>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Who said Germans were allowed to talk in their thread? COWER!
Jose Gray
>I feel sorry how Hitler used them for malice against a benevolent people the germans didn't kill germans.
Noah Clark
>the germans didn't kill germans. But ethnic Germans, but Germans nonetheless
Xavier Long
*Not ethnic Germans
Logan Nelson
Я oбocpaлcя
Aaron Gonzalez
Sorry I forgot to turn on my real flag. Btw I will visit Israel later this year, are besides Jerusalem & Tel Aviv any cities worth to spend time there? I heard mixed things about Haifa.
> Prussians > Germans No. You probably want a German men from the very north (tallest, strongest, can raise a family under harsh conditions).
Prussian = drones, regularly digests semen from his superiors Austrians = pseudo-elitary cucks who are 56% white (rest is slavic) just look at martin sellner who is part arabic even Bavarians = fat and useless Badeners & Swabians = the same, arrogant, and small. No growth hormone in their DNA, tiny dicks.
The real red pill is that only the Germans from the very north are salvagable and I am not talking about the scandinavian mutts exclusively.
Ethan Wilson
Are you paid to shill? Post your office
Charles Kelly
>The real red pill is that only the Germans from the very north you mean the most cucked people of them all?
Justin Brown
Fuck you. I'm Swabian.
Jacob Jackson
Welcome back
That's pretty much what I've read, it's not worth it then.
old swabians are gone they have been very anti authoritarian but they turned to willful serves in post war times like every german this nation and its people are lost but then, i won't shed a tear over it - they deserve it all for being weak bitches
>Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum oh yes, very appropriate quote >money is not the only currency, goy! >now, gib me your money so I can spout some more of the crap that will part more goyim from their money
how do I find a jewess here in germanistan, dear jew friend?
Logan Price
>do you get paid Yes >so you get cash? We've been over this.
Logan Hill
I only laughed because it's retarded. Silver is ~12 USD while gold is `1100USD.
Luis Gray
not at all to be honest! good german "hausmannskost" at least twice a week i ordered some goods like decent bread/cheese/pastrami and stuff like that from my friends
4 people had their own fridge and stuff to store these
>but I'm somewhat Jewish Being Jewish is not about genetics..
Ian Powell
Post your shill centre >Oy vey, muh stock exchange How do you tell the difference between a diaspora jew and an Israeli Jew? The diaspora Jew has his money in the central bank while the Israeli Jew has his money in the West Bank
Asher Sullivan
tax evasion and embezzlement
Hunter Ortiz
>tax evasion and embezzlement crypto related by any chance?
hell no i am not a trading gypsy i built up my assets with 6 business partners in order to hide them according to the "5 flags model"
Easton Sullivan
don't worry, we'll consider the 6 million when we add you to the tally.
Robert Rodriguez
>How do you tell the difference between a diaspora jew and an Israeli Jew? >The diaspora Jew has his money in the central bank while the Israeli Jew has his money in the West Bank See, this is what I expect from Ausbros.
Landon Cox
kraut/pol/ is dead because of narcistic name- and avatarfags who don't want to discuss politics.
Daniel Moore
and where did it all go wrong? You dont have to go into detail of course. Am just a zoomer without any assets now but would be good to know where Id have to be careful if I ever make it big and dont wanna be cucked by the government
Owen Torres
I'm off to free Palestine in my dreams
Michael Morgan
In Berlin you can find some jewish qt's.
John Brooks
we akquired a small marketing company in order to hide parts of our income the "finanzamt" somehow managed to track us down
still a mystery to me thats the shoa'd vid right?
Andrew Martin
>politics is limited to government policies Politics is interpsonal interaction.
Robert Martin
>hiding incomes How is Germany supposed to afford migrants with greedy folks like you?!
Joshua Turner
well you've defeated yourself. it's as if you said of yourself that you are a professional troll, to know that this person is out there to make people mad defeats the purpose as much as knowing that you and tay are there to be contrarian and against our interest.
I gotta say: i'd love to de-teeth your employer and hang the trophy in my living room. because he is not only financially irresponsible, but also a piece of shit.
Matthew Miller
Ouch, really mean spirited.
>you get paid money Never said that.
Benjamin Clark
ah that sucks. So you bought that company to wash your money right? Sry Im not very knowledgable on that topic
Camden Ross
>we failed to mask income Should have hired a Jew, you get what you pay for.
Justin Clark
>Me being mean spirited Now, now. i am not mean in any way, i'd just say that my sense of justice compels me to do evil things to people that are worse than my impulse control. >never said that well, yeah you didn't. that doesn't exclude that as a possibillity, now does it, JIDF-boy?
Nicholas Scott
>but it's possible? So is a White Germany, but let's remain honest.
Evan Young
not really we immediately sold the company to a dutch holding for the same price which "headquarters" are split up between malta and cyprus
we then received stock packages including the left out taxes through a "mittelsmann" as a payment
Look at this insanity salesman. Flag definitely checks out.
Justin Cooper
Man erwartet nichts anderes von daher triggert mich das rein garnicht. Außerdem interessiert es mich nicht welche Roasties so abgestochen werden.
