How big of phenomena is gang stalking or targeted individuals becoming?

How big of phenomena is gang stalking or targeted individuals becoming?

Who has an adwords account?
How many times a month are these phrases searched in the US and worldwide a month? How has the growth been over time? Post some stats.

To stay on topic here is a bill trying to outlaw gang stalking. It gives a good description of everything as well.


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Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to control every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. The target is followed around and placed under overt or covert surveillance by Civilian Spies/Snitches 24/7. The targets are gaslighted and harassed all day by noise campaigns, street theatre, and electronic weapons similar those believed to be used on our diplomats in Cuba. Gang stalking has been documented in Germany in the 1970s and 1980 and used in Cointell pro, a US program in the 50s and 70s. The program is alive and well again today, but now with better tech and energy weapons.

Gang stalking can also be seen as a continuation of the MK Ultra mind control studies, in which thousands of unconsenting and unwitting Americans were experimented on with trauma-based mind control. Not much is really known as the files were illegally ordered to be destroyed. What we do know though is pretty bad, and many people will never be the same and some have committed suicide. Some describe the years of there experiments to shatter the mindsthrough trauma then reprogram them, as a living nightmare.

Putin said something along the lines of " those who control psychotropic weapons, will control the world".

If you know a thing or two about the US military, you will know if another country is working on it, we are too.

All the following mass shooting cases involve people claiming to have to have been targeted individuals, that were being gang stalked, within a few years time span.

Myron may case: Aaron Alexis: Gavin long:

Article on guy who killed someone, claiming to have been targeted:

Here are all the reports on the microwave weapons that were used on our Cuban diplomats:

Rubio's hearing has some very good parts but is long.

List of how gang stalking was created in Nazi Germany:

List of illegal experimentation in the US:

Info on the previous MK Ultra program:
Government sponsored FB experiment:
Cointell pro:

It is a FBI, DHS and local police program.

The NYPD in lower manhattan put me in that program and it followed me across the country.

it is designed to harass you until you become a crimnal or get institutionalized.

Mass Surveilance by the government is very real.
Gangstalking is schizophrenia which is a real mental discord that if left untreated will fuck your life up.
I normally don't suggest going to doctors, but if you think you are being gangstalked you need medication.

how bad do you need to fuck up before some spook agency is like
>we need to divert some resources to go annoy this guy

Shill. Or maybe you have seen the fake government videos on the internet made to did credit real ti's. This was very well documented in Germany to have happened, and happens to diplomats all the time. Recently with electronic weapons in Cuba.

The Department of Defense Minerva Research Initiative works with a university that is researching something called "Third Party Punishment".

That is Community Policing, Ritualistic Defamation, Organized Vigilantism and Threat Assessments rolled into one, essentially gang stalking.

I want to take a machete and hack that retard's throat right at that moment. Fuckin' blood spraying all over the fuckin' place.

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They test on regular people like in MK ultra. Also they don't do it for fuking up, they do it to people like Martin Luther King who the FBI said was the greatest threat to the United Statesat the time.

Mental health crisis, drugs and internet echo chambers are flooding the streets with mentally defective schizos. That's why mass shootings keep happening.

whoa chill out adam

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you sound like a big jew

these faggots use dealer plates

Pretty metal. That'll get the schizoposters riled up and some might even kill themselves, greatly improving the quality of this board.

There's ONE exception, and that's if you've done something big enough to piss off people with the resources for this shit. It would also have to make sense for the organization in question to follow the person.

Don't forget the OTHER question. Why the fuck would a spook agency spend so much in resources pissing someone off when they could just shoot them or run them over with a car?

Gangstalking is real, the Stasi did it to nearly 10,000 people

but its probably not happening to random Jow Forumsacks unless you are into some high level shit and too hard to Seth Rich

Who is Minerva?

And you sound like a mentally defective retard. I'd pay money to watch all you conspiratards get put on an island and kill each other in a week because of your paranoia.

>pretends gangstalking is not a real thing
fuck off and die shill

sounds like someone has anger issues. Typical in jews

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don't forget the racemixing
literally all mass shooters are goblinos

This. The government has far nore effective means of actual brainwashing, surveillance and whatever you think they are accomplishing with gamg stalking.

Athena's owl

It is a reference to the Roman Goddess of War.

It is a Department of Defense program.

they are weaponizing psychology and anthropology, turning communities into a weapon to stalk and terrorize people who are deemed too independent minded for the police state.

Research "Third Party Punishment" and you will see what I am talking about.

Do something like what lol? I have never heard of any shit like this on the news.

Can you just tell me a brief synapsis of tpp?

