Instead of bitching about Jews on the internet all day, wouldnt it be better to go find a white girl and have 3-5 kids? Yes its possible. There are plenty of good women out there. We have failed our woman in numerous ways but mostly by not becoming men. BTW i hate jews. I think theyre the closest thing to evil there is, but the white race is falling off because white men refuse to be men.
The final solution
first, they must be redpilled before they are bred
Most white women are beyond help now. SJW or feminist trash. To find a good white women is hard. Too hard for most men to bother with so they go for the compliant and eager asian or black.
>That pic
Dude...too far
Fuck you pussy they orchestrated ww2 and got whites to slaughter themselves. They deserve worse and ultimately will burn in hell anyways for rejecting Christ
no it's not, they deserve it.
I literally have never laid my eyes on a wmbf. wmaf is fairly common here in Seattle though
>having kids
reminder, that Palestinians are natives to Palestine, and Israelis are Khazar migrants who came to invade and occupy the land like how muslim rapefugees do today in Western Europe.
Correct, just to spite rat kikes like you.
and jews have no kids at all, circumcision makes them more impotent and enraged.
> They deserve worse and ultimately will burn in hell anyways for rejecting Christ
Stop with this fucking bullshit, there is no Hell or Heaven, bullshit wishful thinking for people too weak to have any hope in this life.
Yes and kike women are the biggest race mixers of any other race
because even kikes themselves have started to get high on their own supply, they want to mix themselves out of existence to be the very mutt masses they want to rule over, to turn the world into themselves.
They are choking on their own shit
>implying they will have long life
That is part of the problem.
>rejecting Christ
if so, i will not be surprised if Israel opens the borders to rapefugees, because they want to kill themselves with their own methods before they are killed by everyone else they tried to ruin.
They were behind the false narrative of the holocaust. The fact is it never happened, it was used to guilt the Germans and give Jews permanent victim status and make the goyim sympathetic to the Jews so they’d be more accepting for the allowance of the creation of the state of Israel.
Hey OP. I'm Jewish. Should I find a white girlfriend or a jew girlfriend?
Better question is "Since you Jews own Hollywood, the banks, most of the professional sports teams, have control of the legal field and the media, why aren't you just happily enjoying your lives of extreme privilege instead of insisting on your war against white people?"
Really makes you think. Eh John Smith?