**MegAnon quotes:** >Just watch "NASA" try to get to Mars... then explain. >I can't. That's not my thing. I can only say that the sciences and studies orgs like NASA have wasted trillions on, isn't exactly what we've been told or taught it is. A forced Mars mission will start to poke holes in this. >It's THIS strategy that's being used to hold NASA's feet to their own fire, by jamming unexpected and accelerated Mars and Moon initiatives and missions. NASA will no longer be enabled, exploited and played like a pawn, wasting tax payer funding like a sketchy shell corp. federal dump bucket that no one is held accountable and responsible for. NASA will no longer be utilized as a black listed, backdoored business, governmentally enabled... >It's ironic that no one found Trump's awkward timing of such public proclamations towards the speedy design, development and deployment of a "mission to Mars", more interesting... >One day you're going to watch NASA explain to you why they can't exactly complete the design of the MARS mission like they originally thought they could because a few new "discoveries" in their planning sessions came up. As they're reviewing those basic, fundamental, foundational "discoveries" with you, explaining why "science" was apparently "wrong" in a few very key areas... >There's nothing I wouldn't say again. The sci-fi shit isn't my thing, but I do know there's a strategy behind our push for Mars... rumormillnews.com/texts/MegaAnon.txt
Eisteins theory of relativity was wrong, even Tesla laughed at it. This implies you can cancel the effects of inertia and generate your own independent gravity field.
You can't go to the Moon, Mars and especially Phobos because of space niggers, not even kidding.
More MegAnon quotes: >All I can say, however, as related to what IS my "gig", is that there are many things we have NOT been told or taught and that's not because they haven't yet been uncovered or confirmed. >Today you are hearing about Assange. I told y'all all you'd ever need to know about him and where he was, back in May/June. 8 months I've prepped you for this. I told you he was free, the good guys had him and he'd be instrumental. I told you he'd negotiated. I told you about the lawsuit Trump's legal filed on behalf of Wikileaks and why TIMING of filing was important. Assange had deadlines to adhere to as negotiated. Expired 10/21/17, year to the day he was planning to drop last pre-election October surprise, but was cut off by Hillary & Co., then saved by the good guys. SAVED. After 10/21/17, he was free to do as he pleased, as part of our end of the deal. I told y'all about Rep. Dana R. and Bannon's coordination of that. Yes, even Don Jr. helped. Shhhhhh... It's happening. Just like you knew it would. >Jared loves Trump like a dad. Jared's dad is a sexploiting degenerate who ruined their family for his own greed and corruption. Kushner didn't have his own agenda, he had Trumps. Literally before Trump, Kushner was a legal name on paper for Charles Kushner to assign assets, investments and liquids to in an effort to save them from seizure while he was in prison. Everyone always ties Jared to 666 in NYC. In reality, Jared is on paperwork, but technically only in name. Dad ran the show. Same for Cadre and the Soros $258m. It was really Dad's loan and dealings, not Jared.
Isaiah Ward
>muh Tesla Tesla knew fucking squat about 20th century physics. Besides, there was little observational proof of relativity in 1935--when he gave the interview disputing it. Tesla was a genius with the limited knowledge he held, but the likes of Einstein, Hilbert and Poincare were way out of his league
>All in all, you already know enough about JFK Jr. to know that "they" killed him. You'll never have enough to prove exactly who "they" are and that's the point of "they". A few months ago, I made it a point to tell you that Assange negotiated a deal. He has a ton of shit he's sitting on and he negotiated that in exchange for our end, he wouldn't publish certain file sets of drops he had retained and planned, before 10/21/17. Way too many people tried to turn this into me saying he would drop something on the 21st of Oct., which was not the case intitially, and I even reconfirmed several times after, that there'd probably be no drop on the 21st, only that on or after the 21st, Assange was legally inbound and could legally choose to do whatever >I would NEVER claim, nor have I ever claimed, to factually "know a thing or two" about space, aliens, the legitimate science of earth, etc. as related, but what I CAN confirm is that WE, as a global society, DO NOT factually know the whole story, behind a good portion of it. We ONLY KNOW what "they" have ever wanted us to know. We've only learned what THEIR, funded, sanctioned research, theologians, studies, experiments, technologies, advancements, scientists, successes and failures have taught us, based on the findings, explanations and confirmations THEY'VE "approved" and deemed "valid" for us to know. This is all also something that most of you should already recognize and "know" too, right?! >Everyone should already realize and accept the fact that an epic portion of the studies, mechanics, technologies, sciences and yes, even the scientists themselves, of everything, are predominantly recognized and comprised of those who've been deemed and revered as credible, factual, correct and valid by "THEM", for literally, hundreds of centuries. This is fact and cannot be ignored, especially if we fully intend on continuing the exposure and drain of the perpetual swamps that have continuously flooded and controlled us.
Joseph Johnson
If your reading of that statement makes you think of the flat earth then you're either an utter brainlet or a paranoid schizophrenic
Josiah Sanchez
Bump. How did I miss these MegAnon threads.
Michael Rogers
>you will never join space force and go rape Twilek martian females they will probably give all the cool infantry jobs to muslims and niggers because of their experience.meanwhile whites will be the ones calculating physics and math trajectories
But you are wrong, Einstien himself is quoted as being nowhere near Tesla's level. Google "Einstien tesla smartest man quote."
You're still not allowed to go kill space niggers with your custom Hanebu Mk. V either way so stay mad.
Joseph Scott
It means they're already inhabited.
Jeremiah Harris
What, really?
Cameron Sanchez
>My overall point in specifically linking the two, was to cite FACTUAL examples of how the "elites" intentionally work to manipulate and exploit the "unknowns" (meaning intangibles and unseeables), like (but not limited to) religion and space and even the documents, studies, theories, evidence, sciences and even the scientific conclusions behind these unknowns (and have for centuries), to promote their own shared agendas for increased power, wealth and control, by further manipulating, segmenting, dividing and conquering our global societies, for their continued benefit and gain. That's where that ended with my saying "this is what's so hard for people to grasp on to".
Kayden Bell
So what your not going to share proof of anything and we are just gonna have to believe all the shit coming out of your ass?
Phobos is a big one, a lot of this in relation to us is to do with deep space mining and maintaining territories with other spacenigs, and they make deals with glowniggers on earth and trade people/resources for tech.
Ethan Torres
There's a damn thread about this once a month, are you new here?
Jason Gomez
look at your debt level
Leo Rodriguez
Made me laugh.
Robert Adams
"MegAnon" is a retard. NASA was raided and picked over to pay for gibs.
Camden Barnes
I'll continue to bite. Where is your evidence? There are no such thing as space niggers. If there was, some autistic retard messing around with his highly powerful telescope would have already found them and spread pictures of them anywhere. Go back to fucking X
Nathan Roberts
>autistic retard messing around with his highly powerful telescope would have already found them youtube.com/watch?v=FryZrDKwv_o
Assuming we grant her this, didn’t Mega also fuck up a number of predictions and then disappear after a series of them made her look stupid? This was around the genesis of the Q larp too, if I remember correctly.