"Are you prepared to apologize?" NBC Exclusive With MAGA Kid Airs Tomorrow!

>Do you understand why you were at fault?


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Politics aside... that face is pretty punchable.

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nice flag kike

lol butthurt leftist

Holy fuck, that looks terrified. Look at his pupils, listen to the shake in his voice. This isn't just nerves from being on tv, this is fear from having his life threatened, the lives of his family threatened, and the lives of his friends threatened. The kid looks like he's in shock.

He looks like literally every white teenager

Not a fan of Beck but its a detailed break down of events showing the facts.

He is not wrong though. The dude looks like an asshole. He looks like one of those school bullies.

He's jewish. Look up his last name Nick Sandmann. He has euro-jewish last name.


so can we punch LGBTQBBQP+ that look like demons too?

>stand in a public place
>this is clearly a racist act
>do you feel that you should apologize
>the students should have to attend sensitivity training and be expelled

Just keep pouring on that gasoline.

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You're a fucking idiot. My family is from the area he's from. These are mainly GERMANS dating back to the late 1900s in American history. The entire area is GERMANS....you Kike FUCK

But the minority man who approached him and banged the drum in his face said he was afraid!

t. bullied bitch

His voice doesnt sound very jewish

There are ethnic Germans with those names too, but I admit most I've heard of are Jews

Someone from another thread found his mom's facebook. They are jewish.

*Late 1700s

Notice how they want him to apologize for doing nothing. He does the right thing, he doesn’t back down

That kid looks like a bully to you? He looks like every band geek I've ever seen.

He's going to have to explain on live tv that he makes that face because he's embarrassed about his teeth. liberals are so evil

HIGHLY doubt. Sandmann. An almost 50% GERMAN heritage and GERMAN founded area. Literally a CATHOLIC school.

Link it then faggot Leaf

>He looks like one of those school bullies
You must be a really fucking pathetic manlet to consider that nerd to be a "school bullie"

I saw it too. He’s not lying.

You're a retard. This fucking faggot has the teeth of a degenerate

If he's mpom is Jewish, he's Jewish you fucking retarded leaf cunt. He wouldn't go to a Catholic school then. Kys you dumb retarded shit for brains cocksucker

Is he an asset?

looks like a blood-sucking anglo

> German last name
> Lives in almost 50% GERMAN area of Kentucky
> Kentucky, which was literally founded by mostly German stock
> Goes to a CATHOLIC school
> "Yeah but he's a Jew user, I heard it n stuff"

Ah shit he's gonna fold isn't he? RIP stand your ground meme.

His mom is literally a bankster who works at Fidelity invesment fund, and all their relatives/friends on fb are jews.

ya sure not like it's pretty popular for jew to send their kid to catholic school
just try to google it you could be surprised

I'm prepared to kill every fucking (((person))) in the MSM with zero remorse.

Hi /leftypol/

Bye /leftypol/

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>thar face is white and not jewish

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Most "Germans" in America are Ashkenazi Jews who fled from Europe. You're a fucking a moron.

Get fucked.

He deserves it. White trash are not people. The whole family should live whatever remains of their lives in absolute terror. Fuck them and fuck you with a baseball bat.

I can't wait for the lifetime movie

Grow the fuck up faggots why is this even a thing.

Alright Californian

He's such a qt

That's right, he needs to apologize for being white.

Thats why you posted a source
Pro tip: dont care even if true


fuck off glen you faggot. NOBODY likes you except for zionist chrsitian boomers

I'm not watching 20 minutes of Glenn Beck. Just give me the quick rundown of whatever he's on about.




To be fair it's NBC news not regular NBC.

>i'll just use their lingo and they will totally believe i belong there

>White trash
>goes to private school

Politics aside... your hook nose is showing.

aren you suppose to be browsing reddit or posting insignificance in /ptg ? i don't get why your kind leave your containment thread

They misspelled Shadman

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INB4 he is replaced by a clone.

If you guys want a war so bad, just go ahead and get it. You're going to get one whether or not you fire the first shot. You're openly calling for white genocide. Openly. This is going to go very bad for you and your community. I'd advise you to cease and desist in your racism towards whites. Read any available history on the subject: white people, despite the fact that we are the smallest of global minorities, took over the planet. That was not an accident.

Just be aware in case he and his family try to pull some hebrewmancy to get the narrative back to wypipo are evil and give us money for the six gorillion. It's always better to know the truth than to live in ignorance.

I was already aware of that.


i would shoot this little fucker in the face then in court just say that people i respect on movies and tv and musicians told me to do it

Yes, clearly what matters most in this whole ordeal is that he may be Jewish. Therefore what? Explain it to me you dumb canuck motherfucker. Tell me how it should impact how we look at this situation.

