I am ashamed of my race and I am ashamed of being West African descent

I hate myself and I don't know what to do. Unlike the other niggers in America, I've studied history. West Africa was a complete failure. The only reason why my Ancestors got to the "New" World is because of Jihadist Dune-Coon wannabe Niggers came and raided my fucking tribe. I have no culture, no known history nothing.

Thank god the Chinks are going to colonize West Africa. My ancestors will get payback for what they did. The black race aswhole is a pile of failure. I'm not even a full Negroid since probably my slave grandmother was raped by a white... Looks like I wasn't lucky enough to descend from a white-passing "black" to finally finish the West African phenotype off.

Who knows how many white-passing blacks finally fucking made it out the curse. Paris Jackson (Michael Jacksons duaghter) is a good example of finally making it out.. I want to kill myself.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't hate yourself bro, you should love who you are.

This, be a better example for your race and pull yourselves up.

just stop being a nigger and we cool

This, return the bike.

Just don't act like a nigger and we cool.

Move to Africa and become a warlord. You know you want to.

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lighten up pussy, youre an american

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Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s what we are, not where we come from.

Like seriously... The only greatest independant Black country was the Mali "Empire"... But like the nigger he was, he needed berber advisors and arabs to develop his administration. He only adopted Islam for political reasons too. The only reason the Berbers and Arabs were interested in him was because of all the slave labor he used to exploit the natural gold in Africa.. Instead of using that labor to build up real structures than mudhuts, he exported them all for stupid as things (Like modern Africa now)... The so called Timbuktu "University" isn't even a University, its a fucking Jihadist mosque. I fucking hate Islam.. Negroes a dumb race, yes, but Islam fucked over West Africa even more.

Two things. Listen to Malcolm X. Then read about him meeting George Lincoln Rockwell.
Two, Paris Jackson is not genetically related to Michael.

Get Jow Forums, find a job (as long as you're earning money anything is good), find a hobby (must be something you genuinely like and want to do), respect your family, and think critically.

If you have no heritage to proud of, remember: you're an American. That's your heritage. America has its flaws, but it's also done great things for many people.

Don't hate yourself. Don't hate other people. You should only be focussed on a successful career in the job you love and a future for your family.

This. Break the cycle

Kill yourself nigger.

Stop hating your fucking race and go and retake Africa nigger

Hating yourself is what kikes do.

Now they're after whitey.

sauron still loves you

Go back to Africa. Stay there.

That's all anybody asks of your people.

why would you feel related to those people, don't you have any individual achievements?
whiny faggot seriously is this bait?

You have no power over your race. Most White people are goddamn morons and they love the mess they've gotten the West into. Just go do the best you can for yourself and your family. Black guys are being pushed hard by the (((MSM))). Go find a slutty White girl dumb enough to have your negro babies and bleach your line.

The fact you typed this out shows you have an IQ higher than the average Black American IQ. Your dumb White wife will probably have an IQ in the 100 range. Your kids will probably regress slightly toward the mean but their IQ will still be higher than 85.

>import to build literally all wealth upon
>don't pay import tariffs
it's not that simple user

The Sultans had a bunch of guns and armaments built up from trade from Europeans.. But they completely failed to defeat the colonizers even with this fucking fact. So they sold off my ancestors for nothing and got taken down in the end. Blacks will never change. Even the major tribes in West Africa who perpetrated the slave trade migrated from East Africa and not pure West African negroes. Sub-Sahara africa is grave shame... This is the reason why Black Americans try to fuckiny claim the Moors and Egyptians so badly...

While calling those said people cave-beasts, when the greatest African states were indigneous Caucasian....

man i really feel for you
but you know, even white people were thought of as savages at one point, by the romans who conquered most of us. all of the "romance languages" are just descendants of the latin language which french/spanish/etc people adopted because they wanted to larp as romans. they spoke celtic languages before which are mostly lost to history, so it's not like our history goes back forever either. this is not to mention that we barely even wrote anyhing down before we were christianized. so even parts of our culture were given to us by others who thought of us of barbarians

>I am ashamed of my race
You and the rest of us. "Whites" are cucking themselves to extinction too now. Purposefully destroying their own to make room for foreigners.
>My ancestors will get payback for what they did
Not really. Chang will push them out to Europe, where they will be greeted as kings and given everything for free, get(stay) out of jail free cards included.

