Is it wrong to not be transphobic?

so over the past few months i've grown from a hardcore Jow Forums anti lgbt user to emphathizing with trannies. probably because i've been hanging around a lot of them and while some are batshit insane, most of them are just troubled souls who honestly seem like they are kind people.
Most of them know they are "mentally challenged" with the others seemingly trying to defend their honor and identity.
i'm kind of at the crossroads now and find it hard to hate people just because Jow Forums told me so.
so the question is.
Is it wrong to accept trannies & let them be?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you are a shill and fuck off faggot

to add something. mot of them are already genuinely in pain and jut struggling to find some comfort in life. it kind of feels like beating up a handicapped kid when we troll them with anti tranny stuff. so i'm conflicted.

>people who want to mutilate their genitals and have nothing left but a bloody pus filled hole stitched together with hair growing inside because they think it will turn them into another entirely different gender are mentally retarded genetic dead ends
Wow what a shocker

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not really,
if i was i would have probably used a passing or more sexy tranny instead of op pic.

>Is it wrong to accept trannies & let them be?

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>I’m sad
>surely cutting off my peepee and dilating it every single day for the rest of my life because my body thinks I have a gaping wound will make me feel better
>tranny suicide rates

probably over 70% of trannies i know seem like they'll never get SRS. they may hate their genitals but seem unwilling to go that far.

There is no irrational fear. So I don't understand why anyone would be 'transphobic'. People just hate faggots and schizo tranny psychopaths.


Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED+-


They're mentally ill user.
It's okay to have sympathy for the mentally ill, they need it and everything should be done to make them better, however, feeding their delusions has been proven to lead to self harm and suicide.
"Transphobia" keeps more trans people alive and moving towards a healthy outlook than "acceptance" does.

your a faggot pol didnt tell you shit because pol isnt one person. suck your trans friends off 2 times each to make up for coming to this nazi hell hole and then hang yourself with a rope made of SAGE

They want to be put out of their misery

The fuck is up with those proportions?

>clothes don't define your gender
>I define my gender by clothes

some of them have unfortunate mental illnesses and others get tricked into thinking dressing up like a girl will solve the rest of their problems and still others are sociopaths who get their kicks out of making people call them funny pronouns and like to get into fights with people who "misgender" them
but above all else remember this, either transsexuality is caused by neurological hermaphrodism and it's innate and fixed, or all sexually dimorphic behavior is learned and not fixed or innate, that is, the behavioral differences between men and women are purely social. there's no in between, either you accept that transsexuality is a fundamentally real phenomenon (for some people) or you believe that gender is a social construct

>it’s okay if the tranny passes according to a select group of porn addicts on a Taiwanese basket weeving site because surely no bad can come from living a life of sexually degeneracy to fill in the void and depression of being a genetic dead end right

trannies definitely are damaged people and they need help. The problem is they're not getting the right help. They're getting their dicks cut off and injecting foreign chemicals into their bodies, there has to be another solution

From an ex tranny, some of us are possible to cure. The people who cannot accept that they are mentally ill and have not tried the extensive amount of different therapies and mindsets/approaches there are before deciding to transition are stupid imo.

what this user said. witness us

not really a convincing argument hans.
i am willing to listen,
already talked about "cutting off peepee", about suicide rates, the majority seem to come from trannies not having any place in society due to low key transphobia and no systems in place to truly help them out.

I'm in the same boat.
I can be friends with some if they aren't batshit beyond the whole gender dysphoria thing, but I will never accept surgery or state funded HRT or this shit pushed on kids and they know it.

that said the ones I know personally are okay. >playing vidya together, using VC
>their voice could pass at least
>something happens and one says "GODDAMN IT" in a deep as fuck voice

cracks me up every time

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Gay and fucking saged

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I mean he has an adult head on a kids body, he was always meant to be a circus freak.

thing is i'm starting to see them as normal people. and in
some cases, for some people, under certain circumstances, "deep breath" interchangeable with cis women

kill yourself with a necklace, bound too tight, made entirely of SAGE

you are the utmost gay
redpill thread, specifically, the trans evil

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they have an agenda for children. if you support the trans movement you support pedophilia theres no inbetween

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theres a rabbi doin rabbi stuff

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Its not wrong to be phobic at all. Whats wrong is to encroach on any other person because you believe you are right.

Society in general should be a case of 'Do what you want as long as it doesn't negatively affect others' and if someone wants to chop their dick off and become a girl, let them. Their personal happiness is their personal gain and there are plenty of ugly ass women out there at the ages that the majority of trannies transition (it's mainly 30 year old+ in their midlife crisis hence why they tend to look like the hulk in a dress) but the main issue is that people portray it as normal and acceptable.

