The world would be better without americans. Prove me wrong, protip: you can't

The world would be better without americans. Prove me wrong, protip: you can't

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 12K)

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That is just Nazi propaganda. Because that is what you would be.

That's a leaf you tard

>Being this much in denial

Attached: fat-guy-in-cart-falling-mario-kart-edition.jpg (500x498, 118K)

Most of the modern things you're using were invented by them.

>being this new

>American education

Attached: KU4Lh0c.jpg (540x720, 52K)

Find the bigger image of this, you'll see a bluejays cap and a few different references to a town in Ontario

american tourist dumb shit

Attached: american cavalry.jpg (500x500, 193K)

have you Italians looked at your rate of foreclosures?!

That's a Canadian you absolute retard.

E-Z. From your life, remove the American dollar and every invention, product or cultural innovation conceived within American borders and what do you have left? Pic related. Everything in that picture plus you, a bed and a chair, a toilet and a grave. Nothing else. Better now?
>now pull the plug. AC electricity is American made. DC too. Dont come back here nigga

Attached: primitive-ideal.png (477x318, 307K)

Actually, the whole earth would be China without us faggot.

The world would be a better place without the Democratic party they allowed this shit to happen

>amerifat takes credit for a serbian electricians inventions

ur rite

the only thing I remember seeing in Italy were the achievements of better men than you have today and Africans trying to sell me selfie sticks

Poor bait spaghettinigger
It's not like we see this thread every couple days

>the world would be better without south Americans

nice try pal!

Attached: 84107870-D682-4F09-9564-ED26660EF2E8.gif (512x384, 3.99M)

Damn...why are Canadians such fat fucks?

HAHA how will c*n*d**ns ever recover?

This is by far the most based and redpilled thing I've seen all day

Canadians on suicide watch

Serbian had to escape to America to realize said inventions. Even Tesla understood how important the US is.

america isn't those guys from back then anymore

>post pic of a candian