This is crazy.
If I was you, I'd return home & use your higher IQ to rise to prominence in Africa.
Seriously, they're retarded, you may as well take over...

A good portion of white people I know don't really care about their heritage either. Like in my own case I couldn't care less about the circumstances of my anglo and nord ancestors beyond those that led to me being able to tolerate the fuck out of lactose. All that stuff is so far in the past, no one cares. I'm American now and that's all that matters

Fuck off back to whatever insulated bubble you crawled out of.

Cheer up user, all you can really do is improve yourself and your lot in life. Statistics are against you on the white raping your granny though.

Love you are man. Just don't make who you are about hating others. I fucking love being white. I wan't you to love being black. pic somewhat related.

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>I have no culture, no known history nothing
This is shitty thing about slavery. Even if they give you back your freedom, you can't get back your heritage.
My people's history is not so magnificient, being Viking and Russkie rapebaby, but there is still something to build upon.

This. Then go against the eternal Jew and call out the USA for being a kike lover.

>nigger doesn't want to self-aggrandise over the black panther bullshit history the Jews made for the blacks
>seems to have reasonable appreciation for his origins
>claims to be different from other groids

And you are banging on about suicide what do you want sympathy? "Look at me I'm a semi-lucid nigger hurr hurr I want to unironically die rather than develop a healthy perspective in life from where I can enact change durr." Jeez, you unbearable wog. Try to become Marcus Garvey 2.0 or a 'based black guy' who gives cucked conservative groups moral bolstering.

It’s a decent line of argument. Add that the only way to prevent catostropgic climate change (their term, not mine) we need to anihilate China. Backs trump and bringing of the CQ destroyed their narrative on the US castrating our economy for “global climate action”

Just be a good upstanding american citizen and forget about this stupid race shit. I came from a totalitarian shithole i have 0 connection with.

When in Rome walk like a Roman and forget about your dumb barbarian roots. You live in the greatest country that has ever existed.

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I'm a hardcore white nationalist and this post made me feel a little bad. Why should one like this with enough sense to know the truth feel bad while other scum runs free?

Hang in there bud, Hitler didnt hate you fyi.

Listen to these anons

>I have no culture, no known history nothing.
You could have a future. Build a better one for yourself and live by actions that you can be proud of.

>hate myself
Fuck off with this self defeating attitude, user. It's lebbit-tier

West Africans are dumb gremlims. They will never change. Even if I were to re-settle therw my offspring will just be re-absorbed into the dumb as shit natives. Many Black "creoles" have went to africa to try to scrape some honor, but they've all failed as usual....

West Africans have very complex primitive tribal systems anyway, they don't claim "new" world Africans... Those fucking fools cling to their tribal shit while Mr Chang buys a bunch a land to mine and Chinese workers leave abunch of offspring...

Its been repeated throughout history..

First it was Arabs coming to the East Coast of Africa, mating some women on the coast and making a new subordinate slave caste- "Sawalli".. They raid central african "polytheists" to fuel the slave trade... (Tippu Tip the most notorinous)

Europeans more or less did the samething.

Now Chinese will do the samething...

The only non-indigneous Caucasian Africans with a semblance of a great history arw East Africans... But they are heavily mixed with Western Eurasians... West African Negroes are a dead race of people, please kill us

As a black man, your oppinion holds a lot more weight among lefty scum so use that and redpill some dumb fucks.

And sounds like you alright, find Jesus friend
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

First step is admitting something is wrong.

With that awareness you can only go upward.


this fpbp

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>I am ashamed of my race
Good boy.

>As a black man, your oppinion holds a lot more weight among lefty scum so use that and redpill some dumb fucks.

No it doesn't. Trust me, I've tried. I'm no nigger but I ain't white either. The moment you commit wrongthink they'll crucify you on the spot. No mercy for lefties, we should be hanging them from lamp posts already. Fuck these people.

Why kill yourself? Even though we can mostly agree niggers are retarded, we're around the corner for embryo selection which would reap all the benefits of eugenics without the harsh inhumanity, doesn't mean I want your black ass in my country but certainly means in the near future Africans could feasibly be brought to the same level

You have options. You could always be a staunch loyalist to white America and reap the rewards of being a decent and upright citizen who is self aware. Marry a whitish mulatto for whitish descendants.