Instead you should just go with the propertarianism viewpoint of "Is this theft of my property?" in every literal sense. Are they harassing you? Are they actively trying to inform/misinform your children via dogma? Are they gathering allies against you because you say "Fuck off" and walk away? Are they using their position as an attack on your personal image or morals by lying to your employers/employees/contracts?

If they aren't then just walk away. If they are? Then they need removing from your personal sphere via any means you deem required. It's the same way to deal with gays and such. Don't treat them as cancer unless they are actively trying to inhibit your life in some way. Once they do that, get the chemo going with a shotgun and say they acted aggressively on your property after you refused them access.

Yea I’m sure that’s why...

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back in the 70's real life cp in the mail

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demons teaching our kids about drag? weird

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wanna talk about desmond is amazing? and how hes alot like micheal jackson>?

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thanks for the level headed comment.
i'll try finding the middle ground between -kill all fags - & - transwomen are women

I'll bite just to say this.

I don't support any form of mental illness
But these people genuinely needs help but they're just being enabled by other people to continue being sick until it kills them, I don't know why anyone would support a behaviour like this but they do.
We don't tell depressed people that it's okay to be depressed and that they should kill themselves because it feels right for them. We don't tell schizos that their reality is completely normal and they should live by it. We don't tell severly autistic children that they should keep punching themselves in the face because it's just who they are.
So why should we say tell people with gender dysphoria that altering their natural puberty and hormone system and mutilating your body is fine?

Trannies aren't the problem, they're just ill and don't really know any better. The people enabling them and the doctors profiting off of them are. They are the people you should go after.
Leave the trannies alone and go after the people who make them instead, picking on the mentally ill just makes you come off as an asshole


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your outclassed, better call for backup faggot

It is wrong, all trannies are fucking psycho and WILL turn on you and doxx you if you so much as fart in a way that triggers them.


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this is unironically true

watch desmonds dad and where his eyes seem to go

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none of this is ok glowfag OP

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95% of "trannies" aren't transexuals. They are transvestites who do it for attention.

The 5% who are actual transexuals are then split between transvestites who are mentally ill and desire attention like the AGDQ faggots and actual medical cases who have physical deformations in their brain and basically live their lives as actors. Those are the ones who have the high suicide rates from not getting SRS and have a near 100% survival rate after. Most of the latter are also the ones who fucking hate LBGT because the Trannies from that group are coopting a legitimate medical condition and forcing men in drag into the same sphere as actual genetic deformities and ruining the systems set up to help the actual transexuals who don't go out and advocate for shit.

So out of most trannies, 2.5% are legitimate medical cases who should be seen as such and aided in the same way as any other person, 2.5 % should be committed into a medical institution to deal with their midlife crisis and 95% should be treated as blithering attention whores who aren't actually a merit on society and should be culled.

>hanging around trannies

you're getting the rope too faggot

Don’t hate individuals. Love them.
Have empathy for them. Hate the cultiure so deranged that it did this to them. Hate the intelligensia responsible. Hate the political demons who prey on empathy and compassion to mobilize lost souls into orcish hordes. Hate the media that pressures them into mutilating their bodies instead of learning to accept themselves. Etc.

You don't have to be 'transphobic'. Phobia implies an irrational hatred or fear of the subjects in question. I find that I'm perfectly comfortable being around trans people and talking to them, but my views on them don't change as a result of my exposure; I just pity them even more.
They're broken humans. Their minds don't work properly. I don't get mad at the mentally retarded for being the way they are, it's not their fault. Just as it isn't the fault of trans people that they suffer from gender dysphoria. I might be fine talking to them, but that doesn't mean I don't consider them to be broken, nor that I consider a man who dresses as a woman to be a woman.

You can be courteous to them and still think that their existence is a mistake on the part of nature, OP.

The most dangerous and unpredictable animal on earth is a human being with a mental illness.

A phobia is an 'irrational' fear. There is absolutely nothing irrational about fearing nut jobs, it's about as rational as it's possible to be, we have evolved to spot the signs and all societies naturally want to remove damaged people from their midst.

Is it even h-human, desu?

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Agreed. We need a final solution.

Trannies are people too and usually highly sensitive individuals

How many should have been put into art school at an early age where expression wasn't restricted to gender

Our society is over sexualised, that is the problem. Not queer folk.

-A Queer

Trans Gender


not adapting to one or the other but just being an expressive being

where is the best place to talk to ex trannies?

When Michelle Foucault went to New York he said he was a homosexual in a city of gays

What did he mean by that?

