear for their personal survival.
Yes sweety for you it is a fight for survival and it's a fight you are losing. That's why you and your mind are getting so hysterical and why you are making such bad mistakes. The fear that is cranked to ten thousand rpm is not letting you think. Meanwhile we're still having fun.
SE "fuck Drumpf for not wanting a quagmire in Syria" Cupp
that was riveting stuff, thanks
Beck trying to jump on another bandwagon after he decided he hated Trump and made himself completely irrelevant?
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. -Rev 16:13
They're desperate not to keep the story on the ground at the Lincoln Memorial, not about the media clusterfuck they're responsible for. But the problem is the more they talk about the boys' behavior the more they have to pretend not to notice the literal black hate group calling the kids faggots, niggers, and incest babies, which gets your everyday media consumer smelling a rat. They won't ignore the story since it's what brings in the eyeballs, but they also can't spin it in a way where they don't look like complete shitheads.
>They're desperate not to keep the story on the ground at the Lincoln Memorial
Should be
>They're desperate to keep the story on the ground at the Lincoln Memorial.
yup, the story they are pushing now is of a complicated moral tale, how difficult it is to parse blame in these situations, how EVERYONE involved is bad.
the same thing they do every time they get caught in an orchestrated lie. deflect, deflect, deflect.
Jesus Hans, the memes are real
well basically he's saying that "our detractors have it right - we do break down borders, destroy nations" etc...
based david icke poster
Trips of truth. fpbp.
>explain how its just her face and not the background
what the fuck, any more like this?
Pure coincidence
>the REAL issue is we don't have enough control of social media
These fucking kikes
Sorry no, I am not really that into the reptilian stuff. But it's a 6 hour source video which made me do a double take. Then again, the channel is conspiracy stuff so they could easily have edited that in just to fuck with people.
If you google translate the description, the possibility that it's a hoax is more likely than not. Be skeptical.
>Answers to the main questions of atheists, believers, priests, people seeking to find the path of true immortality. Black and white. What is true immortality and how to achieve it in life without intermediaries? Features of the work of consciousness, its tricks and filters on the spiritual path. Stamps of consciousness in the incubator system. How to become free from the shackles of the system and find spiritual Love and true happiness.
>The program demonstrates the film “ATLANTIS. ELITE IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY. The truth about the origin of the elite in modern human society, their search for immortality. Elite - servants Ale. The history of the antediluvian highly developed civilization - Atlantis, mentioned in the world literary heritage of Sumer, Babylonia, Hellas, as well as in the myths of various peoples of the world. Highly developed technologies, the struggle for power, climate weapons, antiquity nuclear war, megaliths, unique technologies of prolonging life beyond the species limit, immortality in the body for the elect. Facts and evidence. How did the ideology of the descendants of the Atlanteans affect the modern worldview of humanity? The history of the development of the conspiracy of the world elite. SHARP AND FAST CLIMATE CHANGE. Last line.
RIDF detected
I will bleach every "native" cherokee in America, every one. I will call anderson cooper a faggot every day
Chek'd and based
Next they're going to get Trump for jaywalking.
because the face is constantly moving and the background doesn't change at all
This one I think there is something the crewmen are doing off of camera with large white objects. I imagine they are hanging something up or taking something down and you can see the reflection in her eyes because she is looking right at it
It's a dog whistle to other reptilians.
user was obviously being sarcastic.
Regardless, the video is clearly fake. Look at the pattern map over her hair.
Reptilians are real.
>"There are MAGA enthusiasts, on the other hand, who don't see these boys as inhumane or racist. These enthusiasts see the history of the world as a competition for dominance, with white people as the rightful, if unrecognized, winners. They see young men righteously, if a little indignantly, defending their race and civilization against leftist social warriors and the forces of political correctness."
These people are completely insane.
I fucking hate CNN
I fucking hate these types of leftists
When will the happening begin
Projection of original sin. There is also another explanation.
Those repiloids don't even hide it anymore. We need final solution to this menace.
the only solution for this shit is extermination
would have to get a zoomed/enhance csi user.
i think your theory is the most logical explanation.
"Reptile brain" is not a thing.
It's a conspiracy channel talking about the elites, atlantis, ancient civilizations, immortality, consciousness etc.
Most likely just video edited in to fuck with their followers.
When it was originally posted someone did a translation of their own comment in the video. It was added in later. Don't know which way I go on this one, but am explanation was given. It was to draw more attention to the video.
Fuck CNN
they live
It's the reptillians!
Insane in the membrane in their case
If anything happens to those little shits its game on. Whoever manages to lay a finger on a couple of jackass teenagers needs to have their kneecaps filled with lead
Fake news. CNN viewers and journalists don't have brains.
I feel like it would be a good time to fire up IOTBW again, seems like it would strike a harder chord atm
Next Stop: “Blame victim for triggering my reptile brain association chain of violence- sex - pleasure, it is their fault I drag them to my torture chamber to get some”
Huwhites are the new Jews.
We did it reddit.
The ride ends within 24 hours
well...then why don't you make like a reptile and beam yourself back up to your comet then?
Finally, the truth.
Icke was right all along.
“it was twitter bots! Not us!”
>Yo lil dirty ass crakas your day coming.
Funny, no one in the media will comment about the racism there.
You obviously must've done something wrong the day before for her to dream bad things about you.