OP legitimately, I am a national socialist, and I dont hate you, and you shouldnt hate yourself either.

I cant imagine being a nigger, your race seems near unsalvageable, But personally I think with enough good leaders you could do better.
Besides that you are an individual, and you are clearly not a nigger. Do what you can to help your people.

Also as some nazi flagged poster said in this thread already, don't hate yourself. Look at whitey, hating himself, and seeing what that's led to.

You're not a failure and a subhman for being a nigger, you're fuckin trash because you're just crying like a little fuckin whore and making excuses because you were born a nigger. Stop posting in this childish fuckin website and go an study your fucking ass off you goddamn monkey.

Stop being ashamed, nothing lower than someone ashamed of who they are. Pls see the self hating white fags all over twitter, they are an embarrassment.

> resettle to Africa

Theyll fucking rob and murder you the minute they figure you dont speak the local dialect. Wake the fuck up. America is your country and you wont get a better shot anywhere else.

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>b-but in the end I am white
No, you are useless to all of us, young latvian autist.

Yayy reddit!

How are you poltards such pussies srsly. You spend your days shitposting about how much you hate inferior races and how nice it is to larp as national socialists but bring the most "bluepilled' arguments in this thread like civic nationalism and individualism. How are you such a bunch of faggots @op if it makes you feel this way leave pol and embrace individualism like a modern human

pol could embrace with open arms if you join the black hebrew israelites, thats rite

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The thing is I don't know what to do anymore. Its like I belond no where. Even if I were to go back to Africa, I'd fit with no one.

The West is boiling though and it may pop soon due to racial tensions... I don't even know why Whites don't want Latinoes.. They can be easily assimilated in the population since they are Western Eurasian patrilineally and only maternally Native... If the spics just drop spanish and speak English they can assimilate easily... Us negroes never learn though

>Tippu Tip
Sounds like the final boss of Atheism

Being a nigger has more to do with how you act than how you look. A lot of Nigerians and Caribbean blacks in america act more civilized than a lot of poor rural white.

Help yourself and help the rest of us by naming the Jew. Black people can do it much more freely than anyone else.


Op, I made friends with good negroes. I live with really bad niggers who were complete savages, who trashed the apartment we shared close to the university we attended.

You are the rare good negro who acknowledges the racial differences. Read Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Booker T Washington and Malcolm X before and after his redpill (Malcolm Little was a hater of whitey until he reformed just before he died of assassination by crazy black supremacists or CIA/FBI spooks).

As long as you don't behave like a complete nigger or even partial nigger, you're the outlier among the outliers who despise the nigger savages, that include "kang nigger" LeBron James.

You da good boi.


Jow Forums is still libertarian at heart.

Gen Z aren't Nazis, they're a correction to batshit insane liberalism. Modern liberals have come to a point where the joke is no longer funny.

Being a nationalist doesn't mean only for whites. Always remember where you came from and don't let the fucking Jews wipe your national identity for their globalist agenda.

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blacks can be based here is the probe, there is hope for you

>Thank god the chinks......

The Chinese are so going to fuck Africans over, they are all about the money and Chinese privilege over other breeds.
If you think Mr. Whitey was bad, you haven't seen nothing yet, murder camps coming to Nogland soon.

>user kills himself
>Black on black crime goes up.

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Black Hebrew israelites are a foolish clown troupe that doesn't know basic geographics and history. They get all their "lore" from the KING JAMES BIBLE WRITTEN BY THE DISCRETION OF A BRITISH MONARCH AND WAS TRANSLATED FROM LATIN!!! They think they are Hebrews.. But Jews have always been part of the Levant... JEWS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH NEGROIDS!!

But I don't blame them, no one wants to be associated with the cesspool called West Africa. They sold us out blind to Europeans for guns and other shit. Black Lives never mattered, not even to the African muslim "Elites" in the middle ages... Now they do the same behavior by selling out to China.. I hope the Chinese guys make a bunch of blasians so West Africans can stop being retarded. I hate those niggers

As much as these things are true. A very white man would simply want you to love your own people and most importantly. That nobody gets overrun by foreigners in their own country. We are not double dealing. What i don't want from denmark, i don't want to happen to anyone else either! Different ethnic groups when the are large enough in the same nation. Have really difficulties getting along. This is why this should not be encouraged!
You totally misunderstand this thing if you think white/people of european ancestry want everyone else to hate themselves. It's nonsense. Even the national socialists didn't want that. They wanted that other people loved themselves aswell.

