THIS PERSON WAS ELECTED TO US CONGRESS. What the absolute fuck is wrong with these people...

THIS PERSON WAS ELECTED TO US CONGRESS. What the absolute fuck is wrong with these people? This shit isn't even subjective, there is audio and visual fucking evidence on the internet RIGHT NOW that proves her wrong, yet she still runs with it. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING MY FUCKING HEAD HURTS

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Kill mussies where they sleep

shes right tho

>better to be morally right than factually correct :o)

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A fascinating display of double-down syndrome in the face of getting proven wrong. Why are the democrats letting the lemmings into leadership roles? What happened to the psychopaths who just wanted power and status?

Isn't abortion harem?

I feel you user. Low IQ people are ruining this country.

It's all so tiresome.

At least the tweet is getting ratio'd on the leftist think tank.

She's way worse than AOC's dumbass

please don't do this

she isn't tho

That dumb sand nigger married her own brother

No she's not. The video clearly shows they were harassed by the Black Israelite's first, then Chief wreck-my-anus walked up to them. They were minding their own business.

I don't use twitter. What's the ratio people keep mentioning?

Bump. This shit has gone off the rails. First, Schiff declaring he's going to investigate Trump even though Mueller himself denied the buzzfeed article in it's entirety. Then, Cortez declares the world will end in 12 years if she doesn't get her 70% tax on muh millionaires and billionaires. Now this horseshit. They're just making up reality as they go along, facts, evidence, common sense, and decency be damned.

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Those must be the poverty class teachers.

we had one of our major media jews in Poland talking about modern media viewers on some journalist university
he said
>one thing viewers won't forgive you is when you treat them seriously
they are honestly sure, dumb people will buy any bullshit if you push hard enough.
they are used to their authority and the fact that they are never questioned for their lies by majority of people
you never admit you lied or anything, you just keep the narrative going.
we are the good guys they are the bad guys. we are flawless they are flawed. you can never get out of character just keep the narrative going

Are they really going to do the "if you repeat a lie long enough" game, with video evidence?

one kid not associated with the school means "the boys" said it's not rape

zero evidence of the next claim.

who cares who she hired, she shouldn't have said shit, there was nothing to apologize for, only WHITES are asked to apologize every single time. No one, NO ONE, has said FUCKING SHIT about the nigger israelites calling people faggots.

Obviously correct. Fuck these Masonic Jews trying to lie about the truth

she is the epitome of low IQ. She makes AOC look pretty smart

She's very wrong.

Burger would understand why Muslim are scum and should not be trusted. Good

You realize half the country openly admits that they believe brown people can't be racist, right? To them the fact that the boys even confronted the four black men and the native, especially while wearing the MAGA hats, means that the boys are racist to some degree, and thus in the wrong. Meanwhile, it doesn't matter that the black men and the native were obviously far more provocative and the black men were calling them crackers and faggots and the black kid a nigger due to their low position on the cultural marxist heirarchy of oppression, so their actions which everyone can blatantly see cannot be held against them.

i think its bad if its talked about more than its "liked"

It's a house of representatives. Now you've got your fringe Islamic radical voice in government. I wouldn't be too worried, you have plenty of Israeli Jews in the house to drown out this anti-semite. This is what happens when actual representative democracy creeps into a closed door political class. It's messy and reminds the burger how garbage his population actually is.

The house was always expected to be a bumbling clusterfuck or people who aren't really qualified to be in gov but represent the little guy on a big stage, that's why there's so many of them and they only get 2 year terms. The system was to further check that with the intent of having more legal minded people in the senate to try and make sense of whatever whacky ass policy the more populace base house put forward so that it could even go into law under the constitution. Ultimately the entire thing fell apart a long along time ago when parties took over.



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>These people are in charge of the most powerful country in the world

Ill give you 25 years till u end up like us

Now you know how people feel when Trump starts flapping his arsehole- I mean moutn

We'll have a race war before too long.

This. I am ready.

Civil/ race war seems to be the only why to break free from this.

Shekelberg, the one in charge of the facts.

>Imagine my shock.