Isn't Candace Owens great?

Candace Owens: The one person you will never see a leftist try to debate. She frightens them because they can't control her.

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Do you remember that time she went on the Rubin report and and had a tranny fight?
Pepridge farms remembers

Leftists don't debate.

No. Link?

She's a qt who got redpilled from Jow Forums so I love Candace.

She is jumping the gun a little when it comes to a revolutionary alteration the political affiliations of minorities, but I think her overrall impact will change history.

I see her as a tool for Jews to use to try to make the GOP and conservatives steer away from advocating for white interests. If they get enough non-whites supporting them and representing them, they can justify ignoring the demographic issue and mistreatment of whites. They'll become more 'progressive'.

She probably fucks white guys so she's trash
You won't sit through it.
I couldn't

Controlled opposition or grifter

Marrying one. Some britbong

No. She's a stupid nigger who is using her status to profit off of lonely and retarded incels, like Tomi Lahren.

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Why the fuck would I want to listen to a mentally ill trap and a kike try to derail a woman who is helping unify Americans. Every single person on the so-called "intellectual dark web" has one goal in mind. Stop Nationalism. Stop Unity.

>Le based black man
you are so fucking pathetic

holy fuck those niggers trying to act like preppy whites holy fuck is that cringe.
>unify Americans
where am i? fucking reddit? this is Jow Forums your little nigger is a leftist piece of shit out for money fucking die

She's just got engaged to some Bong journalist.

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She is in fact newly engaged to a good looking white guy.

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ooga booga where the nationalism at?

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Who are you? You're an Israeli who I hope ends up dead when Syria bombs the fuck out of you here in a little bit.

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Just another benign (((Fox News))) thot.
Debates are a waste of time.

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>everyone is an jizzrael
fuck off faggot

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New Face of Republican Establishment.

Member when she built a website dedicated to doxing teenagers and wouldn't abandon the project? I member.

she's engaged to a white guy! Congrats Candace!

My boomer parents met her in the Trump Hotel DC restaurant and fucking oohed and aahed over her black “conservative” ass.

She’s a fucking scam artist doing something totally logical for herself - making money off of retarded boomer conservatives desperate to prove how unracist they are

this shit is amazing

you poor summer child

god its so hot

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Jow Forums is fucking dead

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Debates are an exchange of ideas when done properly. Not talking heads yelling over one another. Debates help the audience inform their worldview. If you aren't changing you aren't growing.

God damn I'd fuck that white bitch

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Only 5 minutes in and still love Candace

Her free thinking rhetoric is nice and all, but I dont know if I'd trust her on anything else.

Any audience that needs to watch a fucking debate to decide what's important to them has their heads up their asses and aren't worth saving.

ooga booga is an old meme around these parts, you'd know that if you hadn't just blown in from rebbit last week

here, I'll take off my meme flag

>inb4 there are Jews in America

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>unify Americans.
How ? She's employed by Charlie Kirks, Turning Points USA. Which is funded by Republican Establishments. Have you read Kirks book? He's a neoliberal thus the funding. She doesn't care for America fool.


she's amazing

>She doesn't care for America fool.
she only cares for big white cocks

What the FUCK was Rubin thinking?

who funds him?

Honestly seems like Candace can say whatever she wants. She wants a fucking wall and less immigration. Most establishment republican want their slave labor & wouldn't want her saying that but she and Charlie clearly do.

I'm sorry that unlike you we weren't born with fully-formed worldviews and had instantly attained all knowledge. I'm sorry that I don't have time to read every book and every journal which inform the opinions of the culture and the clash of ideas we're seeing now. I'm weak.

Take me under your wing please, ubermench.

Remember when Candace Owens totally supported doxxing "racists" and was setting up a website so she could monetize it? Fuck her

based and the only decent post itt

she just got engaged to a white guy lmao

The tranny is the only good one in this entire "debate". She's right, Candace is a scumsucking leech that tried to doxx people for "online harrassment"

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err.. Do you know the meaning yea?
Her economic views are ID politics.

not really
black people can be hugely redpilled if initiated at the right time
it was largely the white progressives that are controlling them but they can be a huge asset to the right

>israeli poster uses the common word “boomer”
>ergo everyone who says “boomer” is a kike shill

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she was going to doxx the gamer gate girls but they begged her not to setup the site

kinda genius idea desu

ill let you in on a secret debates dont work.

These guys could debate for centures and it wouldnt change anything. I like candace but she and every other debator on our side is just it in for the money.
Society has never changed based on debate position.
Youll never see hitler debated churchhill and churchhill won the debate,caaser debated the barbarians and changed their minds.

The history humanity has proved debate is shit,the only purpose of a debate is to test your own ideological strength, its like mirror

some how we have ONE long spell in 2 to 5 millenia of written humanity and we think what 70 years of peace and democracy and civil society means weve curbed our impulses to completely slaughter people.


