Why are the number of western women looking for rape porn growing and almost non existent in the Arab world?
Why are the number of western women looking for rape porn growing and almost non existent in the Arab world?
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Because our society doesn't have a future. This is the only outlet that they can get a safe form of masculinity from.
Where they getting this data from? I’m guessing most are men lying about their sex
>meme flag
>"why are (implied white women) searching for violent porn"
every time
How the fuck do you know the gender of an interest user on a porn site
>Muh polls and statistics
I could literally say I'm female who likes voilent anal eel insertion and I bet you would believe it
>he didn't provide a link
>it's a meme flag (jew)
>they don't have the race of the "women" which is likely non white and probably jewish since they have their NS fantasies
Arab women are allowed to use the internet?
Women in the arab world don't need to google violent rape cos theyre getting the real thing
A quite sizable chunk of women can't orgasm aside from the very rare occasion unless they are being raped or under some form of duress or at the very least aggression. Over 90% of women that do get raped, have an orgasm during it. These are just facts. Draw whatever conclusion you want.
All women fantasise about rape and being hatefucked... anything that is not a chad is not allowed to be part of this fantasy
And no one asking why that kind of information is available to anyone or if it's even legal. Sad
the world is upside down when men are abstaining from porn and women are viewing hardcore smut, the mother of your child watching bukakke videos before kissing junior on the cheek before going to bed.
Checks out. I mean I know there are women who have “rape” fantasies, however they want it to be consensual rape with their partners. Whatever that means
>almost non existent in the Arab world?
because they're already raped daily, unlike western women
Stop fucking around, Rabbi. We know it's you.
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>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
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>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
too bad reality doesn't care about who is and isn't allowed according to fantasy kek
womens main fantasy is to get raped
you should choke, bite and dominate your girlfriends when fucking them.
pro tip.
Because we're not letting enough refugees in clearly.
Because they want strong men to fuck them hard, all they are getting now are soft betas that ask them if it's okay to kiss them
>i wanna be raped
>i wanna be fucked AGAINST MY WILL
can't even into language kek. I think the word they're looking for is roleplay
I'd be less mad if it wasn't women and their influence in education that created all these soft boys.
This, Mudslmies are always posturing like they are oh so virtuous and pure compared to the West. The reality is....different.
it's like you really really want something, then get it by surprise, and it's not what you expected or thought it would be. Rape in a nutshell
you seem to have a lot of experience with this. care to greentext?
They want to be passionately taken at their partner's whim, but not actually /forced/ to have sex. They like the idea of a man taking control and leading the way but they want an out if they're seriously not interested. It's pretty reasonable to be honest.
This. I came here to say this but Ahmed beat me to it.
Top search terms for women are really fucked up. Catastrophic anal prolapse is in the top ten.
Fake Jew News.
Enjoy what's coming.
What gay ass picture. Are you a woman or just a homo
That's really only because that's what they think they want, so they try to get men to be like that but are unsatisfied with the results when they just have another girlfriend
>i want to be controlled
>but only if I feel like it tehe
not reasonable, its fucking stupid and hypocritical. Also it's not really you doing the controlling if she needs to be interested.
because it's not rape if they enjoy it
It's not personal experience... it's experience from talking to countless women, whom ALL of them were raped at one point or another in their lifetimes. I began contemplating how in the world can every single woman be raped, unless they want it them selves and provoke it, and only cry out when they don't get what they expected or wanted.
I had a teacher tell me this and cute that 90% statistic my freshman year in college and it blew my mind. He also told us forced rape was the single most common fantasy among women, and he believes rapes go so largely unreported because of subconscious enjoyment. Ironically he was a total libtard simp, but still. Cooky shit, man. I truly believe women are fucked in the head.
statistically 9/10 people enjoy gangrapes
how about we stop giving people who aren't even sure what they want any amount of power of people, especially the young?
The real answer is that they’re confused, broken creatures, whose minds have been completely fucked by feminism and “empowerment.” They’re yearning to be genuinely submissive — as in they don’t have a choice — but they’ve been conditioned to fear that natural yearning. It’s fucked.
Why would Arabo women watch rape porn when they can just disobey their husbands or go outside alone for the real deal?
>ALL of them were raped at one point
They weren't raped. Just trying to get attention and sound interesting.
The algorithms used by sites likes Google, Facebook and PornHub are so advanced that they can that you are pregnant before you even know it yourself based on changes in your online behavior. They sure as hell can tell if you're a male or female depending on your behavior as well.
That would be a good idea, but guys don't even like going into teaching as much, so unfortunately those positions get filled by women. It would be a good idea if there was a way to teach men to be men, maybe just have to do like mandatory military service
Also it usually includes a fantasy of being so attractive and wanted that the males lose all inhibitions and go wild. It's not really rape in any sense.
in todays west someone hugging them when they don't want is probably enough to feel raped
>Just trying to get attention and sound interesting.
Can't argue with that...
Smirking as a white man is officially rape so I can believe it.
as society gets easier and safer our desires become more extreme. Fantasy is often about what we cant experience in real life
>not reasonable, its fucking stupid and hypocritical
Nah. It's similar to taking drugs, letting go of control partly.