Third party punishment can easily be done by incurring mob mentality in a bunch of leftist nigs to fuck up whoever you want, i.e the whole "punch gnawtzees" shit on twitter, you dont need to have a bunch of random people on payroll to follow someone doing nothing. When you can have someone doxxed on twitter, framed as a nazi have their lifes ruined and possibly beaten to shit.

How big? About 3 inches, but they like to be passive so it doesn't matter.

Party A and Party B live in a community together and have a non-criminal conflict. Party B is deemed to have deviated from social norms and Party C, a third party, harasses Party B persistently in retaliation for this. In practice this involves being put on some kind of community watch list that is curated by police and community stakeholders. The FBI is also aware because they have community engagement programs so they get this data.

This is done systematically by many "Party Cs" until Party B commits a crime or is institutionalized.

The tactic doesn't work if Party B has geographic mobility so he can escape and continue the conduct elsewhere. Thus when Party B moves the Department of Homeland Security transfers the watchlist file of Party B to the new area where the third party punishment harassment continues with a new group of Party C individuals.

This occurs goes on and on until a person commits a crime or gets institutionalized.

This is community policing, geographically national intelligence information sharing and it is GANG STALKING.

CIA and KGB ops don't show up on the news especially not labeled as such. They appear in declassified documents 30 years after. Most of the time it's botched surveillance. MLK for example.

It creates chaos including more crime society but the government appears to have clean hands and can tell society they can fix things if you foreit more rights.

it is the Hegelian dialectic, essentially.

Because if every "schitzo" was murdered people would revognize the pattern. Look whats happening with these mass shooters; its the same M.O. almost everytime. Furthermore, the powers that be utilize the acts of these mass murderers to justify gun confiscation/infringement on the population as a whole. This is a pillar of their globalist agenda et al.

yes, gun control is a big part of it.

Yes, but that is pretty obvious. What i am describing is virtually untraceable unless you are very observant. Its much more diabolical than what you are describing.

It exists. For whatever reasons it exists. To drive people like me to madness or suicide. Maybe something as simple as intimidation but why waste the man power and resources for something like that. Its gotta be some other motive.

I was for about a year starting exactly on my 23 birthday. That's when I first noticed it at least. Unmarked black Ford cars and Van's following you, its fucking freaky. I flashed my gun at one once and it just sped away but it didn't stop there. After awhile I'd just ignore them, casually wave or pull down my pants and tell them to kiss my ass. NSA? CIA? MOSSAD looking for a patsy? The military certainly who I am. They dont do it as much anymore. I see them on the other block and they follow me to and from work sometimes though. They cant park outside my house anymore because the place I live now is a narrow semi rural backroad.

Like if they wanted to rape me or make a snuff film they could have done it already. What the fuck do these kikes want?

If this is happening to me how fucked am I? Will it stop?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

They have a massive for profit intelligence and policing system. So gang stalking keeps that going.

it also feeds in to the depopulation agenda because you can weaponize americans against eachother using snitch culture.

Some of the participants are Satanists in the intel agencies and military and they enjoy traumatizing people as well.

it also helps to create crime and terror resulting in the destruction of the 2nd Amendment and ultimately the rest of the bill of rights.

I think these are the points.

No it really isnt that obvious, gov obvs has contacts with celebrities, lawmakers etc. They just get a video of someone saying nigger or wearing a red hat and then ask the influencer to post about it, bam. Someone is now ostracized and considered a bad social element, he's doxxed and his life is ruined. As a bonus if it gets uncovered the government would only get praised and lauded for "ruining nazis lives, hell yeah!" Meanwhile if gangstalking is real, and proof of it gets leaked the government is embarassed and slammed for it, theres no way paying a bunch of stalkers to make someone feel crazy can be spun in a good light.

In addition, if making someone agitated or crazy looking is the point, gang staking would be an awful way to do it, aince apparently it's strength lies in it's invisibility unless you are incredibly observant, but it needs to be observed by the target to even work? Do you see my point? Unless someone has level 10 perception they apparently cant even tell theyre being gangstalked, but the entire effect of gangstalking only occurs if the target realizes theyre being stalked and becomes agitated til they snap.

It seems very odd to waste the resources. It's been happening for over 2 years for me.

Auto accidents, drownings, poision. medical screw ups. All that shit happens all the fucking time.

On the other hand, deploying enough people to gang stalk someone has a huge footprint. Lots of potential witnesses.
Especially over time. Especially if you're going to reuse your assets.

In any case it's very clear that people DO get assassinated. Ask this question. How much does it cost, either in dollars or people to pull off sustained gangstalking, particularly over a long period of time?

And does that make sense in this particular case, as opposed to covert surveillance, co opting someone, paying them off, or even murdering them?


