Guys, I'm at my lowest right now. It's 6:22 am here and the reality just hit me really hard...

Guys, I'm at my lowest right now. It's 6:22 am here and the reality just hit me really hard. I'm 22 year old jobless guy still living with his single mom. I haven't left my house for months, I haven't even went for Christmas dinner to my familly since I could not look them in their eyes. I have no real friends other than 2 people from old WoW days that still talk to on ts sometimes. I play vidya or just browse net all day, jerking off. I never cared for my emotions, beingca neet I never had never cried at night or wanted to kill myself since I think it's stupid. I love my mom, I feel sorry for her, for being such a bad son, without future. I hold pretty right wing views yet I'm everything I hate, that makes me a giant hypocrite. I just feel no motivation to achieve anything, and I know other people have it muxh worse where they can't lend themselves get to this point. The worst thing is, I'm only now broken, crying for the first time like a bitch bc I got a crush on a god damn trap on the internet. Even "her" would never date someone like me. Daily fapping let me to the path of only finding traps appealing.
How do I actually change my life? I live outside of warsaw, to get anywhere i need a car that i don't own or scheadule between 2h apart bus times. I wanna get a job, go workout, find someone close yet I'm full of fear to even go out. I don't want to talk to "specialists" since it seems they don't care about you only your long term cash. I don't want to force drugs on myself, and would never do it. I feel so pathetic as a man for even having such problems. I will get forgotten by my "crush" and it feels so fucking shitty, yet i don't know why it feels this way, why now do i get those emiotions? Sorry for the long post, i just needed to get this out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

itll get better. read and lift. you are young. go little padawan. take care yo momz

SS And GOMAD. Thank me later polack fag

Thanks user, i just feel like i'm too far gone. I feel like a such a bitch

watch jordan peterson videos on youtube bucko

We'll make it together Polbro

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How do you know English so well if you are such an unmotivated loser?

Become monk

Dude you are still young. Just make a list of shit on paper and do them. And when you say you jerk off to traps we all read that as “you jerk off to men”. Keep that in mind. Make Hitler proud lol

Living with your parents is red-pilled. Only kikes want you to move out at 18 and start paying rent.
Get a job and start building wealth while not paying the jew a dime for "housing".

At 22 you’re still starting out. Get on some adhd medication, its fast acting stuff, after one day you’ll have an idea about what you want to do and how to start doing it. I pissed around all of my 20s before starting on adhd meds and getting my life sorted

one hour at a time
one day at a time user

Go outside, in the woods, camping, fishing, etc.
Staying inside is what nakes you depressed. There is a reason jail is considered a punishment, we are not meant to live inside.

Hahahaha that might actually help this kid

Because it's a bullshit post. White people even lie about their mental state for cheap sympathy over an image board.

Don't be afraid to do something, be yourself and go to the closesed person in your life and say. "Hey I need you now, please help me to writte down a contract with you." Everything you want to change should be written in the contract. You decide what will be writtten down and only you. Then use it to change your life and hopefully teh world

Not sure if this is a troll post but fuck me if everyone lurking here hasn't experienced something like this before. Not the trap loving shit but still. Just starts with the mindset of wanting out of your situation, not very specific but it's about putting your head in the right place. Personally if I were you I'd start doing some cardio. Running is good and gets you outside jumping rope is great workout too. Do bodyweight exercises instead if you do nothing but push ups, squats crunches, and lunges every day multiple sets a day you will be fit as fuck assuming you are not a total lard ass. I'd steer clear of porn which is hard as fuck admittedly and it's something I still struggle with but keeping busy with fitness and hobbies helps me

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tl;dr lmao sage

22 is nothing dude. Give it 8 years of going to work, working out, so studying and saving. You will be fine.

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hit the gym, get a hobby an instrument, a sport, anything productive, and consider listening to subliminal affirmations on youtube to help get you out of that hole if you really feel that shitty

Exercise. Sleep well. Eat well. Get a job, any job depression will disappear.

The fact of the matter is that you are gay and in denial. Life is never going to get better for you but, believe it or not, it can get much worse. The only way out of your situation is to either straighten out or else suicide.

