any slavic discord servers?
/slavpol/ vucic asskising putin edition
Yes, we call 'em niggers
based, thank god im not a slav
How about this?
how about this?
>Giving Prussia to the Hun
>Giving Albanians anything
>Giving Serbs lands full of Croats and giving Croats lands full of Serbs
>Giving Romanians Ban instead of Odessa
>That Slovenia
population exchange is a thing, you know
Attention friends,
We are the Hyperborea Society; we are the fear of the Jew.
Now is the time to beat the Jew at his own game; we must beat our enemies once and for all. Our traditional enemies use media brainwashing techniques against us, and the only way we have any hope of defeating them in this lifetime is using their own underhanded tactics against them.
Luckily, we have devised a multi-stage plan to provide a final solution to this age-old question. We are now prepared to unveil the first stage, called 'Operation Kikebuster'.
This stage of our plan is rather simple; we seek to establish a news media website which ostensibly has a leftist agenda. Over time, we will slowly plant proper ideas into the minds of our readers. Imperceptibly, we will illuminate the masses. Manpower is essential for this righteous struggle, so we are calling upon you to attain final victory.
Serious individuals inquire within:
>using discord
Discord is gay and stupid and so is anyone that uses it.
Go shill elsewhere, Shlomo. Join our cause; or die.
There was one slav nation or sth
Great idea
slavs > white "people"
looks good to me
Slav union
>Wanting us to shill for the banner under which 31 million Slavs got killed
Worse then Commies desu
And what exactly is the issue with subhumans being killed?
Did you know that Moscow is the last Megacity where Europeans are the etnic majority (90% Russian)
In the future Warsaw might become the 2nd
I look forward to Ahmed Al-Berlini posting on future Jow Forums how he is the Master Race
pick one
Stop being a faggot
this is justice
Serves, Dalmatians, Bulgarians/Macedonians, some self identified Ukrainians are not Slavs. Stop this nonsense
Why does every serb shill for Russia. I don't get it.
>Did you know that Moscow is the last Megacity where Europeans are the etnic majority (90% Russian)
Bosnia should not be independent under any circumstances
Also you gave Hungary all the parts of Romania where Hungarians don't live
Fuck Hitlerists. Those idiots are traitors to origins of NS and white nationalism
No matter how bad you think it is, remember it could be worse
Because Russia shills for us
Never saw a russian to shill for Serbia.
Post The discord allready
You dont know shit about slavs. Mind your own business with rapefugees
I see it from time to time on Jow Forums
And often on 2ch and at the UN when your bald guy speaks
t. subhuman vlacho-servian krajina mutt
t. diasposhit
At least I’m actually native to Europe you fucking sandnigger
You are more of a diasporashit than anyone else ITT given your Indian, North African and Anatolian origins that is
When Serbia is one of the few countries that doesn't hate Russia, ofcourse they are going to shill for you. You are their only satelite in the Balkans. Truth is Russia doesn't give 2 shits about Serbia.
>Truth is Russia doesn't give 2 shits about Serbia
This tbqh. Russians don't care much about international politic at all.
You're just another DnC shill who fled from his home like a coward
t. clueless
What a stupid statement, 90% of people from 90% of countries in the world don't care about int. politics
Well, you are forgetting about one more Putinbot country here
>DnC shill
Not even gypsies in Jasenivac were retarded enough to think that any Slav feels empathy or any sense of unity with Serbian subhumans. Back to India with you, Ciganko Sephardovic
Your people care so much ass licking level showing putin images and russian flag in your countrys marches but russians dont give fuck about you. Complete bitch and enjoy the nuclear waste rivers
Is it true that bulgaruians are the peak turk mutts of Balkan? You're like le 20% slav face.
>this meme
Kek. This country is so full of these brainlets. I don't even get their logic. Let's suck russian cock and somehow magically everything will fix itself and we going to be "Tri moreta" again. It's pathetic to be honest.
Enjoy rotting away in North Pakistan
Another retard obsessing over the "how" without even looking for the "why"
Lmao the "why" is because russians need a country where to dump his nuclear waste and you started sucking their dicks after you begged for them to step into the un decision about croatian genocide. Your country is ran by spineless numale who said even himself hes always consulting putin. Your country doesnt exist
>russian calling someone a mutt
>Genghis rapebabies for 300 years
>5 million jews living there before WW2
>millions of churkas
>half of population with chink eyes
Entire southeastern Europe from Dalmatia to Sofia is 0% Slav. Dinarids is the closest thing to actual humans you can find there. Turkogypsygrekoarmenoid mongrels being more common than Dinarids of course
I don’t think there is even a solution for “people” like that other than shooting them up, sterilising or running a totalitarian dictatorship with censorship to prevent their stupidity from leaking into arts and media
t. 70% half/quarter gypsy and turks
>half of population with chink eyes
I wouldn't be too wrong assuming you got that info from your ass, would i?
>turk rapebabies for 500 years
>Your country doesnt exist
Pretty much this. Last time Serbia was relevant on global scale was when Franz Ferdinand was shot.
No I got that "information" from looking at russian faces.
