"We predict that a single introduction of just 100 mice carrying a gene drive could eradicate a population of 50,000 mice within four to five years."
Within a generation all Blacks could be removed from the Earth, leaving Africa wide open for White habitation, opening a landmass the size of the US and Europe combined as a new White homeland.
This. At least krogans have pride and honor while also being violent retards.
Jace Perry
Yes, we need a version for pajeets and another for "you know who".
Cooper Young
Ya except genetically white people and black people are the same. Skin color is attached to a much simpielr set of gene coding, good luck just targeting one race retard.
Alexander Sanchez
>leaving Africa wide open for Asian* habitation China owns it already.
Brayden Walker
Planned Parenthood in the U.S. and Ebola in the motherland, should be sufficient.
Also, Mordin was so cool. “Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” Citadel party just isn’t the same without him. Damn onions.
Jordan Watson
Killing niggers would be like treating a symptom. Kill the Jews instead and all other problems are solved.
Lucas Peterson
>Yes, we need a version for pajeets and another for "you know who". "you know who" should be the first priority tbqh
Maybe a virus that targets melanin expression? My virology is poor, can viruses kill a host just by replicating- or are there side-products they form that kills the host?
Anthony Butler
voldemort isnt real you dumb zoomer shitheads
Bentley Price
The weapons we build to use against our enemies today will be pointed at us tomorrow. Do you really think that a bunch of SJW types wouldn't unleash this kind of thing on white populations?
Carter Jenkins
Who the fuck is voldemort? We were talking about Jews, Mr. Boomer, sir.
The way it would work is we'd genetically engineer 300 nigger eggs with the gene and then fertilize 300 African women with the eggs. The kids would be born with a gene that causes sterility, but not in them, in their descendents. Within a couple generations all Africans would have the gene and would stop reproducing.
The only thing we'd have to worry about is the gene getting into the White population via coal burning.
Aaron Reyes
Yeah Mordin was the fuckin best.
Hudson Watson
>The only thing we'd have to worry about is the gene getting into the White population via coal burning.
The only issue with Africa is the mosquitos and diseases imo.
Besides that Africa is this giant untapped resource of ore, oil, agriculture, and potential civilization. But it's being squanderd on chimps fighting over hunting land. Imagine if there was 1.3 billion high IQ Whited there instead of niggers. It'd be so prosperous.
It'd also give a chance for selection. After all the niggers are gone the only ones moving to Africa could be high IQ Whites. Imagine a society where the average IQ is 115.
Jaxon Ross
It exists, stupid: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon
Evan Nelson
>ethnic_bioweapon Can white cock be considered a bioweapon?
The issue is, I think this has already been created by the technocrats at the top. You're seeding this idea as predixtive programming aren't you? After all, what better way to control the white population is by giving them the guilt of genociding another race. It's all fucking slave politics.
Alexander Sanders
Yeah do it op, but watch the movie Children of Men first. Realize that you are also subject to such sterilization, where what if a nigger or someone sympathetic to niggers does the same thing to you, or to everyone. Then where does this kind of mass sterilization leave humanity when everyone loses the ability to reproduce? Like i get it, the evidence shows them to be different and generally dumber, uglier and more animalistic often making them a detriment to others. I would rather they not exist but they do and they do because they have found a way to just like us.
I think a better option would be to clone thots for everyone, so we can overpopulate the world with premium hot chicks and we wont have to settle for goblins. It might fuck up the world in a different way and we might all starve to death but at least we wont all stop existing because we decided to negate a bad part of ourselves rather progress a good part. How much would you spend for a strand of hair from pic related if you knew you could clone a 14yo version of her?
As if by divine providence this gift suddenly popped into existence designed to solve the low IQ pleasure seeking behavior people off. But then what happened? Fags happened. And Queen and hippie douche liberal tolerance and AIDs quilts followed and "oh by god we've got to cure this!"
AIDs was literally THE solution. It would have ended the 3rd world population explosion. Ended the sexual revolution Stopped cultural degeneracy Stopped the destruction of the family unit Ended hypergamy Cemented marriage as the default relationship Killed the fags
Just about the only downside to super AIDs would be the explosion in child sex trafficking due to the demand for clean blood orifices. But other than that, it was our ticket out. And not only did we not get on the bus, we blew the bus up.
Jack Gray
Read the article your self, it never worked and the studies showed it didn’t work. Kek go study genetics jack ass.
t biochemist
Adam Young
You can contract AIDS from not-sterile syringe etc in the hospital too, you know. Either (((good doctor))) or just crazy lunatic working there can infect innocent people with that shit intentionally.