Turn off the fucking computer and leave it off. DO something. Go for a fucking walk! And get a job, any job. You probably think you're "too good" for what is available near you but for God's sake you're sitting around your mom's house hating yourself, jacking off and rotting. You're not "too good." Literally nothing is beneath you user.

No, I didn't read your whole blog because damn.

And this

But how user?
I just spend browse the net all day, that's why. It's pretty shit desu
I know it's gay i just can't help it at this point
I see, i just don't want to get addicted to them.
Sounds pretty nice friend. I just don't know how to start with anything. I have no personal cash
Thanks user. I have thought about it myself to some extent. I just don't want to put even bigger bargain on my mom. She is such a good woman

Sorry for half ass responses. I'm on my phone rn, laying in bed and I'm so fucking slow at typing. I appreciate all forms of recommendation

Nothing will ever change unless you commit to being a different person. If you really care about your mom and your family, find a job and talk to your family.

You have to accept your situation and forget about what could have been or how much you've fucked up in the past. None of that matters. Let it all go and start fresh. I'm guessing you're addicted to your computer here, that's why it's so hard to go out (easy to stay in). You need to break that addiction before you can really start building a life worth living.

to stob being a posterboy for Jow Forums, I suggest picking up a simple hobby. It'll gibe you other center of interest, structure, you'll meet people, maybe even make friend or date.
You could also an hero.

Nothing will change. Life will always be like that. You'll just grow older. You'll get used to the pain.

My condolences on the rough position you're in right now OP. If it makes you feel any better I'm 23 and basically destroyed all the social capital I've acquired in my life by being overtly a trump supporter and then a wignat

Typical internet right winger. At least you have the honesty to admit your hyprocasy

Dude you're only 22, you are fine your life is just beginning. You shouldn't feel like the walls are closing in until your late 20's at the earliest.

Go out and get a job and develop a hobby, any hobby, that will get you out of the house. If it's social that's great, but it doesn't have to be. Fishing or hiking in the woods would be great, hell just bring a book to read for an hour or two at a cafe once a week. Anything. Start small, you can do it.

You're a young man, you're ok.

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Jesus loves you man. Dont worry.

hahahaha pussy. Try being 28 and haven’t left house in 5 years. Man up coward. And do no fap.

just get out. Set an objective.
Can you buy something with your money to your mom? That's a good objective.
Now get out and get -any- job. It doesn't matter which.


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at least your country isnt full of niggers

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I understand that you are afraid I got bullied while school and it ended in a fight (I won and thats how it ended and I cursed myself why I didn't do it earlier). Just be never affraid of doing something and you know what was the worst for her about you? The Birth so you will never do her more trouble then she already had with you. Keep it in your mind always.

Get a job in a kitchen at a decent restaurant. Even if washing dishes, if you are dependeble and a team player you will soon be moved up to prep and cooking. You will learn skills that will be useful the rest of your life, no matter if you stay in the culinary world or not; eveybody eats so food always needs prepared.

You will also be working with a group of others, and almost certainly with several attractive waitresses. At the least this will get you communicating with women. Further, in a good kitchen the guys work as a team, and play as a team. They usually like to go out for drinks together.

You can look for an upscale local restaurant which is ideal; this is where you would learn the most about cooking. But you can also get on at a succesful chain, like Olive Garden or something, and potentially work your way into management for a decent career.

But either way, get out and get a job that lets you interact with people. The isolation you feel is soul destroying; that is a problem that must be solved.

You are young. VERY young. Your life is very very far form over. Take control of your life and DO something.

Watch Jordan Peterson especially tips on being a man and going out of your comfort zone to accomplish things in life.

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Self commitments. Commit to yourself to changing one aspect of your left. 30 day trials. After one or two days of being successful with one commitment, set another commitment. Dont look to the past, look to the future.

Get a job and you will feel better user. Pro tip something physical. They are much better for someone like you. The two most satisfying jobs I ever had were road construction and wildland firefighting. If you can get on with one do it.

I remember when I used to feel bad about being a loser at 22. Now I'm 28 and don't feel anything.

It is hard to get motivation where there is none, I understand this. But you must realize the only way you'll feel better is self improvement, and that should be motivation enough. Force yourself to do posutive things and it'll all come to you. Also, remember who you are. Like many young people, you've been widdled down by degenerate shit.