I have experienced it now for four years.

It was intense at first but if you survive the first two years without committing a serious crime or getting institutionalized in a psych ward, you are basically a hard target and the intensity goes down a lot.

Now it is just petty shit, like they tell certain establishments not to talk to me.

Everyone has something to hide, also this program is illegal. It's not about getting bad guys.

>isp installation guy said Im on a list
>ppl I haven't seen or talked to in years looking for me
>notice a lot of censorship in my online activities
>planes low always over my house
>random calls
>people say random things like "we know who you are"
>notice things out of the ordinary constantly
>patterns reflect my voiced and typed communication
>strangely pitched noises in my gaming headset
I just live though. FUCK crime and my dog keeps me sane

Thread theme

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The cost is one of the points.

It is part of our for profit policing system.

Police and Intel pigs eating from a never ending trough of funding that was obtained based on crime they created through gang stalking people.

>gang stalking

Take your fucking medicine you shizo

The target must become aware the influence, yes. Its overtly covert.

The purpose of it is to make you look insane so you get diagnosed with Schizophrenia and medicated or you go criminally insane and do crazy shit.

The government has apparently clean hands beacuse people involved have signed NDAs and are subject to gag orders so they cant talk about it.

Yeah, targeted individuals who have sensitive information can legitimately say it happens. Joe Blow living in a single room apartment driving a honda. That's schizo.

No this is thread theme

see my other posts here.

>gang stalking or targeted individuals becoming?
Due to the shut down this has been temporally canceled.

The point is establishing an obvious pattern. Tell me, what is the USA's derivative debt? There are infinite uses to a fiat reserve currency. There is no shortage of useful idiots.

Also great, thanks.

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Also, see the Corbett Report on YouTube called the Sentient World Simulation. He talks about targeted individuals.

Can you tell that I’m gangstalking you by the specific way I scratch my crack in public?

Ah but hats the beauty of intersectionality innit? So many things under it are taboo that pretty much everyone has done something truly #abhorrent, perhaps you slept with a girl who was mildly drunk? You're now a rapist. Perhaps you made a joke about trannies a few years ago? Congradulations you're now a nazi. Dankula made his pug lift his arm in the air and got doxxed, the Magakids stood there, and fucking smiled and got doxxed. Everyone has something that intersectionality would label as horrific and absolutely deplorable.

Well, note that we haven't had a false flag in a while. So you might be right.

The FBI actually cant pay confidential informants right now and they use those people to conduct gang stalking as a proxy army.

Anyone with an adwords account?

Can someone explain the noise campaigns and street theater

They push you to the edge. Try to make you commit crime so they can arrest and discredit you. Same shit they put on mlk and other revolutionaries only now internet big data lets them rank and categorize. They already have the lists. Like santa only these roach pig mercenaries serve 666 kings and other rich bastards illegitimately controlling cities via fiat usury and other systemic vices that government can authorize.they dont really care. The ends justify it and so long as they keep people unorganized they and their small army of cia mk ultra trained guards wi do as they please while some land owning mogul laughs his way to a bank.

I thought ops pic was scratch from the ice age movies, i have slept in three days.

What's your job?

Do a fun one on the highway. Just slow down and watch as they fall in line. Just like matrix agents they gps track in real time and then its just a matter of the squad cars blatantly fucking with you

Also a list? What do you mean?

Its like having tinitus shot into your skull. Its a trigger, an agitator and a memory skewer. Street theatre is just what it sounds like: actors playing out a scene to influence or disrupt the t.i.

There are really only a few agencies in the entire US with enough resources to do this sort of thing. The DEA, The FBI, The ATF, NYPD and LAPD.

And it doesn't make sense for any of them to use this kind of technique on the normies. Not that I know what weird shit you fuckers are into. An investigation has to GO somewhere. A big drug seisure with lots of forfiture for example, A high profile terrorist bust. A takedown of white nationalist terrorists. Ect, ect.

A paranoid unhinged patsy is marginally useful, but not so much that it's worth spending several years driving someone crazy.

Obvious pattern is an enemy of secrecy.

There was a confidential informant living above me in my prior apartment complex.

I heard him telling someone over the phone that he had been turned into one.

he was dropping heavy things on the floor at like 2 in the morning and playing deep bass music. The point was to cause sleep deprivation and then ultimately make you do something stupid, perhaps violent.

I moved out of there without incident.

Street theater is to humiliate you and to get you act out so you can be arrested and/or discredited further.

Yes? Overtly covert is inherently oxymoronic.

