I’m a transgender woman and I support Kamala Harris for president

I’m a transgender woman and I support Kamala Harris for president.

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>I’m a transgender woman

Even Kamala Harris doesn't deserve respect or dignity.

Yes she does.

All mental retards should be treated with utmost respect!
As they are fucking sterilized.

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give this bitch the bernie sanders treatment and start attacking her from the left
based russia will help us

Why are the Democrats the party of choice for the weak, the mentally ill, the illegal immigrants, black people and most of society's dregs?

Boi Pussy, where?

Nobody cares

She has blind items about her going to swingers clubs. I'm curious to see how much of her dirty laundry gets aired during the primaries.

You don't have a womb, you will never be a woman.


Niggary will never be president

Cool story, faggot.

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So is she the globohomo gayplex candidate?

And you'll hang with her. At least you won't feel alone.

Great. Don't forget to actually go out and vote for her instead of being forced back indoors by the realization that you'll have to stand in line for a couple of hours and people might see you for what you are.

She's a corporate Dem who spouts identity politics bullshit, i.e. Hillary.

Neato. I'm a taxpayer and I don't fancy the idea of tax dollars paying for decades of hormones and slice and dice.

I didn’t have to wait to vote for Beto in 2018.

Nobody cares you freak. just die already. You're gonna kill yourself eventually, just do it now.

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Well now you’ve just hurt my feelings.

Any president running on a campaign of transgender feelings will not win.

Trump needs to declare the American Empire. These people can never be allowed near the nuclear codes!


>how to guarantee you never win a presidency in one tweet

Well she has my full support. Just waiting to see what Beto does. I love him.

>nigger who cares about trans people
She's probably just as disgusted by them as this board. What a phony cunt.

Welp pack it in boys, I'm a Kamala Harris missile now

"Horrible" Harris for the president!

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Tranoids btfo!

Will trannies ever learn?

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Yeah, I saw today :’(

I hate Trump.

Trans people are disgusting.

Kill yourself :)

Transphobia is disgusting desu.

Repent or be part of the 40% made good.

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So a gay faggot? Thats all a tranny is.

Jesus christ, look at that thing. Maybe we have this all wrong. We should put these creatures into one battalion and send them to fight in the middle east. Imagine 40,000 of these running at you with war faces on.

> Why are all of these various types of niggers voting for communism?

Nobody who has ever been asked to pay for communism would willingly vote for it.

Niggers vote for their own interests in the form of gibs me dats at the expense of people who are made to pay for them.

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Thank you, God for a small ray of hope in this gloomy season!

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I’m a heterosexual woman. I just happen to be transgender.


Democrats won’t win a presidential election for the next 50+ years

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Kamala means horrible in my native tongue

You're not a woman, and you will never be, no matter how much you may desire to be so. You're only a disgusting faggot.

Say that all you want, reality doesn't agree with you.

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You would be moved to the roof with the utmost respect and cast down with dignity.

Mentally ill faggot

Science and reality says otherwise. No matter how much you say you're a woman, you're male and just a faggot.

Do you get to keep what's left of your penis? Do you have it in the back of the freezer or is it pickled or in resin or lacquered or what?

I haven’t had any surgeries yet. Just 16 months on hrt.

Checked. She's a dirty, flirty girl with some dirty laundry. And by dirty laundry, I mean Willie Brown's cum stains on her pantsuit.

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>A half nigger, half poo, and married to a Jew Democrat is pandering to the self-mutilating mentally ill crowd
How many trannies will commit suicide before the 2020 election?

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imagine the humiliation inflicted on the sand niggers if we btfo with based tranny divisions

who the fuck is we? virtue signaling bitcoin

good ol' black cock in the ass

Well surprise, surprise. You’re a mentally ill man by the way, and don’t let anyone else tell you different Op.

I miss hilldawg guys.

Sure she is scum and killed many, but her winning would be far less painful than seeing Harris win.

