This is going to age so badly. Can she be sued by the parents for this flat out lie and fabrication?
Other urls found in this thread:
except she's 100% correct
>but muh youtube videos linked to me by astronomically far right loony toons!
how is it rape if you enjoy it?
How does it feel that not even the MSM believes this narrative anymore yet you retards keep trying to push it? Such a nice hill to die on I guess.
Sure thing tranny. How's that gaping wound you call a cunt doing?
>moral high ground on anything rape related
Lel top cognitive dissonance here
For women not lying about something is like not breathing.
isn't islam against abortion
>video evidence
>clings to narrative
Absolute state of the left.
It becomes rape if the woman doesn't enjoy it and regrets it the next morning.
>actually thinking she’ll receive any consequences
Have you fucking idiots ever used your brain once?
Ok Congresswomen- what are your feelings on abortion??
Also, what part of adult men screaming “faggots” at middle schoolers constitutes “taunting” by the latter party?
oh god dude fuckin kys
This is the brother fucker, right?
lol what? even cnn is backtracking from the original story. literally none of that tweet is true except for maybe the abortion protesting part.
Right? I can’t believe my eyes.
That's libel.
So, it's rape if she regrets it?
@Barnes_law threatened her with libel if she did not retract. She’s so behind the times still to be tweeting this shit. They’ve been collecting these for days.
does she has 4 male witnesses?
Even if you’re innocent you aren’t innocent now. They will find any way to stick to their narratives. Remember this was a group of innocent white Christian schoolboys who were racially attacked with racial hate crimes by two separate different groups of non-whites who ganged up on them simply for being white and existing and they are being punished not even for defending themselves but for not groveling to their non-white masters.
This is the future your sons will be raised in.
>1 post by this ID
You should make more posts if you want your disinfo plan to work, faggot.
No because libel laws are a joke
No its rape if she says so.
No actually
>Harassing 5 black men
Exactly this. All topped off & tied off with the MAGA hats. The hats being the cherry on top.
Dems and Islam go together like bullets and guns
Have her invite those 5 victim black men to her office. Otherwise she can shut up.
What's really gonna fuck her is defending the Black Israelites. She really must have no idea what's going on or who they are.
Heard Mark Levin call the DNC the rebirth of the KKK tonight. He had a point...they are anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, and anti-White. Change White to Black and you have the old DNC KKK again.
I'm just sitting back and enjoying the left redpilling people. The video is out there people have watched it and will continue to watch it and the more the media, celebrities, politicians, and jackasses push back against the truth the more people will see them as corrupt and biases.
The devil doesn't have to temp men into evil, he just has to sit back and watch.
She has to resign, if not voluntarily then by force. If not then the USA is dead.
haha, she is about to get sued
She's a woman
A Muslim
Do people understand she actually wipes her ass with her hand?
Difference between punching down and punching up....idiot
This and bump
Id wipe her ass with my tongue, if you know what I mean.
She's a fucking desert nigger, from a region where everyone considers America the enemy. Did you really expect nothing less than dune koon behavior from an imported enemy animal ?
>Change White to Black and you have the old DNC KKK again.
This has the makings of a meme.
Jim Crow laws
Voting against civil rights legislation
All done by Democrats.
Look it up.
Do you Boomer retards actually think this line of debate holds any weight?
to be fair she might not even know what tweeting is. maybe she is just trying to take notes and accidentally sent it
You dick sucking liberals hate the truth.
"Facts are stubborn things"
- John Adams
No you idiot. Nobody fucking cares about old irrelevant facts.
What matters today is, to the public perception, the GOP is the sole party of white racism. Even if the KKK endorsed the Democrats of yesterday, the fact is that they endorse the GOP today. You have to contend with that, not go digging in the dustbin for narratives that make you feel like the good guys.
"Dems r da reel raycis" will never win.
And you know for a fact the KKK now endorses Republicans.
Citation needed. And not Snopes either.
Remember Robert Byrd?
You obviously flunked history class you ignorant fuck.
Al Gore Sr voted against the civil rights act.
It took a republican majority to pass it.
Don't give me this repubs are racist bullshit.
GFYS you mental midget.
i wish i could personally execute you desu senpai
>taunting black men that were calling Native Americans "eagle, bull, and totem worshippers" and white kids "faggots and incest kids"
>Nobody fucking cares about old irrelevant facts
Get a load of this delusional faggot
Holy shit you idiot of course I remember Robert Byrd who REPENTED and is dead and nobody gives a flying fuck about.
You clueless Reddit boomers can try and hammer on about how dead people were racist Democrats, but that means nothing when current, living, active racists like The Daily Shoah guys and David Duke all endorsed Trump.
You have to contend with that. That's the reality and challenge the GOP must struggle with. You can't overcome that by saying "b-b-but you used to be racist so stop calling me racist now (even though racists endorse all the nationalist things we're doing).
I'm not a liberal by the way, I'm probably more hardcore than you, which is why I care that you're stuck in such a USELESS rut of a talking point.
>waaaah why do these schoolboys have to use a PR team
Jesus Christ is this the new hill they’ll die on?
