Why are there so many more autistic boys than girls ?...

Why are there so many more autistic boys than girls ?, I don't think that I've ever seen an autistic/socially awkward girl before

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Women express autism in a different manner. For example, they will avoid social confrontation by using others to do things for them. You'll assume they're just "shy" girls.

Media brainwashing.
Social support.
They're propped up and lavished with support and encouragement at every level. Any and all problems they face can be blamed on men or society at large.
They don't have to do anything to find a mate who will love them for who they are, they just have to exist and look pretty (if they want).
It couldn't be any easier to be female than in modern western societies.

because women are mentally retarded from birth so there are different standards

There probably aren't but it's hard to distinguish between useless women incapable of competing basic tasks due to autism and simply being women.
People actually expect things out of men and don't give them a free pass for everything.

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Well there's a lot of girls who don't speak until like age 5 or some shit and yea that's autism.
But everyone coddles females SO MUCH, that they often are not even diagnosed.
It's just excused away.

Same reason there are so many more geniuses are male than female. Men tend to be more extreme one way or the other, women are tightly focused on being average.

Women can get away with being autistic and bipolar because of men’s thirst

Also, men don’t care about a woman’s earning power and resource gaining capabilities (which autism drastically resources) so they’re unaffected by that negative aspect of the brain disease

An autistic man is basically worthless to a woman because his resource gaining abilities are dramatically diminished.

Another thing is social capabilities, men don’t really give a shit who asocial or antisocial a woman is so long as she fucks, where as a woman doesn’t want a man with shit social skills because that effects many other aspects of his life, which inturn effect her, and women can only selfless to their children, not any man, not matter what.

Autism is another term for "abuse/mkultra victim". Women are followers and have no morality outside of male influence, and therefore do not need to be abused/programmed by authoritarians/luciferians before a takeover.

Autism is linked to excessive exposure to testosterone in the womb. Thats why autistic girls are usually tomboys

Guys you are taking thia the qrong way , what i am asking is why is there alwyas that wierd kid in the back of the class but never that weird girl.

Pray that you never meet one, or you'll never consider sex again

Women are conformists and are much more susceptible to programming/peer pressure.

Autistis boys are degenerates pieces of shit

But we told you, you pillock.
Women get a free pass for a lot of shit, teachers, whether male or female, cuddle them and guys just want to fuck them so they don't care about it and still accept them. A woman has to do very little to find some social acceptance beyond just being a woman.

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Autism is caused by an excess of testosterone in the womb, which usually affects boys

Why would a socially awkward girl exist? If she is halfway decent looking she has already earned social respect just for existing. Whereas men have to "earn" their respect within the community. Men have to "prove" they are worth talking to. No men has value intrinsically, hugely unlike women. Not mgtow, its just truth.

Cool flag, haven't seen it in awhile

Females have very little derivation from the standard. Males have far greater derivation, so there is more smart males and more dumb males.

A socially awkward girl is still gonna have dick thrown at her, is still gonna be given credence for her social weirdness, and is still gonna appear the same as all the other girls out there.
An autistic guy is going to be continusouly strange, on the outside of the social group, and noticeably different from the other men around him.
It's a matter of context.

autism is caused by high testosterone levels during fetal development forming a hypermasculined brain


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Have you not noticed that most of the women you will ever meet are fucking retarded? They vent their autism in different methods than guys. Guys will play a video game, or latch onto a movie genre (ie: fucking super heroes).
Women will latch onto social media because men and jealous normie women will idolize them. When in fact, most of these women are as dumb as a fucking tuber, like a potato. Most men you know will do something that's successful enough that they can have kids and support them. What do you know about the women you know? Where are they now? Whores, single moms, addicts, etc?

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because women are like fish they just swim around in social situations and get used.

You basically don’t notice “autistic” girls because the never leave space for people to approach them.
The only case I have seen those girls engaged in a social interaction is when they’re consistently attracted to a guy.
By the way, most of those girls are VERY awkward and probably very emotionally unstable too.