They desire strong men not rape...the degenerates are confused...this is also propaghanda just like the why are so many white wimen fucking niggers threads
The problem is, once you do that they can say you raped them if they fall out with you and fuck you over because she could have physical evidence of rape like bruises and markings along with your cum in her pussy. It's risky doing rough sex because women are not trustworthy
women in arab society get raped regularly, they don't need to fantasize about it.
it's a tough question why they do it, but it maybe could be that they do it because it turns them on. but i think the government needs to order a study for 3 billion dollars to investigate this social phenomena
Because the arad degenerates give them the real thing
>guys don't want to work in a field feminized beyond salvation
huh how strange, i wonder why
ok i get that, why can't cunts say so then? If they say rape, I think rape, if they say partially give up control I think partially give up control. Language has specific terms for a reason, someone should tell them
>already rampant cousin rape
You really stepped in it this time
men are on the right track then
Well anecdote but when my sister was here over Christmas we were drinking and she has been depressed at work and talks about how she has been falling to sleep to gangbang porn, and wished her bf was more willing to take control.
Women orgasm the most from rape. It's not a lie that women LOVE rape. The problem is, like everything else, modern society has warped women so that only CHAD is good enough for her needs. Only good enough to leech, only good enough to fuck, only good enough to date, only good enough to rape. etc.
Because the Arab women already live brutal anal gangbangs, so why finger bang themselves to it
>ok i get that, why can't cunts say so then?
Not sexy. Words hold power and it tickles them more to name it rape even if it's not. People are illogical, it's really not a cause for alarm.
>don t ask if it s okay
>go for kiss
>arrest me and put me in jail without a trial for 10 years
such is life in 2019
Too true
they can say rape roleplay of whatever then. Don't say 'lol do crime x to me' and act surprised when someone does it, and most importantly don't act like you're the victim for being too stupid or horny to accurately describe what you want
We actually need to hang pornographers.
Because western women are in the process of being conquered by outside tribes. Their fantasies and biology adjust to this fact, causing them to desire insemination by the conquering victors. Muslims are doing the conquering, so their women simply want to have sex with their own men. Just biology folks. Woman are animals who mate with the dominant male, and the dominant group of men. Their fantasies change based on who that is deemed to be.
because it's the best kind of porn?
they desire something real that american white ""men"" just can't provide. BBC.
If you think white women aren't getting off on this you're fucking delusional mate.
This. Women want to be dominated, not actually raped. Rape ends like that teen girl in the UK that was found dead in a park with a prolapsed anus pouring out blood, or that Swede women with her head caved in. Women think rape is something like a hollywood production, where they're pushed against a wall and taken forcefully, in real life it's violent and bloody and painful in a not fun way.
Women that say they have rape fantasies don't actually understand what rape is
we should show videos of rape in sex education then, clear up that misunderstanding.
People should unironically do this. To their girlfriends and daughters too. Show them the reality of the situation. Explain to them like children that they're craving control and domination like is a woman's natural place. The rape they're confusing it for involves someone nearly decapitating you after slicing your throat and tearing your uterus as they're fucking you while your head flops around barely attached to your body. (That happened here a few years ago)
glad to see you agree. Yea, People should know what reality is like and that it's far from the idealized form portrayed in the media, very true.
I had a pretty feminist type woman, tell me she and all women have rape fantasies.
They are looking for tips for assault charges.
>womens main fantasy is to get raped
Only liberal women. They live in an environment that seriously lacks toxic masculinity. So they have to search for substitute.
They aren’t. This article is social conditioning.
They are attempting to implant the idea that this behaviour is normal in order to encourage women to look at this garbage.
Because they think
>at leat I'm not in this situation
it's just like romans spectators in the arena.
It's not "normal" in the sense they should be doing it. It is "normal" in the sense that they are all doing it. Sort of like smoking for men in the 40's - 60's.
In real life rape is not that violent. It's more like a man being over-eager.
Do you really think that you could penetrate a woman that fights back without knocking her out?
hmm this sounds like one of your conspiracy theories user, let me guess, its the jews again right?
Can confirm this as real. Lots of girls pretend their not into it but if you date them for a long time they turn freaky... Like to roleplay rape and shit. Kind of a turn off desu
They want us to think ill of women...thus increasing the divide. Do not fall for these garbage tier shills.
They want what they can't have because of pc culture that they themselves created Nice one, SJW whores
Sorry about your luck user, but you have a brain tumor.
God Bless South Africa!
But women aren’t all doing it. Most women don’t view porn at all or only watch it with their husbands or boyfriends. Most of the porn women view is homemade stuff sent to them. When men want to masturbate they watch strangers, when women want to masturbate they send text messages and get dick pics or just go and fuck some guy.
Only a few freak women who are total outliers are into watching porn on porn sites.
There are far more “sissy” trans faggots role playing as women to get off then there are actual women watching Jewish smut.
Of course.
>watch porn with their husbands/bfs
wtf, why?
To make the increase in nigger rape seem normal.
>non existent in the Arab world?
In the Arab world women get brutalized for real.
Because porn addicts want the girl to do something in the porn or the guy is so desensitised he can’t get hard without whatever he gets off to in porn.
Or in a more healthy case they film themselves and watch or send the sex tapes to each other to get in the mood.
They also say this shit so brown Germans and Swedes assume white women want it.
Depends on the woman, it's generally true, but not universal.
If they film themselves while fucking and watch afterwards does that mean they cucked themselves?
Nah that’s fine. Only porn my wife is allowed to view is pics of my dick. Makes her pussy tingle.
i hope you use physical, printed pictures of your dick. Screens are unhealthy you know
>women masturbate to rape porn
>this doesnt mean they will go out and seek being raped
>i fap to drawn loli
>this means i will go out and fuck kids
fuck this double standard