>ignoring my point that half of voters opposed trump >Oy vey, goyim! Don't you know that half of voters oppose Trump! What? What illegal spic voting? What tampering with ballots? The world has changed, and you should change with it! literally kys nigger
>walk onto campus >turning point USA fags were there tabling >gave them my info because the college republican club is run by inactive grad student cunts Are TP USA just boring tax policy cucks?
There was a thread earlier delving into his military service. He went AWOL 3 times, never advanced past the rank of private, and ended up as a refrigerator repairman before being discharged.
>reposting finnkikes screenshots talk about demonic...
Lucas Brown
The non psyician one is what gets me. Any person with a coat hanger can provide an 8th month abortion and guarantee they will hammer the baby's skull if it pops out alive. Pure evil.
>i unironically believe democrats are performing fraud to an absurd degree that it drastically changes the total country's votes by several percentage points and not that most people are just dumb >i also unironically believe every trump voter is die-hard far-right itching to lynch niggers and that evangelicals and civnats don't exist in this country
You're a nigger aren't you? >Turning point nigger group
Andrew Russell
There was a thread that said he was born in 55 and could not have served in Nam too.
Xavier Rodriguez
>This is fucking demonic Indeed. The "surviving babies" ones sounds familiar. Isn't that when a baby survives a botched abortion and is now birthed, they can't touch it? This now means they can claim an abortion was "botched" and basically murder the child right then and there, yes?
Brayden Long
Charlie Kirk is just white Ben Shapiro, but he wants to have influence beyond baby's first right of Mao thinker
I thought about doing Young Americans for Freedom but I am too autismal to network with four other people to charter a group.
My Young Republicans club outside school just fucked me over. They voted for some fag who went to one meeting all year when I had made every meeting and sacrificed shit in order to do so. I was running for social media manager and said I had experience running facebook and Instagram accounts and he just said he wants to connect with local businesses more ???
I am a white hispanic he actually spoke at a CA GOP convention last year. I almost fell alseep he just kept talking about tax policy and other gay stuff the only old boomers with 401ks care about
Well, my grandpa lied about his age so he could fight in WWII, although I have my doubts that Phillips did the same.
Ryan King
Yeah that's what it means. Legal murder of newborn children.
On the plus side if you combine that with legal abortion for the severely retarded it becomes legal to kill niggers at any age. I'd love to see a judge try to squirm out of that one.
>anime poster >bad opinions >unable to think critically
yep, you should kill yourself.
Logan Lee
what do you mean? If this new legislation said "P.S. - Abortion is illegal for white babies" and everything else stayed the same. Then why would you care?
Stopping literal murder is more important; niggers will kill each other off due to gang violence and crack anyhow, but abortion is how feminism convinced women to abandon their biological and moral duty to have kids and raise them right. It's how leftists convinced people to import more shitskins because there aren't enough kids to support boomer medicare. Ending life for convenience is how you get death panels in the future where a papercut is too much hassle to treat, let's just euthanize him
a theory is only as good as its predictive qualities. So we'll see if in the future ancap flag posting around midnight corresponds to midnights with massive delets
Jace Turner
I hate to put it to you guys, but its up to us to save the human race
Yeah he's low energy, but he doesn't need to be interesting if he can build a network of people who keep eyeballs. That blexit niggress is earning him serious dollars
Nathaniel Campbell
(it does)
Isaac Sanchez
Nicholas Allen
>fewer school shooters >by planting insanity seeds in their mind waiting to blossom in high school with a "procured" firearm
Joseph Cruz
I wonder if she'll retract her statement when it's publicly apparent she's full of shit.
>implying we won't just keep peddling guns and armament to the ANA >implying they won't keep sending CIA ground teams >implying they won't keep finding some bullshit excuse to remain there
That's the problem innit? As long as their are niggers the govt will force one standard. Child murder is degenerate, and how you end up with a world of Ann Coulters. Unless you're moortuguese that's not a good end goal
yeah, I'm talking in the world of "best case scenario". That's why I started out with this >Until we can say "Abortion for non-whites only" I really don't know where to stand on the issue.
but has some good points.
I would hope and imagine that if abortion was illegal for all, skanky white women at least have the capacity to think ahead and not get pregnant. Not quite sure why they value sex over love and family. Seems like a no brainer to me.
Logan Mitchell
i grew up during the cold war and never expected to reach adulthood anyway