Barack Obama and Lady Gaga considered successful? What the fuck
Barack Obama and Lady Gaga considered successful? What the fuck
Based... um... mystery meat?
Elon Musk
>every single article in every one of our newspapers
what the fuck
Lmao, yea a 2 x divorcee and can’t produce babies like a normal person. How successful.
Money doesn’t mean shit if you can’t find gratification within from people who love you for who you are not your wealth.
Weed smokers shall be executed on the Day of the Rope. Losers must be eliminated and cleansed from a functional society. No deals. No exceptions.
really insightful contribution you morbidly obese gentleman
If she actually thinks this then she's retarded. It's not even an issue of being pro or anti-weed, it's objectively wrong to say that you can smoke and be successful.
They do a lot worse than weed.
friendly reminder that maoris are niggers and should be treated as such
How about Bill Gates and Elon Musk? Who cares if Lady Gaga smokes crack?
Fuck national. They are a bunch of retards that got scammed over bogus meth testing. Only chinks and kikes vote national.
People also thinks he's much smarter than he really is
>lol you didn't fuck and make babies therefore you're useless
>except for
M maybe she means those who smoke pot regularly. And if so, I'm inclined to agree
He's 150 IQ. Show respect.
>thinking the ability to decline breeding is somehow successful.
Not a perfect example, but pic related is what you call successful.
Elon Musk
Bill Clinton
Dr. Dre
Snoop Dogg
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs(? Not sure about that one)
I mean they are rich and were both at the "top" of there professions at some point so yeah I'd say they were successful.
If becoming president of the US isn’t success to you user I don’t know what is
She probably never met anyone on the list
Why are weedfags fucking flooding this place. Did you normalfags all step off the boat from reddit. Weed is for retarded niggers
*sips whiskey*
yeah but paula bennett is a fucking retard so who cares
cringe and bluepilled boomer
>Only chinks and kikes vote national.
t. maori
>Becomes President on progressive platform
>*Sow the seeds of civil war*
Based marihuana smoker
He sure did a great job
more successful than you welfare nazis will ever be
Amphetamines > Alcohol > Weed
i like how your a blue pilled reddit tier normie using language you dont understand on someone far superior to yourself. An intricate understanding of racism and the origin of the word would really help you out in this situation i suggest you possibly look into it and then try and call me blue pilled with a straight face
>boomer response
lack of self awareness there grandpa, keep up
how is it possible that kiwis are the only posters consistently worse than leafs? Is it because NZ is the Canada of oceania?
You can be an alcoholic and be successful too you brainfried leaf, but these are exceptions not the norm.
Big surprise that Cuckhub is shilling for the government.
Bill Nye the Sexhole Guy?
post tabo
How is WEED of all things still such a controversial thing in the US?
politics in America are less about supporting what your side represents and more about destroying what your opponents represent
Willie Nelson
Cheech and chong Sure they are not as famous anymore but they were.
this is new zealand media reporting on a new zealand mp who's a dumbass