Basically think Komi-san

Whilst that may be true, autism definitely affects significantly more males than females. A characteristic of autism is intense concentration and devotion to a specific subject. It is my opinion that this explains why males are leaders of technical fields.

Sooo, what now? Autists can turn into GigaChad 3000?

Autism is basically a hyper-masculine brain (obsessed with things and systems, but incapable of socializing). It's probably linked to the Y chromosome somehow.

Why do shitskins fuck camels? Seems pretty odd to me how bout' you?

Sometimes you get tired of goats and you want to spice things up.

>danger boner

kek so true

I felt inclined to screencap this.

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Fuck that's a shitty screencap, let me try again.

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The irony of this in a thread about autism

Most high school anime clubs are full of fat autistic girls obsessed with yaoi. You don’t see it presented in popular media, but it exists.

You don’t see it so much after high school, because parents coddle their girls more so they can be neet in greater numbers.

When the fuck did your country pop into existence
The fuck?


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My little cousin, who is a little girl, is unironicly autistic and she tends to freak out in situations that cause her great destress. She has a personal assistant helping her to cope with her mental illness. My uncle told me that when she was around 2 years old, she couldn't respond to words or language in general until specialist started helping her.

>Why are there so many more autistic boys than girls ?, I don't think that I've ever seen an autistic/socially awkward girl before
There are MORE autistic women, they just live life on fucking easy mode and get coddled and babied and given fucking everything while men are ridiculed and treated like shit all because we don't have fucking vaginas or eggs/

FUCK women and FUCK normalfags.

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Look up Peter the Great

Because men are smarter than women in general

Most girls are crazy already so it's harder to tell.

False bigger. Males have autism at a 5:1 ratio to females.

more like Fuck Yeah!

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if a man is socially retarded he's going to be a virgin beta incel for life*
if a woman is socially retarded she's going to get nailed as long as she's a 6+.

* or at least until he goes to thailand or philipines

It's an invisible disability, retard
(also "girl autism" is the shy and quiet type, they pass as normal most of the time)

So what are the symptoms of this disease?

>Oy vey it dreadful! This little goy boy isn't focused like a laser beam in school 24/7 who ever heard of such a thing. Now for a low low price of 6000000000 shekels my cousin Moyshe he runs a pharmacy...

Statistics mean nothing. Women aren't even perceived as being autistic, so they are never tested.

>I don't think that I've ever seen an autistic/socially awkward girl before
and you don't want to, I can fully understand why women shit test guys

Dr. Simon Baren Cohen (yes, Jew and Borat's brother) ia a foremost expert in the field and identified pre-natal Testosterone as a major factor contributing to Autism if memory serves

and FUCK MY LIFE because i am actually autistic

>It's an invisible disability, retard

Really? heh, I only believe in what I can SEE *tip*

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Right because someone told you enough for it to become a social crutch. I bet your boomer parents even drugged you.


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>if a woman is socially retarded she's going to get nailed as long as she's a 6+.
More like 2+. I knew an uggo autistic girl in high school. Even she had a bf.

I have one would come into the coffee shop I drank at and just sit and draw patterns all evening. I talk to her but she just kept going on about how awkward it was. She was cute but weird fashion. couldn't decide how old she was 16 to 25?

Rare flag

These goyim aren't fitting IN though

Look on the bright side you could be straight up vile


girls are literally brain dead.


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Girls can get away with it because they're not expected to be providers.

Because boys aren't allowed to be boys in today's society, it seriously fucks with their brains.

>Estimates of neuronal numbers -- the product of neuronal thickness times density -- were 13% higher in males than in females, with mean male-to-female ratios of 1.13 in both hemispheres. The data provide morphologic evidence of considerable cerebral cortical dimorphism with the demonstration of significantly higher neuronal densities and neuronal number estimates in males, though with similar mean cortical thickness, implying a reciprocal increase in neuropil/neuronal processes in the female cortex.

So they're saying that women play a game of catch up?

So why are male-to-female trannies so much more predominant among autistic males than any other group in human society?

