Why do some white men want to marry asian girls when White male has beautiful white women?

Why do some white men want to marry asian girls when White male has beautiful white women?

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Because different people like different things

So you think Someone prefer Macdonald's cheeseburger over Kobe beef steak?


>every white men can get a beautiful white woman

pretty sure my brother is marrying a Chinese spy

I'm fucking pissed off about it. That means this chink spy will be coming over and ruining our white holidays.

What do?

Because beta males can’t usually resort to getting a beautiful white woman (or please them) they lower their standards and hang around with ugly gooks

because white women treat their own race like shit

Because white women live in a society where they have total control. You cannot challenge them in any theatre because the media and law automatically sides with the thots, skanks and femijews over a man, even if he is correct.

Japan is the same way but happens to be 20 years ahead in female control due to cuck culture.

White man and asian woman marriage lasts longer than any other marriage in the US. Asian women are loyal and practical. White women are impulsive and long to burn coal to spite daddy.

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I want to marry a woman that doesn't dress like a man, act like a man, and do the jobs men do.

because white women like canines

White woman is more educated, tough, independent and strong.
Why don't you prefer them? It's such suprise


White women are entitled and useless. It's not like I can't enjoy the beauty of white women, but asians are better on cost benefit ratio. Why marry a woman who won't stay faithful, doesn't want kids, makes her own money, doesn't want to run the household, and shares none of my interests? With a jap I theoretically could at least larp japanese culture and visit awa odoris or whatever.

The main reason is because they are more submissive and give off a feminine charm. Although personally i prefer white women

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Because some white men eat way too much SOÏ

In the U.S. white women hold considerable legal power over white men and for this reason it is risky to enter a committed relationship with them.

"independent and strong"

red flag for a woman

you gotta be trolling nihonjin-san

She used to be so sexy. Now it’s all tattoos and niggers with her.

needless arguments
projecting a false persona of toughness as in using slurrs when losing needless arguments
relationships aren't about independence but symbiosis
might be strong but you'll do the heavy lifting anyway

Not in America. 90% of them believe in the poison that is modern feminism and almost all Asians have college degrees here.
>tough, independent and strong
That's not what most men want in a woman, but I personally prefer that myself.

Why do you have to marry a pet?

You can just buy dog if you want something which obey your order.

True partnership requires independent individual

I dont eat burgers or steak but id eat shitty mcnuggets before either

Bleach them all!

If white women could behave themselves this would never have been subject to discussion.

>ITT a bunch of weavoo beta trash who never dated Japanese girls

Let me tell you, they are no different than white girls other than being more childish and are dumb as bricks

>T half Japanese who dated happy girls from different baackgrounds

how about this

i'm a healthy guy who is 6 feet tall

most american women weight more than me

you see problem now?

america full of fat cow bitch

Wtf auto correct changed "Jap"to "happy"

White women would rather have sex with dogs and farm animals than white men.

We all know your just an white English teacher.

You can tell us why we shouldn't marry gooks.

Because white women have been brainwashed and deformed into unfuckable narcissistic psychopaths, so we’re coming for your qt Japs. It’s not like you losers are fucking them anyway.

Dumb girls are attractive; If I wanted stimulating intellectual conversation, I'll talk to my mates

White women are only beautiful on the outside. And most of them ain't even that.

>tough, indepdendent and strong
Translation: masculine, promiscuous cunt.

Oh you are such man child
I am white english teacher because why?

Kill him in his sleep.

99% if girls are dumb as bricks and childish

>White male has beautiful white women?
beautiful white women are extremely high maintenance.

>Dumb girls are attractive
>Being this beta

Stop watching anime

The vast majority of white women are vapid whores who only care about tasting every flavor of dick well into their late 20s, where they try to marry a rich beta and get fat.

Asian girls are not only more modest and far less promiscuous, but also know how to take care of themselves. Ever seen a WMAF couple where the wife was obese?

This is all of course on top of the fact that Asians are objectively the most attractive women. I took the waifu pill and don't plan on looking back.

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>In the U.S. white women hold considerable legal power over white men and for this reason it is risky to enter a committed relationship with them.

Being in a relationship with a white woman is a continual game of russian roulette

Ah, the typical white woman. Smart, independent, strong. I too remember all those sophisticated discussions about beer pong or how many boyfriends that had before, which involves topics like the uncertainty principle and complex mathematics in general. I also enjoyed talking about the meme trend of the week and having superficial discussions about Game of Thrones. Mhm ha, the white women... great.

Wouldn't date flips desu. Japs seem fine at least those who aren't clubbing or gungaroo girls or some weird shit.

The vast majority of Japanese posters here are white people pretending to be nip.
The broken English thing is pretty easy to emulate. For instance our Hiromoot is only pretending to suck at English.

This is exactly what I wanted saying.

I think in current age, all city girls are similar regardless of cultural background

I've yet to meet a rational/smart women.

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Because they're cucks

Why do you muricans have such bad taste on women? 99% of the time an american posts a "beautiful aryan women" they're either average or bordering on hideous, especially if it is "muh dixie beauties". Not gonna pretend brownzilian women are good looking either, most of them are puke-inducing, but at least here this horrible taste isn't so widespread.

