It’s hilarious that all of a sudden white liberals care about towel heads.
Islam is the fastest growing religion and is spreading like a disease.
How do we stop it?
It’s hilarious that all of a sudden white liberals care about towel heads.
Islam is the fastest growing religion and is spreading like a disease.
How do we stop it?
A whites only version of Islam would be based as fuck.
Teach them the hadiths and explain the batshit insanity that is Islamic theology. A lot of them will deny it or handwave that stuff away, but it's pretty effective at shutting them down. Some will dig their heels in and just refuse to listen, but a decent amount will have a crisis of faith and stop believing. Once they stop becoming muslim, their birthrates will go down to normal levels (see Middle Eastern Christians.) With the Internet, the info is more available now than ever.
wage crusade against them
Why stop it? Serious question.
Actually give me a reasonable answer, instead of throwing around some bullshit you read on (((ReligionOfPeace))) like The way I see it, any kind of conservatism is better than the godless, hedonistic amalgamation of progressivism and neo-liberalism.
Would I prefer Orthodox Christians? Yes. Would I prefer secular conservatives? God, yes.
But are muslims worse than state-worshiping crypto-communists? Fuck no, they aren't - and if you say so, your first loyalty is probably to Israel.
It is a college age girl rebellion this. It is better than them being thots... That is not to say it is good.
It is happening because we live in a dystopian totalitarian hell scape. The girls are doing it to try and have some agency in their life. Because right now they are on rails. Use girl privilege to go to school. Party and work until they are 35. Try to have babies, and fail. Get divorced. Get cats. Get old and die alone. There are literally no other paths for them. So they are doing this instead. Or become vegans. Or dykes. This is literally the least cringe rebellion they can seek out.
It's hilarious to me because Mooslims are:
1. Anti-Abortion
2. Anti-Women's rights
3. Anti-Semitic
4. Bigoted
5. Pro-Guns
6. Meat eaters galore
7. Racist
8. Own slaves
9. Against animal rights
10. Against multiculturalism.
Basically everything the dumbasses on the left want, mooslims are against.
Maybe it's the ultimate Taqiya?
Islam is a religion of submission, and since God doesn’t really exist, that means Islam is a religion of tribute. It is a religion of conquering, fighting, and subjugation. The peaceful side of Islam is al Qaeda. The moderate side of Islam is the Islamic State. The extremist side of Islam are the dissenters within the Islamic State who will literally kill you for eating sandwich meat that wasn’t prayed over properly.
Or they just want a strong daddy figure. Im old. But I don't know a single man under 30 years old, under 6'0" tall that doesn't present as a faggot most of the time.
Acid and napalm seem to be effective treatments for removal. There's also that Zyklon B the jews keep raving about.
For example... If you are a man under 30, and you have a mustache and beard.. And don't actually work as a logger, or machinist, or mechanic... Your stash makes you look like a faggot.
Unclean traitorous Jew worshiper. The only religion suitable for the white man is paganism.
beardlet detected
Full beards are a male phenotype that indicates healthy male hormone levels.
Patchy, early puberty, pubic hair-like facial is a outward indicator of improper hormone levels (like low T).
Go ahead, cope at me.
Neo-pagans are even harder to take seriously than Radical Atheists.
Better than being part of a religion made by Jews with a Jew as its icon
I take you and your foul Jew worshiping ilk quite seriously by comparison, traitor.
I'm a deist you retard. But I don't have an African IQ, so I can comprehend the fact that organized is necessary for a functional society.
This. Invest in lead.
Come on can we all stop fighting, it's ironic that most of you want stuff that are common with Muslims and DESU I don't think you have problems with islam itself but with the sandniggers. I'm a 100% white Muslim and I refuse to breed with subhumans , none of my family members ever got in a relationship with subhumans. So I think we should all focus on one thing keeping the subhumans and jews away from the white and to make sure they never get into Europe again
Nuke the cube
Need a at muslim saifu check this out
>fastest growing
it really isn't "Christian" Africans are breeding the fastest - one woman in Kenya has had 40 kids so far.
Nothing stopping you
I hope it spreads. I want a legal reason to go outside and start shooting some sandniggers- can you tell i'm a texan? Wassup FBI
Let them take over. We screwed up.
embrace it in the USA, have white nationalists adopt it and create their own offshoot brand of it. then use taqqiya and begin holy wars within the USA
>How do we stop it?
I don't know how but if you have family that are unaware you should inform them of their behaviour here. Not relaxing applies
hello jewboy
come on jewboy YOU CAN DO IT