>taunting black men
Prove me wrong big guy. How many blacks and Hispanics have you talked to who have said "wow wtf I'm a republican now MAGA" after telling them that dead Democrats were racist.
>How many blacks and Hispanics have you talked to who have said "wow wtf I'm a republican now MAGA"
A good handful faggot
>1 post by this ID
Democrats are the party of the kkk.
He repented hahah
Nice evidence guy. Point me to the voting statistics that back that up (adjusted for demographic shift)
What is your fascination with David Duke and the KKK?
Is he some harbinger of virtue?
Louis Farrakhan endorsed Hillary.
You're liberal. Probably a tranny also.
WERE the party of the KKK
Why don't you understand that people don't care about historical narratives that don't back up their current world view. If you want to change opinions NOW you need to work in the PRESENT.
They just openly lie and expect you to believe it. This is what happens in communist countries.
You don't get to change history fuck face.
Own it.
I should add, in the face of contrary evidence.
Blow it out your ass.
I'm a married white guy with a pregnant wife and I want you to be more effective. Talking about dead racists being in a different political party means DICK when the living, active, white racists (the only ones Americans have motional coding to care about) are associated with your party.
Please, PLEASE for the love of God deal with the facts on the ground and not your PJ Media/Prager U talking points that do nothing but soothe your sore ego from all the "DumboRATS" calling you an ebil raycis
So this is the hill she chose to die on. R.I.P. her career. Ended in record time.
Maybe you're not liberal but you sure are fucking retarded
>A racist endorsed trump ?
> That means trump racist trump bad !!!
Suck my dick you insufferable little bitch, you asked ME PERSONALLY. I can't help you if you want goddamned pew research.
>Black Israelites is the hill Leftists want to die on
I'm not changing history Sarah, I'm saying nobody cares about your interpretation of it.
If you lived 80 years ago you could harp on and on how the Democrats are super racist. But you don't live 80 years ago. You live today, at the point in time where the alt-right and Jow Forums racists gave full-throated endorsements and worked overtime for free to get Trump into office.
That's the facts. Deal with it like a man. Take the cards you've been played and work with them instead of whining that the hands were different a few rounds ago.
For a married white guy you sure talk like a nigger. Is your bitch black?
Plus I know you're liberal because all your arguments are emotional.
Republicans need to ramp up the pro-white sentiment, you faggot. if you aren't pro-white by now, then you're going to get steamrolled by niggers and "muh POC" in about 5-10 more years
Abortion is haram. she needs to be punished for supporting it.
How the fuck is this from 3hrs ago inshallah
I never said that Trump was racist or bad. You literally hallucinated that. You read words that do not exist, or you are under the delusion that you can read anonymous Jow Forums posters' inner thoughts.
I'll let you decide which of those insane traits you're exhibiting right now.
I said that the perception of Republicans, Trump, and MAGA is painfully branded with racism. We must deal with that.
The hilarious thing, the original video that only showed a minute of the incident was uploaded by some BR and spread by Leftists
I'm happy with Trump.
He calls all you bitches out.
I'm not racist either.
I hate beaners, niggers, Jews and Muslims equally.
Deal with that how exactly ?
Look at this jew go! Someone really rustled their jimmies
>taunting 5 black men
Das rite
You tell me. The left's entire platform and their propaganda arm just burned to the fucking ground.
This kid is unironicly the greatest Civil Rights Icon of our time.
MLK is a coward pussy compared to this brave young man. God Bless Gen Zyklon.
>Asks for evidence
>Sug muh digg
Nice mindreading. We're both as white as poles can be.
My arguments are not emotional. They are ABOUT emotion, which underlies all personal decision making, especially when it comes to mass politics.
Our party is branded with what every American schoolkid is taught are the worst evils in history: racism and fascism.
Now seeing as we are overwhelmingy white, pro-military, currently endorsing a "strong-man" president, and traditionalist, we should NOT be getting into debates about who's the "real racists", especially since all your examples are FUCKING DEAD
Just kys now
keked out loud
Lol best meme of the year so far
>right wing PR firm
Literally who? I’ll send in my resume when I return to the states.
>I'm a racist
>I'm happy with Trump for racist reasons
>So talking about how dead Democrats were also racist will something something PROFIT
Liberals believe their own lies.
It's all they got.
They can't win an argument on the truth or facts.
Just look at Chuck and Nancy.
They supported the wall before Trump was elected.
They need to hang in the public square.
Not only is her entire tweet wrong, the amount of shilling going on right now proves how scared they are of the weekend of MSM fuck ups.
It would be nice if that was the case, but the truth is that both movies, both separate perceptions of the same event, will continue unabated.
It's incredibly frustrating. The separate movies will not be collapsed by this
I've heard that line for so long it's tiring. The GOP isn't racist and never has been. The DNC is once again becoming anti-Semitic and more anti-Catholic. They are openly anti-white now as well. This is just like the DNC of old with whites being the new blacks. Get over yourself.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake
Mate, there's a 2 hour video that I watched. The teenager did nothing above.
Be afraid of the white man's wrath.
We've butchered millions.
You pussy nigger lover fags are going to be exterminated.