Nobody innately deserves respect.
Politicians least of all.

Post results in Saudi Arabia.

What is that worth? Like 5,000 votes nationwide?

Hahaha we can’t die for Israel! Epic win xd libtards get pwnd!!!1!1!1!

hey there rabbi


>good ol' black cock in the ass
Das rite. Dat Kamala shore do care 'bout her career, son. Mmm.

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By 2020, it'll be less due to suicides.

The cultural subversion is working. more and more young people are "identifying as transgender."

Poor kids didn't stand a chance, growing up being anointed in faggotry.
This is what we get for allowing it to happen.

Don't let them cash in on it anymore. reject the narrative.

>I’m a transgender woman and I support Kamala Harris for president.

Who cares what mentally ill people think?

post bussy and hog

Transgender people officially make up 0.3% of the U.S. population.

For fuck's sake, there's a bigger "community" of furries in this country than these people.

>To people with mental illness, yes the bugs on your skin are real and anyone who tells you they aren't hate you
How is this helping?

Fuck me, usually for these faggy guilt trip pieces they use a photo of the person staring out the window looking somber or wistful, these freak looks like someone just farted and he just caught a whiff of it.
Was this the best shot of it they got?

It is a matter of statistics. Even though statistically, IQ is normally distributed, success on the other hand, is very clearly not. Democrats don't appeal to the dumb, they appeal to the unsuccessful. After all, why would a successful person want to give away their hard-earned wealth to mentally unstable retards who larp as the opposite gender and kill themselves with almost the same probability as flipping heads on a coin toss and others of society's trash? Their policies appeal to failures of which there are a lot more, so of course they will get more votes. The good thing (for them) about this is that failures are usually mental midgets, so they can continue to do whatever they want as long as they say the right thing to their base.

Seriously, her or Warren would be the fucking perfect opponent for the level of bants and just insults Trump could throw at them, neither could match it either and would probably crumble. Don't think the Dems are the dumb though. They'll end up going with CUJoe.

Bruh whos the aussie female "comedian" that she looks like?

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I dunno, the only Aussie female "comedian" I know is Hannah Gadsby and I know her purely by her being the incarnate of unfunny.

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disgusting, blatant pandering

I wish all career politicians would disappear from this earth

lol, wait yeah I do know Judith Lucy. The hair is a dead ringer for her.

You are no longer a woman then. Sorry dude.


if they think that transparent pandering to "oppressed" groups will win them votes
then they've already lost 2020

And the 1000 cock stare

>Don't think the Dems are the dumb though.
No, they're fucking retarded. They could have a decent candidate with Gabbard, or possibly Hickenlooper, but they'll double down on crazy identity politics with Cumala Harris and get their ass handed to them by Trump... again.

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>compared to the 100,000 "bigots" who will by default be against you for the cosntant victimization and promoting of a tiny tiny fraction of population called "transgenders"

>there is people that think that Kamala is good looking

Harris is probably the only person they've got that could appeal to the centre left that got pushed away by them but she's totally unpopular within the party. Yeah, you're right, they'll probably double down on a brown woman that plays the party game and then wonder what the fuck happened when they lose.

>>there is people that think that Kamala is good looking
there are also people who would stick their dick in an electrical socket for money. what's your point?

Meh. I don't even know who Harris appeals to. Even the progressive left sees right through her as the two-faced shill she is. She's just a brown Hillary with less political cred. She has no vision. Her only selling points are 1) she's a diversity, and 2) she's not Trump. That shit doesn't win elections against the Don.

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Reminder that dressing up as a woman and calling yourself a lesbian so you can have more emotional support is championed by these faggots

>I’m a transgender woman

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So Kamala Harris is against importation of muslims?


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>I'm white and I support you getting into the fucking oven.

Well. That she's not, obviously. Duh.

The secret is to not give up your cover. Only my bros on Jow Forums know I'm trans.

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It's time

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