Yesterday I showed my housemate a k-pop video and today she shows me this video of a Asian woman who is ugly as fuck but puts on like a kg of makeup in 5 min. and than looks good but fake. Then couple hours later she tells me if you get children with a Asian your children won’t look like yourself. And that all Asians look the same. And continues with her Asian rant. And I was like wtf, I didn’t even mention that I liked Asian girls.
I always thought it was just guys on here trolling about wmaf. But it seems the white roastie is really afraid.
>Every Why take a very defensible position and express it with an absolute claim that is impossible to defend? Silly goy
Josiah Watson
yeah, provide chinks with even wider spy network.Chinkee is going to prowide his chink wife with intel so she can score few points in the chinese social points system.
Ian Stewart
Doesn’t seem like a healthy reaction to me. Do woman always act so heavily on their feelings?
Adrian Flores
>Yesterday I showed my housemate a k-pop video Ugh. They're all so fucking... manufactured.
>and today she shows me this video of a Asian woman who is ugly as fuck but puts on like a kg of makeup in 5 min. and [that] looks good but fake. ok
> Then couple hours later she tells me if you get children with a Asian your children won’t look like yourself. They also won't look like the Asian. Welcome to half-breeds. You in-breed for traits, and outbreed for health. But yeah, they'll look half-asian. That's how genes work.
>And that all Asians look the same. Not all, but a lot have very similar features and don't have much creativity when it comes to their hair style. Mostly brunettes.
>And continues with her Asian rant. And I was like wtf, I didn’t even mention that I liked Asian girls. >I always thought it was just guys on here trolling about wmaf. But it seems the white roastie is really afraid.
Dude, she's just racist
Cameron Bailey
>she found your problem
Zachary Perez
>hey, not all thieves are bad! fuck your relativity.
Yellow fever's the only reason anyone would be within a thousand miles of kpop. Asian trad qt vs white whale roastie is d&c. Tttheyyy don't want white families, won't even let you see them. Pic related.
>Do woman always act so heavily on their feelings? Yes, it's like the whole stereotype of women.
Julian Russell
in short, yes, they do. No need to overthink it.
Angel Rodriguez
Oh, the IQ and degree thing is because we selected for all the smarties when they fled Mao's anti-intellectual rampage. IQ is highly heritable. So now we've got a bunch of smart asian american kids.
If these studies bothered to get data from mainland china, there are plenty of idiots. But no, they're just looking at America.
And Africa's still the clusterfuck it's always been.
Hunter Jackson
Yeah I think this user is right. She seems to have a bad view on Asians. But when I asked do you also think everyone from Africa looks the same? She said no. So just a racist against Asians.
Brandon Robinson
I started listening it for the music but stayed for music+girls. The songs are pretty addictive
Gavin Ortiz
Japan is sugarcoated degenerate shithole and s korea more feminist than the west. You can just learn how to cook and make the kimchi yourself. Also, what girl in OP said still stands + because of cultural diference you won't ever be able to fully understand each other.
Isaiah Edwards
>Oh, the IQ and degree thing is because we selected for all the smarties when they fled Mao's anti-intellectual rampage. Oh this one again. Jow Forums likes to say that because the tests take place in weather cities, that somehow makes their IQ better. There is no correlation between the wealth of an area and IQ. The IQ in the poorest White area will be higher than the IQ in the wealthiest black area, in the exact same way as the crime rate.
Easton Jenkins
Gay lol
Ryder Lopez
But there are also a lot of 2nd or 3rd generation Asian girls in my country who grew up here.
Elijah Collins
Jacob Clark
you don't know that though.
Jayden Taylor
Show her some jew girls and see what she says.
Camden Flores
She's based as fuck. Also kys, race traitor.
Henry Stewart
I stayed mostly for the girls. Instead of the music I watch the vlogs and tvshows with them.