Accountability. Girls are almost all autistic already. Without masculinity and accountability its just showing up on more boys now. Maybe birth age of the mothers, mass vaccination and, the chemicals/5G/bullshit programming god knows what they are exposed to. But mostly we just stopped boys from being allowed to fight. A few more ass whooping for all of them and this would stop.

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Again, see

Autism was most likely very useful when humans lived in hunter-gatherer societies and as such it was much more beneficial for a man to be autistic than it was for a woman.
I think autists would make for excellent hitmen or snipers in the modern world if utilized efficiently

Most of you have no idea what you're talking about. Autism in girls often manifests as anxiety because they develop socially earlier.

because boys and girls are biologically different.

Im convinced my spectrum disorder comes from when my mom had the tip of my penis cut off on my birth day...

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I think we can end the thread here.

IT is the whole "fuck you dad" thing that goes on in our society because something like 60% of families are broken homes. In the next decade we are going to have a lot of people to deprogram who were brainwashed by their feminist mom to switch genders at birth so they could get attention on social media.

What? Most girls are so damn insecure about shit. The smallest words can literally hurt them. How autistic is that?

Okay here goes. Believe it or not, defective genes will be overruled and not develop if there is a functioning gene also present. Ikr, genes are kinda smart not gonna lie. Since Girls have 2 'X' chromosomes, if one contains a defective gene defective, the other normal one will override the defective one. This means that if one X chromosome has autismo, the other will override that and the lass wont get the autism.

For men, on the other hand, we only got one X chromosome which means if our one X chromosome is contaminated with retardation, there is nothing to stop it from manifesting and ruining our future social life.

If a girl is to get autism, both of her chromies need to have the gene which causes autism, which is far less likely because it means that her father would need to have autism and as we know, autism is not very helpful when it comes to finding a suitable partner.

Glad to be of assistance.

Bit weird


What have you contributed to human civilization and culture?

Women are better at masking their autism because they are more motivated by default of being born female to fit into social circles. We tend to learn from an early age to just mimic what other girls do that seems to make them popular/amicable.

>tfw didn't get diagnosed as a spergatron until age 25 because I was so good at hiding it from everyone including myself

Men are naturally more interested in things than people.

if anything there's more awkward girls than boys
boys are taught to man up and stop being children, girls are taught to accept themselves in most cases
as for actual autism I don't know haha

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prove you're from mauritania

You gestate female and then hormones cause you to grow into a male. Female are the tabula rasa on which men are created from.

Men are basically a specialized form of woman with greater muscle density, higher intelligence, etc.

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The thing is, when a girl is awkward and makes everything around her a cringefest, it actually ends up getting blamed on the guy.

>except st and look pretty (if they want)
I have an idea. Why don’t you exist and look handsome (if you want)?

So why do they act so feminine to the point where they completely believe they're female if autism is supposed to make you more masculine? Why do they do this shit from the cradle to the (early) grave in spite of every external impetus urging them otherwise? Fucking think for once in your stupid life, or at least do some actual research on the lives of the mentally ill if you want to talk about mental illness.

because women are pampered their whole lives by both the majority of men AND other women

being female is life on easy mode so much that it's impossible to end up autistic

>it's the (((modern))) day "men are mutant women" myth that the feminist left pushes to normalize their ill-begotten status
Dumb leaf.

Handsome kitty!!! You win the webz tday k

it's just another shaming tactic and excuse to turn men into trannies

Yup. Autism is an in demand trait for girls. Just look at anime. A lot of moe characters are arguably on the spectrum.

its a man's responsibility to make a woman comfortable and at ease

because autistic women are considered cute and autistic men a considered creepy, so society only notices the negatives in people not the positives

Absent fathers.

Which doesn't really work because they're asking you to "roll back" your "mutation". It'd be much better as FtM recruitment material.

Men have greater variability with intelligence more at the high end and low end of the spectrum. Women average more. Men also have more mental disorders, but women have it more severely if they inherit something. There are also a list of disorders that men and women get more than the other, but i dont remember at the moment other than I think Bipolar is a womens thing.

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The narrative can go both ways, but right now it goes that men are damaged women in the popular discourse.