> “I’m so despondent about everything. Everything goes totally wrong. There is no escape from this hole here I feel drained so far I still haven’t found a real purpose in life. Sometimes I’m so afraid to get out of bed in the morning, there is nothing to get up for.”
>Joseph Goebbels

Thanks user, it sounds like I a good first step. I can promise you I'll do it.
I don't think it's beneath me but i fear I'll just be useless and don't be at pair with standards. It's illogical but i can't get it out of my head
Yes, I need to do it
Thanks leafbro
I fear it may acctually be true
I don't have to fear my views here in poland. It must be hard to live in your country as a conservative.
I'm always so stressed in the public even if i don't show it. I fear acting strange, unnatural to the public eye. It has been like it for ages, even in school. I feel like a hyper follower of others and can't act upon myself in public
Thanks user
No, i have no cash
Thanks user. I always wish i wasn't the only son so she could have someone normal

damn, even slavic zoomers are faggots

You probably have low test dude. Change your diet and start lifting everyday. Most men's mental health issues are from low test.

kek I'm pretty pathetic too, 20yo virgin addict NEET with some mental issues and on top of that phimosis. Have a laugh about yourself, it helps.

Whittled* lol fuck me

Do you need a friendly voice, user? I do mentoring and having another person you can really talk to and be honest with is something many people don't have the luxury of. If you would just like someone you can have a free and open conversation with to talk about I'd be happy to listen and just discuss whatever.

Normality is only in your mind so don't bother you with something thats just a mindset shit.

>I'm always so stressed in the public even if i don't show it. I fear acting strange, unnatural to the public eye. It has been like it for ages, even in school. I feel like a hyper follower of others and can't act upon myself in public
Half of Jow Forums has the same problem
you might be in the spectrum
have you tested your IQ?
do this and tell me the result
Look, people are stupid, stop caring of how they will se you. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER

those words from gobbels always come to mind when I'm feeling really down. Probably should've put a date there as well, the point
comes across even better then. I don't even like the guy, but those words and when he said them are a good argument as to why people shouldn't commit suicide.

Same here always open for a talk but I preffer one with alcohol,weed and some nice snacks. Ofc in rl

Thanks user. As I ve said, i fear I'm gonna fuck it up in jobs where others count on me. That i'm too slow, can't think properly while in a heat of a moment. I need to work on it I just don't know how
I've seen few of his videos, i'll s check tem out again once i wake up. I always think he is just building his own fame/political presence while making shit up just to cover it up in a uni type speech but I must be wrong if people are getting fixed by his work
Thanks anons

Bro I wasted my early 20s. Completely, all out wasted the ages of 18-25. I probably won't ever recover.

Living at home with your parents is fine at your age. It's actually much smarter than spending a bunch of money to move out on your own, especially because at your age you should be saving as much money as possible and focusing on building up a career. You still have over ten years where you're in your prime in terms of your attractiveness to women. In fact, you haven't even hit that prime window yet (age 26-35).

You're going to be fine. The fact you're worried otherwise basically confirms it.
Don't believe anyone your age who claims they're "successful." They have no idea how quickly it unravels without a solid foundation.

I fucked my life up so badly but it would have been so easy to correct.

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Hey user, I've been where you are. You need a little guidance, but you've already recognized it which is the first step.

First thing first, you need a job. If you have a car, that makes life much easier. If you don't, that's your goal for 2019. If you do have a car, I'd recommend doing delivery, especially if you're socially underdeveloped. Your job is to show up and not crash. Tips are good, way better than most wagecuck jobs.

Another thing you should do is get a hobby. Video games, tv, and browsing the internet are not hobbies. Read a book, play an instrument, go to the gym, get into health. Productivity is important. Strive for it.

Finally make some friends. It's not easy if you don't put yourself out there. Maybe take some classes at a community college, join a local club, go to the bar with coworkers, hit up old friends from high school.

All that stupid shit your parents and teachers told you had some truth to it. You have to be willing to give up some parts of yourself if you want to grow, but it sounds like your ready to do that.

I know he's a bit of a meme, but Jordan Peterson helped me get my feet back on the ground. The guy isn't perfect and his word isn't Gospel but in my experience, i found structure and reason to grow through the things he was saying. Maybe he isn't for you, but you should find someone who resonates with you to listen to and grow from.