Caleb Hernandez
She is Greek. So probably should show her some ugly ass greek girls
Jace Hughes
then you might end up with girl who loves you like a dutch girl would and will give you halfbreed child who doesent look like you, and is going to have bigger chance for health issues in the future. Seems like a downgrade for me. Stop watching porn, the yellow fever will pass.
Aiden Smith
before picture?
Lincoln Wood
>She seems to have a bad view on Asians. "Seems"? It's hard to get more blatant than that. I'm sorry OP, I regret to inform you.... you might just be a dense faggot.
>But when I asked do you also think everyone from Africa looks the same? She said no. But that's pretty reasonable as there's more variety in Africa. North of the desert, and they're not even black. Parts of Africa are DARK JET BLACK, and most other parts are just brown. It's all about how much sunlight they get. But there were pockets of population that had genetic drift from each other (the basis for why there are different human races). Two people from Africa can be LESS closely related to each other than to.... a white or asian guy.
The out-of-Africa model is pretty widely accepted. So fuckers literally walked from Africa to Asia. That takes time. Everyone in Asia got there relatively recently and didn't have much time to split and differentiate. Populations in Africa separated LONG ago.
>So just a racist against Asians Oh don't underestimate her, she can be racist in ALL sorts of ways.
Housemate. Just don't broach the subject. Make it taboo. You don't need that drama.
Luke Adams
Some Greek girls are pretty... wouldn't marry though. I know halfgreek halfpolish goblina. She's very nice, but ugly as sin.
Levi Edwards
>The Jew fears the Samurai The Roastie fears the Geisha.
I have heard chads who browse shit boards use roasty.
Isaiah Wood
You just posted some table without name of the study. I have no idea how they gathered the data or if it's even realible. I could produce smiliriar page with different data and it would have the same informational value that this thing you just posted. I don't even mean to offend you but just stop and think.
Samuel Ward
>Yesterday I showed my housemate a k-pop video and today she shows me this video of a Asian woman who is ugly as fuck but puts on like a kg of makeup in 5 min. and than looks good but fake. Then couple hours later she tells me if you get children with a Asian your children won’t look like yourself. And that all Asians look the same. And continues with her Asian rant. And I was like wtf, I didn’t even mention that I liked Asian girls. > >I always thought it was just guys on here trolling about wmaf. But it seems the white roastie is really afraid. Yup. Because I fuck on the first date so once we move in together and I see the true form it will already be too late.
Oliver Cook
I agree but those almost all of those Asian girls have those ugly rotten looking greyish cunts. I cant stand the sight of that.
Chase Rivera
Shut up retard
There's pics/vids of the kpop girls without make up and their still cute
Jackson Adams
You probably have nothing but asian porn and anime posted all over your room... asian bobble head toys and shit.... Probably moan shit in japanese when you touch yourself.
Camden King
Go for it, move to Asia but just don't come back with more shitskins and mongrels.
It's two studies. Both are considered the best studies of their kind ever run. The attraction study was run on over 2.5 million heterosexual interactions.
Brayden Edwards
Noah Cox
white women are just too fat to compete now
Andrew Hughes
I think East Asian girls are cute as fuck even without makeup. My roommate just managed to find a video of a horrible looking girl who managed to look good with her make up magic
Adrian Perry
Not one of those things.
Jason Long
Kpop... you some big ol' faggot or something?
Colton Cox
this is when you have to call her a racist bigot and use her own rhetoric against her
I won't believe you just because you say so. Give me something I can check, and in the future, include it automatically. Unless what you have posted is a lie.
Every asian I've been with has horrific meat curtains.
Nathan Watson
>a kg of makeup Yeah, because white women never put on makeup to hide their damaged skin, nor use instagram filters and beauty modes when taking selfies
I fucked my wife so much she should be getting roastie. But it's like she can't. There's just not enough there. Her vag just stays parted all the time. Like it's permanently open. But nothing hangs down.
I took my ex's virginity and her pussy was terrible looking. The new gf is white and has a great pussy that does the same thing your wife's does. I think it's just luck of the draw.