Thats the point I was making retard.

I'd probably be just as mad if I were you.
My tribe is currently dominated by leftists, whores, and faggots, so remember that past culture doesn't appear to have shit to do with where you end up.

That being said, tribal affiliation ends at the foot of the Lord.
Get right with Jesus and wait patiently.
He'll be back soon and we can all go home.

This could be you!...youtu.be/O5yw-miHENk

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And aside from not getting along, being invaded in your own homeland means. Well you are existentially threatened. Because where else are you going to exist if it's not where you come from! This is why we are ethno nationalists. It's not because we hate everyone else on the planet and want to kill them. No. It's because if we don't exist in our own nation, then we exist nowhere else. You have to understand, just like different african ethnicities which africans are very tribal minded and can recognize a different tribe african a mile away. So europeans are similar to europeans ofcourse, than they are to africans. BUT europeans can be very different. A dane and a hungarian. Is not the same thing. If you fill up hungary with danes because hungarians are gone. That does not mean hungarian people live on for example. No they are then gone. So 'white people' are not simply white people. They are different from eachother but similar to eachother. But each want to preserve their own existence in their own respective nations for their own respective peoples. So if you don't understand what white nationalism is about then that might make it clearer to you.

I think there are way fewer on this board now desu. At one point they were the majority but I’d be surprised if even 20% of Jow Forumsacks were lolbertarian

Two people making the same point, fuck must have been oil in it for you to turn up!

Your race gives you relative impunity to have controversial viewpoints. This is a prime opportunity, if things are coming to a head in the US, to air your grievances and alter white people's expectations of your people before whites collectively have to stop listening to niggers and Jews or die. That's not far away. Godspeed Tyrone, change the paradigm, refocus black energy on the (((cause))) of this mess with your basketball identity.

rabbi shekels your bowels like black cook

> OP

Stop larping as a nigga

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The people who migrate to America from West Africa or the Caribbean are already admixed. Admixed Africans are always are at the top over the natives and have access to better wealth, thats the only reason they escape the shitholes in the first place! They are the cream of the crop becase they bare some West Eurasian genetics...

Native retard peasant African blacks have to walk to get to a developed country illegally, and thats how they get their asses captured by Berbers to be slaves or simply exterminated!

The so called Nigerians who are apparently the smartest immigrant group are not fully Western African negroid. They are admixed with Berbers and arw generally East African migrants. This is the reason why the Rwanda genocide happened, the Tutsi are a Western Eurasian (from East Africa) group of semi-negroids. They were killed simply because of jealously..

The migrants from West Africa to America are typically Fulani, Hausa, and others that are admixed. And they are all jihadist ethnic groups...

Mansa Musa was the most richest person in the fucking world, but he didn't bother to make a conditioned state because he was Fulani and saw himself as foreigner just extracting wealth. Fuck West africa, fuck niggers in general

1. I think this is a LARP
2. You consider blacks 'your' people or Americans?

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Is Paris Jackson even Michaels real daughter?

IDK even know at this point.. I barely consider myself a Black person at all.

Ronda Rousy is a better example of eugenics in action of wiping out any marks of African ancestry. Her grandfather was the first Canadian docter when it was being developed, but if you look ar pictures of him he has bantu facial features, but very pale skin. He was a white-passing "black" at thw cusp of ridding his West African negroid lineage

That was hard to read bro. Every race has god dam assholes, just distance yourself. I got a couple of really great black friends on Xbox and they’re really funny. Usually only 1 in a party of 4 at any time but they really don’t fit the usual stereotype of African Americans. Maybe it helps that I can’t see them but they’re fucking awesome, just playing a game in the group like the other party members and having a laugh.
Btw desu, I never ever ever see black people here to speak with, the only foreigners are the elderly Chinese takeaway owners so you’re quite rare to me.

Lmao you civicnat cucks are the so gay

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Fuck off leaf, you’re the cancer that’s killing this site

>i met some african americans in a video game they are super nice.
He knows how they are as a group man. ofcourse that doesn't mean 95% of them are like that. If you meet a really nice black dude, they obviously aren't like that.