Best of luck user

Yes, has to be one of my favorite quotes knowing its context and relevance.

Enlist in the military

>I'm always so stressed in the public even if i don't show it. I fear acting strange, unnatural to the public eye. It has been like it for ages, even in school. I feel like a hyper follower of others and can't act upon myself in public

Go outside and you'll see that you'll be the least weird one out there. We live in a clown world user

I hate polacks as much as the next guy, but I'll try to be a good helpful little mudslime for you. Man the fuck up. Start wearing nice clothes. Put on some perfume. Get drunk more. Start talking to girls more, and keep in mind that it matters not if you get rejected. What is rejectino? AS a cartoon says, try try again. Also, start lifting. It pulls the ladies towards you, and it makes you look better. Helps you not get mugged by somalis or other faggot subhuman trash. Chin up. COnfidence. Work out. At home if you need to. Wake up early, like now even, and start jogging. Go out with your friends. Go to a doctor and psychiatrists. Do it. ASk for ADHD meds and talk about yourself. You're still a young man, at that age, I was always hungover. Now I make a shitton of cash and I'm with a beautiful bitch. Try to improve yourself. Cheers

Not a bad idea, godspeed user.

I was a directionless loser till like 26, I’m 35 now, I know it’s nothing fancy but I own my house and make 70k a year now. Pick a trade and work hard, if you get straight As go to university, if you can’t get academic scholarship uni isn’t for you

literally ask a friend or something to set up parental controls on your computer for a few weeks and not tell you the password. dump all alcohol and drugs down the toilet. take long hikes through the polish countryside and meditate in the woods. in terms of overcoming your degenerate fetishes, fuck a normal girl or even pay a hooker. It may sound degenerate but once you have a normal sexual interaction your mentality will begin to alter. find something your passionate about and pursue it. I would say above all, get out of your house and get away from the internet. that whats killing you more than anything. internet addiction is an extremely powerful thing and is arguably worse than hard drugs.

C'mon thats a real life meme wtf.

this but be sure to remember that JP is ultimately a shill and that anything he says about the jews, white collectivism and radical individualism is ultimately bullshit.

jesus christ your only 22 you melodramatic cunt, there are people in their 30s on the same level as you, on this website right now

you should watch this
yeah yeah "le juden peterstein" just consider what he says. Otherwise you are on a path of damnation. Be grateful you know theres something wrong and do something about, RIGHT NOW.

Probably right
I really appreciate it user. I don't tell my wow friends abut my situation since I always thought of it as weekness that didn't need to be shared. I don't think that's a good idea tho, my english is shit even as written words.
I don't think people are less intelligent than me, I'd say it's opposite. I'm weak minded, and I don't say as some kind of petty points. I've said to myself I'd never do an IQ test but I'll check it tomorrow once I wake up.
Thanks user, sounds comfy yet I don't think you live any near close to me haha

I don't want to sound like a broken record but It's really nice to be encouraged by fellow anons. I have to go to sleep now but once I wake up I'll check your posts, even those i had to skip. It's just hard to responde while phonefagging. I hope this thread still gets archived. Also here is my mail: [email protected] if any one would like to talk some more.
I just still don't understand why I got some emotional about that trap. That person knows little to nothing about me yet when I talked with her it sounded like a window to a normal life. I know how it's stupid, made me question my sanity. Once again guys, thanks. I'll be back in 6 or so hours

That's the path i was into not so long ago, why won't you go out and breath user? air is fresh and march can make you think about the future, I know you probably hate yourself right now and won't stand in front the mirror more than two minutes but in all this suffering you might forget about what really matter the most, familly. mom can help you, she always did and always do, talk with her and try to find and exit to this and bite on that pesky anger for a time, not until you have a good financial situation.

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I'm from germany and I always wanted to conque... go to poland

>7:45 AM
>going to sleep
aaah patrician sleep cycle user. Good night, it's evening for me too

Start by banning video games, pot, and limit jerking off to once a week with no porn. You'll eventually begin to heal and rewire all those neurons dependent on wanking and vidya for dopamine release, which will naturally make you more social and help you find other hobbies.

Its all habits user

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only GOMAD if you're a lanklet, but OMAD/IF keto to unfuck your hormones, gut microbiome, and neurotransmitters

Join the military tomorrow