>black native hebrew israelites
fucking based kangz triggered them all into looking stupid


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Ok We'll find out tomorrow won't we? If he's Jewish he'll mention it for sure.

>I can't be a white supremacist, Im jewish!

By the way every single student in that video besides smirkboy has been doxed and is receiving threats, and I highly doubt they're all jewish too.

what is at issue here is the left literally wanting to kill a group of white children for having wrongthinking views. We had celebrities using their resources to dox these minors. I think you need to understand the current situation.

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>native elder: school chants should be in school and this wasn't in school
>immediately cut to native Americans chanting
wtf is this fake news?

It should tell you he's not our guy but a greasy kike and that we should be sure we use him not the reverse.

Yeah right.

Fair enough. At the end of the day though, this kid's getting shit on because he's white and was wearing a MAGA hat. This story has blown the fuck up and made the media and leftist mobs look like absolute fools to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity, and that can only he a good thing.

His teeth are fucked up though.

that's the normal leftard response. They get triggered when they see self-reliance & confidence.

It's not genocide if we're killing white trash.

I went to an all boys catholic school in Ohio. That kid doesnt look anything like the bullies in that school. THERE ARE NO GIRLS THERE. Bullies were the kids who actually could beat the fuck out of people. This school has sent guys into D1 football/bball colleges...the social structure in these schools is different than high school musical schools. This dude probably has a group of friends and they talk about vidya games, and chicks, but get shoved into lockers by bigger mother fuckers everyday. Unless youve been to an all boys school its hard to explain the social structure. Lots of cliques...not many bullies...lots of calling people fags.

He cute

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wtf is with his eyes? he looks hypnotized

Real Jews move in silence like lasagna

Sad attempt at trolling, Skylar.

This. I see Nazi shit all the time in Kentucky when I'm there.
t. Ohio German

well yeah, all anglo/german faces are a bit faggy. Not everyone can be a slav. Plus what would we do without qt germanic women?

>By the way every single student in that video besides smirkboy has been doxed and is receiving threats, and I highly doubt they're all jewish too.
Yeah, funny how he's the hero of the whole thing huh? I wonder what's going on there...

> Sandman
> Sandberg
> Sandler

There is a Jew school literally a half hour drive from Covington, no Jews would fuck over their child's future by not sending him to Jew school given the opportunity.

False. Most Germans and Prussians came before World War I. faggot

This will be him by the end of the week

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Yea he looks to be about 120lbs soaking wet.

>and of course that look on his face
>more on that tomorrow

Those aren't exclusively yiddish names pal. There's overlap.

He's cosplaying as colonel sanders.

I'm the queen of England BTW.

Hahaha oh wow, that kid played that interview beautifully. A total farcry to what the left tried to make this obviously shocked kid out to be.

This has been a complete and utter failure for the left and fake news media.

I feel like celebrating. Cheers Jow Forums.

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>despite the fact that we are the smallest of global minorities, took over the planet
we were not at the time though ...
the whole story and timing is too convenient
it's used to distract the populations and to deepen the divide
story like that happen every day and worst why as this one been pushed so much by the MSM ? wrong or wright it's diversion
if you says so

paranoid schizophrenic

Why does that crackhead asshole think they don't have a right to sing but he does? I hope this professional racebaiter gets exposed if it's found out he lied about being a war veteran.

-man suffix doesn't make it jewish you tard, it's just the German equivalent of -ington or -shire

it denotes the area/region from where the family originally hails, it's how a lot of names were made up in the middle ages when people were registering with the church

look it up you fuckin tard, people even paid larger sums of money for more prestigious names, while poor people just got generic names referencing their home/place or their trade (hence why so many people have the last name Smith, or something with a -smith suffix)

it's also why Jews have names like Goldberg or Silverberg, they were able to pay more for "better" names that denoted their wealth

this kids' ancestors may have been kikes, but they weren't very successful ones

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That smile was literally the smile of a 16 year old boy who lacks the emotionally maturity to deal with an unusual confrontational situation.

It should be obvious to anyone who was ever a teenager.

I have been called a pedo because I am almost 30 and my fiancee is 19, because apparently I am exploiting her "immaturity" and yet this 16 year old who had some old man beating a loud drum in his face and barely held a calm smile on his face throughout is a monster and needs to be punished. I wish leftists would make up their mind about children. Are they pure wise beings or are they still learning?

normally hate beck but this one's decent. still don't forgive him for being an israel shill and thinking that the tariffs are unwarranted. constantly give him a chance because he showed me soros though

Why the fuck go own Jew owned NBC? They will just try to make you look bad.

oi vei

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Probably diazepam.

is goldstein a very prestigious jewish name?

also do you know if white people with the last name green are jewish?

He looks like a typical prep school WASP cunt. I love it. It triggers the Left unimaginably.

Just try it

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