What role will money play in a future ethno-state, Jow Forums?
What role will money play in a future ethno-state, Jow Forums?
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You need money (traditional or crypto) to pay for things.
You aren't trying to make communism, right?
We could make our currency like the Spartans did. It was necessary for commerce, but made impractical to horde.
Hopefully in the far future, with the advent of limitless energy, mass automation and (hopeful) advancements in 3D printing could allow a kind of ethno-nationalistic Star Trek
It's gonna be crypto.
Buy Bitcoin, Eth, and LINK faggots.
The ethnostate will trade exclusively in 9mm, 1000 oz silver bars, or Bitcoin. Everything else is not legal tender as stated in the Constitution right above the part where traps and women are not allowed to vote.
>2 established coins and then some arbitrary pajeet alt token thrown in for no reason
Lmao shilling on Jow Forums is pathetic, Raj.
All form of currency will be abolished.
Eveyone can get what they need when they need it.
This retarded shit is exactly why people of European descent will not be invited into the ethnostate, especially dutchfaggots even though they sound American when they speak English
It will be a medium of exchange, what else?
Vitalik praised LINK. Chainlink is partnered with SWIFT.
traps are men so will be forced to vote
i heard of bitcoin and ethrim, didn't know they made 1 for zelda too.
If people horde by putting in a bank, that's a good thing.
Unless you have unlimited everything, you need money to best allocate resources.
They aren't men and that will also he specifically defined in the first amendment of the Bill of Whites.
so what will they be then? What rights will they have?
They will have the right to suck on this D just like the women
Only Gold and Silver are legal tendure - everything else is (((credit)))
I guess that’s fair as long as youre nice and take care of them. Serving an alpha would probably be a happier life anyway.