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she was going to dox gamer gate trannies. get over it.

thank you...
this place is crawling with nigger loving boomers now

Right, debating is a skill (a very jewish one at that) and ultimately proves nothing. Relying on debates to explain things to you and tell you how you should vote and what you should value is like voting based on which candidate can win a game of pickup basketball. Completely fucking dumb and arbitrary.

>Less immigration
Because thats what their base agree on thus its OK.


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im a believer in REAL POLITIK
policy through force.
the left believes in this too, they just dress it up in a nice pink bow and make it dance

Debating has its place in a civil and well-structured society. We don't live in one now, so "debating" is basically whichever team can own the other the hardest in order to get the most social media points. Take the Tomi Lahren vs Cardi B thing. Tomi Lahren, not exactly a bastion of intellectualism herself, calls out Cardi B for blaming the shutdown on Trump. Cardi B threatens her with violence and gets hundreds of thousands of retweets. In the court of public opinion, Cardi B won that debate because of the social media karma, not for any point proven.
I agree with you to an extent. Debating in our current society is useless. We need to instead focus on subverting and forcing social media whores to destroy themselves, as in with this Magakids incident

fuck off shareblue

It's not about who wins the debate. It's about what ideas penetrate and what evidence gets aired. It's not final decision, but part of the process of becoming informed and honing your opinions. If you're done deciding what you believe now, you're lazy.

Friendly debate is an excellent way to understand your opponent and strengthen your own beliefs. My best friend and I do it all the time, even though we agree on most things. We'll debate on the things we do, conceeding good points that the other makes and admittin when we don't know the answer to something. We've helped shape each others beliefs and now we're pretty similar. He's a constitutional conservative for America, believes in monarchy for everywhere else. I'm a thorough monarchist

100% guaranteed federal agent

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She destroyed AOC with this tweet.

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Ha ha, I sat through it a couple of times. Reminded me of my family growing up.

Yes she is. Lovely woman.

AOC thinks the world will end in 12 years. She also said she wears red lipstick because it intimidates people or some shit. I think she wears red because of her socialist views.

Fuck off Pax before I dox you

She built it before she got red-pilled. She's a business woman and it was making her money so of course she wasn't just gonna fold.

Ohhh she totally destroyed her....oOoOoo
When will you faggots learn not of this shit can be solved through politics.

damn that dude has a giant head.

I'm around 20:00. The tranny has BTFO of her.

The hair extensions must cost a fortune

No ever "debates" their best friend as you both have the same view points. Thats called conversational banter..

Shes just another nigger cunt subhuman, barely worth being a sex slave for the swarthy whites among us who cannot control their primitive urges.

A baboon can be "cute" as well, and is probably smarter

Jow Forums should never, ever make the mistake of respecting non-whites we happen to "turn"
They are nothing more than our useful idiots, there is no fucking future where we let "tokens" subsist in our countries - within 2 generations they'll have a minority psyhosis again

Kill them all

You sound like the Black Hebrew Israelites

candace owens is an opportunist and a psychopath

i do appreciate her supposed work to end the democratic dominance of black minds, but i fear that (1) she's biting off more than she can chew with respect to this undertaking given the amount of cultural marxist indoctrination she's up against, and (2) the politics she advocates are not sustainable - she has authoritarian tendencies and is bluepilled on group differences

tree of logic also offered a nice critique of her activities - she's injecting democrat-style identity politics into the GOP

>t. CIA nigger

She is still black.

She is taking advantaged of Republicans who want to have “that one based black friend”

Whatcha doin, discordfag?

>she has authoritarian tendencies
What are you, some kind of libertarian? That failed ideology is dead and buried.

Still watching.
Lol @ Candace @ 48:58

>Implying that watching some sparkly televised debate taking place in some NBA/NHL arena on an off night is where any useful ideas will penetrate or evidence will get aired.
Did you even read what I said? Debating is a *skill*, a completely non-essential skill that rewards jews and jew-tier bullshit artists. A skilled debater can argue absolute nonsense against a poor debater arguing the truth and still be viewed as the winner.

You might as well line those same politicians up and have them do a home run derby, then vote for whoever wins.

This is just embarrassing. This nigger made a site to doxx people and is trying to play dumb while the tranny BTFO of her. I'm done at 32:00

Oh please this tranny is jealous of Candace and wishes she had Candace's small womanly frame.

I'm a Hoppean, but I'll settle for states' rights and a smaller federal government within the context of American politics.

Pushing for deploying the national guard in Chicago is not a lasting solution to its problems.

The troublemakers will be appropriately imprisoned, but so long as the breeding of troublemakers and their upbringing in broken homes are subsidized by the government, the problems will persist.

During the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, cities - then devoid of welfare - were a eugenic meat grinder. It has now been the opposite for over a half-century, and the state of affairs in lower-class black Chicago reflects this.

Now lol @ Candace @ 1:02:25

lol, fuck off.

candace owens is a nobody actress who was hired by charlie kirk to learn how to be a colored representative of his interests. that's literally all she is.

What has she acted in?

he current role in life, stupid fuck.

You're an idiot

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