The thing is whites can afford to have different ethnic groups among themselves because they are high IQ. West African negroids with all their fucking ethnic groups have completely devastaed West and Central Africa... The only great African civilizations were the indigneous Caucasian ones. Its a damn fucking shame, its really loathsome


And muh based niggers you hate so much actually make more money than you.

>West Africa
Could be worse, you could be east african somali scum.

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Never seen a negro in my life desu but i got some questions:
1. Is it true that black people stinks?
2. At least your penis is as big as porn make us all believe?

>The thing is whites can afford to have different ethnic groups among themselves because they are high IQ. West African negroids with all their fucking ethnic groups have completely devastaed West and Central Africa... The only great African civilizations were the indigneous Caucasian ones. Its a damn fucking shame, its really loathsome
It's solvable. It's because of multigenerational dysgenics, where for lack of a better word. Africans were infact PUNISHED by the rest of their tribe for being smart and doing sensible things. But it's deeply rooted. And instead of dealing with that. If they fuck eachother over they blame white people for it. Nothing gets solved.
And no we can't afford doing so either. A little bit but if there becomes too many it is detrimental to us aswell. This is also the case with europeans. If we have massive amounts of different europeans into our nations, since europeans aren't just carbon copies of eachother NOT AT ALL, that can also be to our detriment. Overall it's just not good to just allow mass immigration of people into another peoples nations.

Have you considered that you could start your own movement in Africa to exploit the blacks there? You have an opportunity most other races don't get because of "muh oppressors". If you could start something positive by exploiting the idiots there, you give an opportunity for other blacks to strive to. If you can keep it going and not leave Africa once you're successful you could do some real good.

Food stamps just run out

>Could be worse, you could be east african somali scum.
Yeah somalis, wew lad! Both me and norgebro know how somalis are now because some of them have migrated here. Let me tell you something west african OP, those people as bad as you might think your people are. You might have some fierce competition!

Use that hate and turn it into motivation to leave a positive mark on the world. People don't hate niggers because they have dark skin, they hate them because they are niggers.



Its about rising from it. We should honor our individuality. Not mix it out of existence. You have understanding. You can make things better. Just learn from the past. White people were just as bad as you guys were. No one is perfect. Its striving for perfection.

Find the smartest negroid bitch you can find and marry her.
You can make a few Clarence Thomas’ of your own, fix your race bro

Tippu Tip was because WE WUZ of the 19th century. He was a filthy fucking Jihadist bastard who raided entire villages and sold them to slavery to Arabs... The only reason Arabs are contaminated with Arab blood is because their negroid grandmother was a slave getting fucked by an Arab caucasian... Thats if the Arab man didn't decide to kill the niglet spawn when it became born. Infanticide of Niglet babies was the norm in Arabia.. But only against negroid spawn. Babies born from slavs, germanic, and other white slaves got to be left alive

This, don't listen to divide & conquer shills. Both black and white people alike have been manipulated by (((them))) into hatred and contention against each other. Acknowledging the truth doesn't mean that you should hate yourself or your race. It just means there are problems.

You are not better or worse than anyone, and your race is not inherently inferior. That's another divide and conquer lie made to sow resentment. Instead you should look to God, and realize that the true enemy are those demonic moloch-worshippers who want everyone at each others throats, distracted with each other and not noticing the truth of what they are doing to everyone.

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Kill 3 other niggers and you'll be forgiven.

It doesn't matter... East Africans despite their sad state now in modern history, have leagues of better history than West African bantus. Somalis can trace their history. I can't.

>Tippu Tip was because WE WUZ of the 19th century. He was a filthy fucking Jihadist bastard who raided entire villages and sold them to slavery to Arabs... The only reason Arabs are contaminated with Arab blood is because their negroid grandmother was a slave getting fucked by an Arab caucasian... Thats if the Arab man didn't decide to kill the niglet spawn when it became born. Infanticide of Niglet babies was the norm in Arabia.. But only against negroid spawn. Babies born from slavs, germanic, and other white slaves got to be left alive
That's correct. The arabs castrated the male slaves and killed the children. Is why there's no black lives matters in the arab world. They didn't even let them have kids. Cause they didn't want them in their countries afterwards.
>"A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two."[4]
>Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani, Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan, 903 AD
Go to where it says muslim scholars on black people
The arabs did NOT think very highly of the africans.
>"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."[4]
Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah 14th century.