An ethnostate is being made in Greenland, North-East Greenland, a section of land 1,000,000km2. 450 current residents that can be paid to move. Or simply have the border drawn around them. Greenland wants indepence from Denmark but can't for economic reasons, us creating a sister country nearby will allow beneficial trade and allow them to secede, and in return we get the Island area which is effectively uninhabited. We will allow USA to build a Thule type base on our side to help defend us in return for good mineral trade. We have ways to get enough funding privately for 4.5-6 billion. I also have family friend contacts with the UN, the ex secretary general of the UN ( unfortunately dead now)but his entire family is in the UN or government and we can get direct contact with heads of state. Just join and support the first ethnostate! Discord : uYgQcPA
This is not up for debate this is just a public service announcement.
Geostationary balloons with a reflective underside capable of radiative forcing will create a localized green house effect and increase temperature averages to the same as belarus under a 250,000-400,000km2 area. If talks fall through with the government, we will go directly to the people and will spread a flier to every house in Greenland in a single night, letting them know that we offer 50,000 USD to every voting age person on Greenland if a referendum allowing us this uninhabited land passes.... We are aquiring funds and are prepared to fucking use them...
The referendum will be funded by us also, and will use horizon state block chain technology to make sure that there is no jewry in the voting process.
/NGG/ Northeast Greenland general
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I liver in Boston and can't stand the weather here. Greenland? Fuck that user.
We are using geostationary balloons with a reflective underside covering 0.5% of the sky over the 250k km2 area we will live on, this will warm temperature averages to belarus.
Are you counting on all that ice to melt any time soon?
You still have yet to show the proof of concept with the balloon.
enjoy recreating jamestown, faggots
this. Canadian winters are enough for me. There's a good reason nobody lives there. We should take some pacific island instead, like Tahiti
Please leave kalux
Not all of it, just a small section of it that we will be artificially speeding up the process