Andrew Lewis
Probably larping but I'll give you my anecdotal story. First arrive in Asia. Men and women show interest in New face at the company. Some moderately attractive women even insinuate interest. First night out you can kind of see their mental anguish. Nicer, more attractive women show you more genuine interest than white women can pretend to muster to get your dick. There's almost a metaphorical pull away from them towards Asian women, both local and other expats from around the orient. They resort to whining and complaining later, which I interpret as fishing for compliments. In my year here I've seen no lasting wf anything male couple. In my year here I've seen zero white women sign up for more time here. They become physically sick at the idea of competing for men that aren't as physically attracted to them versus the competition. They can't handle the idea of having to maybe sweeten up to get what they want. Even though Asian men are interested in them, they lose all power of attraction at work and socially, amongst their "family" (i.e. They can't use the prospect of sex to get their way among their peers). So yeah, I would say that they are scared of any kind of competition, and if they aren't now, they will be as soon as put into a position of it. These are career women I rate between 6-8 in my example. There are no 9s or 10s here I work with. Maybe they would have different experiences.
Thomas Davis
Tell me more about your imagination. It's fascinating.
Liam Moore
I have a Chinese girlfriend, Jow Forums. She's very smart, reads Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, and is a self-proclaimed fascist. Hates black people and the homeless. I worry about our future together, but I don't see why there shouldn't be one.
Daniel Peterson
It's really the truth though. I fucked a lot of girls before I decided to change my life around and it really was a mixed bag. It was most common for asians to have fucked up pussies while latinas and white girls usually had nice ones. I don't care who you shack up with honestly, the world is fucked anyway. I'm just sharing what I've experienced.
Noah Hughes
White women absolutely hate competition and having to improve themselves. They need to be centre of attention and have you wrapped around their finger or they go bat shit insane
William Phillips
White roasties are terrified of Asians QTs
Noah Price
Japanese girls arent high maintenance. I had a fwb 2 week thing when I went over for a winter and sge was really chill. I mean, I was polite and respectful as usual in public and opened doors etc for her and she loved it. Like genuinly appreciated it and would cook me meals and bring them over to where I was staying. Best 2 weeks I've spent overseas. Idk if she was full Japanese. She was real cute but she had light brown hair which didn't seem the norm
Henry Jones
Stan Loona
David Barnes
>Asian woman who is ugly as fuck but puts on like a kg of makeup in 5 min. and than looks good but fake White roasties do the same thing.
Colton Gomez
Yeah. Except you didn't.
Leo Nguyen
Because this roastie thing is just a meme made by incels to make girls with "outies" insecure of themselves. It's pretty funny, but a lot of guys are starting to believe this shit now, mainly because they've only seen one or two vaginas in their life, at most.
Austin Nelson
I've seen more than my fair share of vaginas. It's not a meme.
Charles Phillips
>(s)he doesn't understand the purpose of memes Get out.
More information? Hating the homeless isn't alt right or nazi, thats called being a shallow sociopath. If you knew anything about house prices and the debt trap alongside the degeneracy agenda created by Jews you would know that alot of white men have struggled and suffered. Hate for your fellow man is gutless and heartless, nothing to be proud of.
Cooper Martin
>if you get children with a Asian your children won’t look like yourself. Why would you want HAPA children though? Get out.
Ian Ward
asian women trigger white women in the same way as niggers trigger white men strange world we live in
Daniel Hughes
>wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg >This is my Asian ex's pussy. Pornhub doesn't count bro.
Wyatt Allen
your lies are exposed. You made me even more convicted that racemixing is bad and I'm going to continue actively opose racemixing propaganda, regardless of gender or races being mixed.
Luke Russell
Neat! Why does she shave though?
Josiah Peterson
90% of homeless where we live are nogs and drug addicts shuffling around like zombies. No sympathy at all. She can't understand why whites and blacks are considered equal in America when she sees evidence against it every day. So she hates welfare and loves ideologies that are extremely hierarchical.
Unironically the most redpilled woman I know. She's really amazing.