Yes, and you're only going to become labeled as schitzophrenic if you NOTICE you're being gang stalked, and yet it's main strength lies in being undetectable? I've seen the videos on youtube, and apparently the signals are so minute that they are litterally the same as just fucking grooming yourself(pushing your hair to one side). So if something is designed to be undetectable, but must be detected in order to work it's a pretty retarded idea. It would be like making ice cream that only tastes good when it melts but it's made so it can only sublimate into a gas.

They use proxies dude, plus think about the snitch culture and all the useful idiots in our socitety who want to be patted on the head by the G Man.

They test on normal people first, always have.

So let me get this straight you schizos think the government would hire a bunch of people then have them follow you around and be obnoxious so they would unnerve you and make you commit a crime rather then just getting a warrant, doing a search of your house and the framing you by placing a bag of coke in your underwear drawer.

Yeah sounds logical.

I wonder how they select targets

Some snitch trying to make you paranoid, and into shit that he can then sell you out for tendies really isn't what you're talking here though.

Do undercover gov agents still get paid?

Staying alive

On the plus side. It ensures you are verifably not an npc as those sleepers will die like lambs to a slaughter. God rest their souls. What OP is describing is what happens when you pissed off a devils son. These are satanic forces at work.

A good example is in the book piercing the darkness. Its all black budget ops with people who no longer exist but get paychecks from the people running the show.

Truly an honor because you are suffering as Christ is

Yeah thats me point, I MAY be willing to believe gangstalking is a legitimate thing if the government didnt have countless other ways to ruin you if they so choose. But as of now "TI's" just sound like schitzophrenics, I.E seeing a pattern where there is none, and thinking its meant specifically for you. Like when schitzos claim to hear voices in radio static talking to them.

its strength is that it is undetectable to third parties dude, not to the target. Think about that. So to other people you just look like you are getting progressively crazier.

That makes it deniable for the government.

I've been experiencing this for a few years now and have had the same thoughts, have they done anything to your family members? Do you think it is actually some kind of test and they actually want to use you or for you to become involved in one of their institution programs like Christianity or Freemasonry? Or are they seperate from this and want to see you fail.

I heard FBI agents are complaining about not being paid, so maybe undercovers too.

this......these people are retarded

A "filter" was placed on my fiber optic where it connects (on main). A list for using warez I suppose.

Not sure dude. I'll let you know if I become a Mason, hehehe.

I don't really buy into Gangstalking BUT i have to say that east germany used gangstalking against
perceived enemies of state (Its called Zersetzung, no idea how much english info there is on it), so I don't doubt governments would do that shit even today.
Problem is most gangstalking advocates I see look like lunatics and they probably are. Doesn't mean all of them, maybe some tell the truth, but most of them seem like schizos to me desu. Doesn't help their cause
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They have a period in the beginning where they sensitize you.

Listen to spies by coldplay. Trust me. Were in this together. Thats all they are. Paid professionals. You are nothing but a guinea pig.

Sometimes they use pawns like you to test out strategies or scripts that they then use on others. A refinement process if you will. Its all psychological tests designed to break egos and splinter psyche. Not too different from google captcha for page industry. Majestic 12 deus ex and greek faggot fraternal societies controlling public from institutional levels of higher education. Abusing their influence

You have to learn to ignore them and after awhile they get bored of it and it will stop or become less frequent. Dont even try to get up close to them they'll just speed off before you can get a good look at who they are. Your stalkers use tinted windows anyway too right?

>Some of the participants are Satanists in the intel agencies and military and they enjoy traumatizing people as well.

That was one of my theories as well. I've had the displeasure of meeting one of these freaks before any of the gang stalking even happened. He's gotta be connected to all this. Been doing my homework and have reason to believe he may have been temple of set.

>it also helps to create crime and terror resulting in the destruction of the 2nd Amendment and ultimately the rest of the bill of rights.

Idk about that exactly. There are more effective and affordable ways of sowing crime, disorder and creating police state snitch culture than this.

These faggots have no lives.

That's an idea.

good even handed analysis

Oh yeah? Why are the gangstalkers meant to look as inconspicuous as possible, behave as normally as they possibly can and "look" like anyone else, I've seen gangstalking videos on youtube before, the people who are accused of being stalkers are typically just sitting there, minding their own buisness, or pumping the gas, running a till, etc. I would believe this is legit shit if they all wore a specific symbol to tip you off, or told you you're being followed, made it clear so that any simp can actually pick up on this pattern.

Idk why they did it? Maybe to make mass shooters. There has been a few so far..

Ok man, im not sure what else to say.

For your sake i hope you never experience it because it is catastrophic stuff.

One thing I expect to see china do is to gamify gangstalking with their social credit system.

That's going to be a hilarious shitshow.

Ways of ruining you like how?