You can fuck trans ppl, you can love em, but you can't say their normal.Sure you won't say it to their face but still. I don't stop myself from doing something if I feel like doing it but it doesn't mean I think their filthy woundgina is normal. Heck they usually better when their just some like girly peep with a boypussy rather then a festering hole

>meme flag

Must be awful being in a wrong body, I cannot even imagine the constant feeling driving me crazy.

At the same time it should be TREATED not NORMALIZED because it is a psychological disorder, after all.


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I wear mens shirts

but they are feminine mens shirts

am I transgender?

I really don't know, nor care

What have you contributed to society?

>feminine mens shirts

Checks out

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>low key
Next time don't let your language expose you like that. The meme flag is bad enough. We deserve more thoughtful adversaries. You can tell your whole discord the same.

What is their benefit to society?

They won't produce normal children, won't have normal families.

I'm sympathetic but there has to be a time where we put a stop to the insanity. We have to ALL be peaceful parents (no spanking, yelling) and make sure our kids don't get molested/raped. Most fags and trannies got fucked by their grandpa/uncle/dad. We need to stop that cycle. But if the 2nd Civil War starts, I'm pretty sure they get the bullet too.

What have you done for society?

Euthanasia . 100% effective on vermin of all types . Xyklon b

Genital surgery is abhorrent

Not even Bruce Jenner cut off her dick

Careful with that Axe Eugene

Pro tip: Society needs to die.

all degenerate filth needs the rope soon.

Perhaps YOUR society but not mine

My society is happy

What more could a leader want

than a happy society at peace with all others

Now I know this is a fucking troll. The retard used "cis women." WHAT THE FUCK! Kill yourself faggot.

>if we mutilate the genitals who have mental issues were the good guys right

it is immoral why trannies and fags exists
they only exist because women are pieces of shit that ignore them their whole lives and they could have been good men
also their cuck parents telling them to be good goys their whole lives
and also the slave like society and government
also people picking on them
they would have been better off joining the army and doing violence than being fags or trannies

You can't join our guild faggot. Go back to the evil witch of the west for more estrogen potion and then noose yourself.

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Well mutilating genitals is abhorrent and defies the hypocritic oath

My rule of thumb is that if they generally pass as the gender they want to be then its cool, but if they don't then its a mental illness

Why are you afraid of them?
4 in 10 kill themselves anyhow.

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Transgender people don't want to cut off their genitals

because they are beyond gender

Take Kaitlyn Jenner

She wants to look more feminine so has some facial surgery

but why would she enter into a traumatic gender reassignment when she is beyond her sexual gender?

Every single tranny I've ever met is up front and center about how they are unstable, suicidal and have mental problems, yet at the same time claim that their gender dissonance is 100% valid and true.

Now obviously this is ridiculous; it's literally double-think. My flatmate constantly talks about the time s/he got sectioned and laments the fact that they can never own a gun because of that record, but will debate to the ends of the earth the "fact" that they were always that gender.

They already openly presented themselves as unreliable mentally; why should anyone humour one particularly important claim when they have a proven track record of being incongruent?

>Is it wrong to accept trannies & let them be?
If you are part of a cult centered on violent hostility to some literally who minority group that never hurt a fly, then apparently it is. The sad truth is that the anons who're not in quadruple-irony larping mode are unfortunately genuinely evil people. The majority have been brainwashed, but that isnt really any excuse for their vile behavior.

They aren't peoppe cuck and they are the downfall of the West
Cut them out of your life or be a martyr and put them down

pearls before swine
your too human for the likes of them
they may be ok for now but what about the future
even in the present there are some uhh.. "unsavoury aspects"

It's morally wrong to encourage mental illness. Also faggots reproduce by molesting other people's children.

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>wearing dresses and skirts is only for women

Is there a genome for that ? Science boy?

Based as fuck

They can go into therapy and suck it up. It's simply a mental illness that they'll have to live with. Maybe they can come to terms and accept the gender they were born with.

I'm not schizophobic I just think they belong in mental hospitals and away from kids.

based anglo

This. Memer doesn't have anything important to say but just has to start a slide thread of tranny sympathy.

In my experience trannies, like all publicly shameful anti-normal liberal victim groups, are almost always straight up immoral weirdos who dream of the day they can rape normal straight people's kids to 'turn' them. Trannies are faggots who have thrown away any attempt to frame their behaviour as reasonable or harmless.

.22 to the nape of the neck, place them in the trash. Failure to do so is handing over the decency of your society to the whims of mentally deranged perverts and saying 'do what you want with it'.