Only be evasive if you are agile enough, looking at your German flag I get why you got caught.
> post info from the leaks get banned > start to talk about organizational structures in politics get banned > post about desinfo/shill strategies banned or ignored > reveal the jew or real-life V-shills banned
If you equate politics to "opinion posting" you do not need to go here and take a look on twitter.
Asher Stewart
could you stop with this stupid umfrage polling you retards. These stupid polls exist just for the 10 percent of moronic idiots who are "oh gee i duno if communism or capitalism guys, wut i gonda vote fooo" about every worthless election that don't matter anyways. You populism faggots are a fucking disgrace. You go with societal consense like fucking cunts.
Jayden Ross
got it, that makes sense. thanks for clarifying user. Maybe buying and immediately selling to a holding company triggered the finanzamt radars? Just my newbie guess kek
Isaac Torres
precisely, this board is for transgression. In context of Jow Forums in terms of memes (transgression + frames) and radicalism (transgression + convention). But do you think these "AfD 18% soon my shitty life will get better and I will get a 2k€/month job at AfD lul" mouthbreathers or nazi larper (lithanon) will do anything of value?
Michael Fisher
can ya calm down, thorsten?
Levi Butler
>newbie guess hard to tell like i said still a mystery
>will do anything of value? they will serve as fertilizer fpr the wheat fields that my slaves will work when the Herrenmenschen took what they wanted from the carcas of the rotten system.
Still unemployed you loser?
Austin Martinez
> But do you think these "AfD 18% soon my shitty life will get better By the way i often read that AfD even at the Bundestag can't find enough staffers and aids around their offices so what are these unemployed and unemployable losers like Sütterli waiting for. The AfD needs a few bodies they can throw on the line.
Samuel Thompson
not trying to play the game of semantics here, but akushually i'm unemployed again, not "still"'
If you just want to be angry, then fuck off to Jow Forums and talk to Rainer how a blacko fucked your wife better.
Michael Price
AfD mostly hires ppl from their networks or frat students... for example Anna from IB/Ja Brandenburg was hired with only 18. They also started with hiring political experts from other parties (FDP/CDU mostly), but these left or were thrown out.
The thing is that the NEUE RECHTE is paranoid as fuck and you will be branded a traitor if you are getting randomly fucked by a v-shill (which hasn't been exposed so far) or because you do not bid the willing of a "established" member in there.
Here you can see the job offers: stellen.afdbundestag.de/ I was encouraged to apply for a position which is filled now, but it was very odd b/c outside of my main expertise. They do not pay *that* poorly. Why I wouldn't do it? B/c if your staff is mainly freshers from the same networks you are the outsider and working culture is going to be shitty.
Hudson Turner
>i'm not still a loser a'im again a loser cause a loser is what i am and will always fall back on Seriously what purpouse does your worthless life serve. You should sacrifice yourself.
Hunter Green
>it's 13:48 considering the time, you don't look too employed yourself, so what's your excuse, faggot?
Nicholas Miller
okay, I see. May I ask you in what business field you were making your money? Totally cool if you dont wanna answer, I already asked you enough questions. You might think Im an finanzamt agent kek but Im just curious
Grayson Flores
i'm of such high value to my employers that i pick my own work hours as i please and where i please and they have to deal with it or they can go fuck themselfs. I won't waste these highly valued hours with moronic activism for a lesbo-boomer-kike party and their moronic poggenburg rat tail like the AfD.
Easton Diaz
>i am valueable that i go whenever i please I see, Tay's got competition as a Gleitzeithure.
Another thing I got told from senior ppl in the NEUE RECHTE who are working in the AfD Bundestagsfraktion is that the sourcing from the "talent" actually has shown to be a double-edged sword. While they *seem* to be loyal/ideological correct, they lack the intelligence to push through the frames. On the other hand a person who is very intelligent would be able to do a lot of dmg – possibly lethal – to the AfD. The nazis from the NEUE RECHTE are not as dumb as you would think just because their lines are filled with moutbreathing faggots or frats who are delusional due to their alcohol problem.
For example, in the btag's commissions the staffers get fed information from the btag's staff. If you just read the info/text you are given, you will reach a conclusion even though it is not explicitly mentioned. Even though this conclusion is not in the interest of lets say "us". What is necessary is to critically read through the papers they dumb onto you and actually have knowledge to see what is wrong, to then a form a proper reaction.
Jow Forums is not on the blocklist? I often cannot access it from corporate networks.
Angel Parker
no its fine worked in financial services and mostly client/account management
started my own company in the same field with a few friends then
>go i show up whan i want. But i understand that you have no concept of "being a valued member of any sort of enterprise"
> The nazis from the NEUE RECHTE are not as dumb as you would think just because their lines are filled with moutbreathing faggots or frats who are delusional due to their alcohol problem. These people are not seen or heard because they gather around the Fliesentisch and are parked away there. The bigger problems are dimwits like Poggenburg who are full of shit but are the loudest and are on Twitter all the time when they have nothing to offer.