literally giving up on russia related questions and now he's just scrambling for something so he can claim that the entire investigation wasnt a total waste of time and money.

the fact that hes not looking at russia stuff anymore should be reason enough to end the whole thing.

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Reminder Buzzfeed fucked up and forced them to admit he has nothing.

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Leak investigation now. Everyone related to the Buzzfeed story needs to brought in and be forced to testify under oath.

The R
Stands for Russia

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National Russian Agent

This is part of the Russia investigation. Butina was a Russian spy who laundered Russian mafia money into the GOP through NRA.

>*fake*national Russian agent ambush creampies blonde with HUGE tits

" laundered Russian mafia money into the GOP through NRA"

Left is already claiming on Twitter this means Russia was funneling money through the NRA to Trump. I imagine the NRA is the next target. Left tried and failed to destroy them during the Stoneman Douglas op. Now they'll make them open their books and try to find something to use to shut them down.

How would CNN know?

This is the greatest distraction op that's ever been run. Mueller is unironically /ourguy/

>not looking at russia stuff anymore
There's more than one guy on this investigation.

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It's already well established the dossier put forth by clinton/McCain was a hoax. Why is there still an investigation?

As a side note, all of that "ambush creampie" shit has to be staged, right? I mean there's no way any guy in his right mind would cum inside that many women without telling them and risk getting his ass run over by multiple paternity suits... right?

Adam Schiff started this today. Heard him on the radio.

>w-we'll find something!
>just g-g-give us another few years!

This is just going to continue all the way through 2024 and end sometime around noon in late January 2025.

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>but the Clinton Foundation is peachy-keen and squeaky-clean

Pretty much every porno has payed actresses in it. Fake taxi, Public agent, all that shit.

Is this perpetual circus side show act ever going to end and how fucking long do I have to wait?

Pretty sure the results of his investigation have been leaked. It's a nothingburger.

no soros will donate pay to keep them at it

>but, but, 'muh Russia'
>muh leftist narrative

It cannot end like this.

Remember that he's also investigating the NRA on pseudo Russian ties...

Trump will play his trump card (fisa declas) after he appoints a new judge to the Supreme Court. Probably around May... shit will get even crazier

Well his mandate says he can investigate any crimes he finds on the way. Also, there was a Russian spy in the NRA just recently, remember?

Is Santa clause fucking real or not? Are you trying to tell me Santa is a lie?

Those are just Santa’s helpers.

How do they know what mueller wants if mueller never talks to the media? This is made up nonsense

Fuck Mueller's mandate. Trump has a mandate to build the wall and Democrats aren't too keen on mandates in that situation. Even if you ignore that, it's still retarded.
>"I'm going to investigate this guy for murder"
>spend years investigating
>find absolutely no evidence of murder
>"But I found evidence an acquaintance of the guy I'm looking into might have stolen a candy bar from the grocery store a year before the murder allegedly took place so I have to keep investigating!"

What people don't realize yet is that was the plan all along. Trump had the FBI use McCain's former backchannel contacts to deliver it into buzzfeed's hands, the same backchannel McCain used to leak the fake dossier. You believe in 4D chess yet?

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>Alex Jones simultaneously B& from every social media outlet for spreading propaganda and encouraging listeners to commit illegals acts
>Buzzfeed not punished at all for spreading propaganda and encouraging listeners to overthrow the POTUS based on 100% fake news
>"N-no we swear we treat conservatives and liberals e-equally, the same rules apply to everyone" -techfags

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so then do something about it

>Trump keeps up appearances with AIPAC and Israel
>Uses Rand Paul to kill aid bills and attack AIPAC
>Rand Paul takes one for the team because he has no chance at presidency and a track record of opposing foreign aid in-general
>Trump still limiting the Fed Reserve's power

I'm sure they'll claim it's because NRA-Russia connection

Nice try, glow nigger

THAT doesnt fit his mandate that would justify firing by Trump

Alex Jones did it to increase his ratings. He was in bed with Big Tech the entire time, while I think Adam Greene is an intolerable faggot, he's not wrong about Alex having Mossad contacts through Corsi and Stone to spread disinfo.

>Trump still limiting the Fed Reserve's power

How? They're still exist and are raising rates

Raising rates does nothing when they aren't holding the gold.

Even if he was getting money directly from Russia like Hillary was what difference would it make? She still would have twice the amount of money behind her campaign and still lose.

>what is the icing on the cake

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>Trump campaign's ties to the NRA

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Just between you and me, I think Trump colluded with the National Rifle Association to win the election by giving money and support to his campaign.

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>what is the icing is the walmart cake