As for you, OP, it just comes down to them being cuter than average and aging better than pretty much any other demographic, even the uglier ones are usually somewhat cute in some way or another (but half jap mutts are always hideous abominations, especially if the other half is brown/black).
t. lived in japtown for most of my youth.

thas hape puppo

because white women are weak and stupid

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White women would rather have sex with dogs and farm animals than you, you mean.
Perhaps you should work on fixing that if you're literally less desirable than animals.

>True partnership requires independent individual
two doms do not make a relationship. There has to be one dom and one sub. White women can and will destroy your life using the legal system if you are dom.

word to your legal guardian

You goddamn right. I'm sad because i'll never get an asian gf but Japan and Korea (top) are privileged because of this.

East Asian women are more attractive.

A 6/10 Asian is better than a 10/10 white.

>women are weak and stupid

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Let me warn you, if you date an attractive Japanese girl, consider expect to be cheated on.

Any 6+ girl will cheat on you.

>T.have more than 10 friends who divorced because of cheating

>implying you wouldn't fuck alizee


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post pics and I'll tell you whether she's a spy.

“One dom and one sub”
Get off Grindr, you faggot. It’s warped your entire worldview.

>when White male has beautiful white women?
t. English teacher

This is why Japanese people can't speak English. OP is the quality of teacher they hire.

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or I am native Japanese speaker who can't speak English

>Get off Grindr, you faggot. It’s warped your entire worldview.
t. handbagged

Fuck? Yeah.

Take as a wife? Nah.

There is nothing wrong with it, so I don't particularly care. If a bunch of white guys were marrying niggers or spics, I'd be worried.

This. Get rekt japo.

NO White women literally have sex with dogs and farm animals en-masse.

I would say they should work on fixing themselves since they are the root of all our problems but they're unsalvageable good riddance.

I wonder how English teachers are living now considering how low their wages are. About 190kyen a month?

Every jap or half jap girl i've met here were pretty well behaved, except for one who was a walking definition of slut. Maybe the "colonials" kept the child raising standards longer, idk.
Would you mind expanding a bit on the topic?

Using a pic of the angel Alizée and implying that most white western wamyn are like that is like using a picture of Beyoncé and implying most Kang women are like that. Most western white wamyn are over weight, age like dogshit, have attrocious attitudes and have none of the basic qualities which men desire from women.

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>be Mexican America
>have German American gf
White women aren't that much less submissive. The problem is that you have to be a little bit more dominant to keep them.
Also this
It's getting harder to find American women that aren't tainted by feminism.

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tl:dr the liberation of women turned most of them into sluts so some of us tend to asians because they are more traditional

I honestly fuck that white girl rather disgusting korean whore

Marry young.

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You sound like you're a muslim. No offense, but brown people should run their mouths about fucking animals. I'm not saying you all do it but cousin marrying and goat fucking are pretty common, right?

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Low self esteem.

You see, especially in cities, they always have the culture of drinking and 女子会 where it is basically your wife going out with her female friends to bars or restaurants.

In Japan, couples cheat on each other a lot, there is a TV program (I'll see if I can find it) where they test couples.

They tested 10 couples, 9 cheated (one of them is married to Nigerian nig lol)

Now city girls in Japan are a nightmare to deal with, things are getting worse and worse with the spread of feminism...

Shit taste knows no borders.

How the fuck is that a Muslim comment you schizo. White "women" are closer to animals than human beings.

Angry gooklet

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The woman in your picture is Alizée. She's French.

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Absolutely based turks

Feed her misinformation on troop and equipment movements.
Leave blueprints of US military and industrial technology with false measurements and incorrect stats lying around.
Scatter USB sticks with malware on them around your house.

Yeah, it eventually fixes itself but that's going take several decades if not more than a century. Degeneracy is simply the current trend and there are going to be a lot of angry single women that are past their expiry date.

Nah, dude. I'm not buying that you're actually canadian. You're just some dude with issues.

I have my problems with white women but I'm not going that far. You sound like some bitter migrant who couldn't get with a white woman and now went full racist because he realizes he's an foreign object in an organism he doesn't belong to.

I'm done. Can U claim MGTOW if you never even kissed a girl...

I feel like, I might have brain damage, I feel like my mind just skips things but I think I did it and my mind doesn't see things right in front of me. Kind of like the half-clock experiment where people only draw half a clock because they only have half a brain. Only like I miss one digit and think I drew it. This appears to be getting worse. I can seam to hold down a job and keep fucking up simply tasks despite doing around 118-130 in IQ tests.

I just can't be dominate. I tried to fake it until I make it but I just couldn't do it...

My dad said he felt like won't be here next x-mas as we were putting the tree away. I don't think I can make it without him.

I don't know anyone under 60, who's even black pilled...

>the one thing feminism did right

Hello white knight roasty worshipper

>190k yen per month

I'm an English teacher and I make 320k per month plus two bonuses...

Not all English teachers are trash, user.

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t. turk

Are you new to Jow Forums?

You're confusing independent "feminists" with tsundere women from your animes. The former will cheat on you and divorce rape you/claim you raped and beat her during marring even if it's a lie, whilst the latter will remain loyal to you through tough love (this kind of women doesn't exist in real life, at least not in the west)

You're the turk. I can smell it. Either that or some other admixture. You're not canadian!!

Do you even read what you type?