Spread this. Force her to resign and or an hero
Spread this. Force her to resign and or an hero
OP stop whining you snowflake faggot
nigger this is literally what we do here, it's for the lulz. nobody is whining but you.
fuck off. We want to win and we want to see our enemies destroyed and disenfranchized.
I would report this to the FBI but they be shut down yo.
That person isn't even an American, it's someone from Ireland.
They've already deleted their account.
man that kid could make so much fucking money from suing these triggered idiots
All you do is whine whine no matter what.
"for the lulz"... fucking noob.
not your personal army. Also you are severely disillusioned to think you can "win" by crying on Jow Forums
NYPA is just a meme, you spec of sand on the beach.
Fuck you damage control shill
go back to sucking Trudeau's cock, you snow nigger.
i don't care faggot.. people should be able to say whatever they want.
you kike shill defending the (((maga boy)))
Only that Mystery pickup artist scammer faggot and old people on facebook use this term. It's fucking stupid. It's word equivalent of those edgy batman joker memes.
Doesnt matter
Stay mad bitch, youre not stopping anyone
Not an argument
>muh fair play
D and c isnt working here, no one cares if the kids a kike except kikes
Kys nigger loving jew, youll nevwr be the beautiul people
kys discord tranny :)
And you are changing the world. One anonymous post on Jow Forums at the time.
I used to think SJWs were mental pushing #metoo and virtue signaling on Twitter, but you neckbeards take the fucking cake.
Nah man you got it backward; he's a jew-loving nigger.
Reported to the FBI for being a shill. Fucking with random people who deserve it is kind of our thing.
stop trying so hard to look like an oldfig. it's embarrassing.
you dont fit in here
back in my days, we called you keyboard warriors. kys internet tough guy.
get a load of this salty cunt
pol got trump elected.
I'm a very oldfag. Nothing you can do about it.
>pol got trump elected.
Keep telling yourself that if that prevents you from becoming an hero.
"meme magic' is a fantasy of sad little men child hidden behind their screen.
no, they're not, memeflag retard baby. government shutdown is a gross misnomer.
i retweeted it, do your part anons. ignore the shills in this thread.
You sound like a faggot
>i retweeted it, do your part anons. ignore the shills in this thread.
Do YoUr PaRt... kys you pathetic kyke-defending slut.
Resign from what? Whodat
Nufag posing as oldfag because his feelings are hurt
what does that make you then, coming in here and dick riding everybody?
i sent the link to this tweet to breitbart - anyone care to cover drudge for me?
You guys are totally fitting in. Have another bump.
I don’t interact with kikes.
Why you want us to act like censoring faggots like liberals?
I will live stream myself fucking a white girl to police audio of the response to such a shooting
I'd never actually want something like that to happen, but if it did, that's how I'd celebrate.
even leftist media said that Jow Forums was decisive on the trump victory
why are u so agressive and mad? jesus relax kid
So you are admitting you are a delusional sad litte man-child behind his computer.
Good, good, the first step of getting better is admitting you have a problem.
i shouldn't either.
twitter account in OP is banned now by the way. =DDDDDDDD
it's a real shame they should have left it up
Funny how leftists are openly calling for white genocide and comservacucks do nothing.
You should probably leave Jow Forums before we figure out who you are and toilet paper your house
You know you wont get your boss's job even if you do get him fired, right? Hes not even verified.
You’re so boring.
I smell jews itt
who is this person and what are they supposed to be resigning from?
I swear I will report your lgtdqgtfa ass to discord for hateful speech nigger
It's not genocide if you are killing white trash. You don't call it genocide when you're shooting hogs from helicopters, you call it a necessary culling.
Killing white trash is what all good people around the world should do.
commies aren't people you weak willed faggot
Imagine being in a gay discord that fingers each other's butts then you say this lel
99.9% of niggers are trash
Personally I'd stfu if I were you
show flag please
Personally I would play in traffic if I was you.
He's right, though?
Literally 99 percent of Negroes are actually worst than "white trash".
Their 'hoods look worst, and their violent crime is far worst.
So, you're probably in this 99 percent group, so you should kill yourself.
>Yo dem yppl be shooting up shcools
>But we'll do it too if it suits us politically
I want to fucking die.
Careful u may need a aids test after responding to a discord tranny
Back to redddit you go, where all worthless cancerfags like you belong.
You ever heard the term "marc assed bustard" I think thats how its said any who...Thats you faggot.
>Force her to resign
What, not getting her fired?
Stop responding to memeflag shills and obvious kikes you tards.
>imagine being this new
Sup rabbi, working late hours I see.
You might be interested in this...
>KY Prosecutor confirms investigations underway
Sitting in Mom's basement, no Job, no Future, no money, no girlfriend already faped 10 times what else is there to do
Twitter profile is died.
About Fucking Time
Those two likes though
Can we just shoot up MSD again
Liberals are so fucking crazy it's unbelievable
this faggot is so mad...
Maybe someone should report her specifically to the authorities
Do you swallow cum, or, spit it out?
The account was erased.
KYS boomer.
She shouldn't be surprise if the cops come knocking at her door after posting that lol
>it's a shills STILL don't know what 'snowflake' means episode
glad to see at least religious schools still teach kids how to properly react to those
>manually typing in post numbers to reply to them
>calling other people "boomers"