> Too much Germany
> Too much Spain
> Too much France
> Too much Sweden
Bad idea. 0/10
Giving Poznań to germany? Are you retarded¿
>allowing Slavic and Germanic clay to remain in shitaly
>unified France
>giving BiH to servia
>Greece, Albania and Bulgaria exist
>bulgars are turks
>bulgars are turkish rapebabies
>t. only time was outside of Bulgaria on vacation in Greece
Whatever helps you cope i guess. There is only 2 asiatic looking people i saw in my school ever though.
>implying i care enough to distinguish all sorts of turk and turkoids of the balkan
>Entire southeastern Europe from Dalmatia to Sofia is 0% Slav.
south slavic languages are 90+% slavic. there are no thraces of any pre slavic languages
He is a Half-Turk, Half-Greek who got cucked by a Slav in Macedonia and now RPs as Alexander the Great.
Im guaranteed you that he goes into a massive trigger fest if you say that Alexander the great was a Slav
>t.never left babushkas village
Also what russians consider asiatic is not what other countries consider asiatic. You have so many mongoloid features (from shape of face, eyes and so on) that you don't even notice them. I even have russian relatives that are asiatic. Does not mean I hate them or something. Just pointing it out.
Average ethnic Bulgarian dna:
>25% Balkano-Dinarid creatura
>17-30% grekoarmenoid norfrican sandnigger
>0,2-4% south asian gypsy
>0,8-1,5% central asian
We wuz Slavs
Who cares you dumb brown piece of shit? American English is entirely Celto-Germanic which can’t be said about US citizen genetics
Whiter than you Muhammad. Also sorry your relatives will not make it to England.
you literally didn't get anything right
Because slavism is about language, not genetics.
will serbia finally admit kosovo defacto exists, and trade territory on ethnic borders and start trading?
slavpol, more like slavpol eat your pasta you smelly turds.
1488 1776
#America #Freedom #Liberty
Our World. Our Time. Our Future.
A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.
America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.
Full Freedom and Liberty.
The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.
This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.
Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.
Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.
One last War. Our World Forever After
S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
Let's try.
Macedonia in Greek is Slavic clay! Hail to Cyril and Methodius from Thessaloniki!
Hopefully not, if we do that I hope Bulgaria will invade us so we don't exist anymore.
According to who? Brown subhumans in Serbia
Nazi Russia best Russia.
According to slovo, paki.
>Did you know that Moscow is the last Megacity where Europeans are the etnic majority (90% Russian)
>meantime in America
LMAO. all tribal identities are rooted in blood and language both. You are literally a turkish gypsy that happened to speak HEAVILY turkified Slavic tongue
based. Bulgaria-Velika Moravia border when?
Moscow has 4 Mosques (2 are over 100 years old, and the one in your pic was rebuilt with private funding after it was demolished in the USSR)
London has 400
Nice try
Peoples can be united only if they share language, race, and nationality. Did you miss his point completely?
Batshit crazy britturd strikes again kek
East and West Germans have different genetics but same language
>we are cucked but not this much
Leave it to dumb gypsies to admire Putin
Russia is even worse than Western Europe. Russia is even worse. Russia is already multiracial and actively promotes that (and have always done that even in USSR era and some periods of Imperial era). Any ethnic seperatism or racialism is clamped down and forbidden. Real Russian nationalists are jailed or silenced.
Putin’s Russian Multiculturalism
>Open borders with China? Check!
>Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
>Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
>Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!
>Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
>Thieving everything, while many ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
>Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!
>Enforcing even stricter anti-gun laws? Check!
>Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!
>Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!
>From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under Putins rule? Check!
Slightly different genetics and none of German regions is made of subhuman mongrels
Northern European + Northern European = European
Baltid/Nordic Slav + Dinarid + gypsy + turk + grekoarmenoid = serve sandnigger
He is a fucking Ukranian diasposhit that shits up every thread
No one buys your bullshit anymore Mykola, get a life
Okay manlet
>With an official population of 12.5 million, Russia's capital is now home to at least 1.5 million Muslims
>b-but me is tall
lol, not really.
Nigger tier reply from a nigger tier country
Don’t forget that Mayor of Moscow is a nonwhite subhuman too
All the crap of London with none of the perks
It's still 90% Russian
London is only 45% English and Paris doesn't even releast their data anymore
Cope harder
You'll live to see all you hold dear be destroyed
>unironically defending Londonistan
Absolute state of (You)
Damn this guy really lost his mind over a stupid shitpost ahahahahahahaha
> any discord servers
every chan i go i see this now
Poles are the niggers in UK though. You commit crime and only good for niggerish jobs.
>It's still 90% Russian
>i read that on wikipedia
Idiot. Moscow is full of gastarbeiter churkas and kazahs.
>You’ll live to see all you hold dear be destroyed
Me thinks that Europeans and Slavs won’t turn into serb-tier brown subhumans that fast
The best thing is that Serbia is ALREADY destroyed
At least White English people are not dying of hunger and lack of heating in London.
In terms of demographics and degeneracy London = Moscow with money
also jews and (((fellow chrisistian) caucasian worms like georgians, armenians and ossetians
It's good, it filters out the faggots since they go to their discords and Jow Forums ever so slightly reverts the disaster of 2016
>Moscow suddenly grew 30% in size and no one notice
From what Stormfag site did you get the pic
>At least White English people are not dying of hunger and lack of heating in London.
But your Ukranian fellows are
tsk tsk, should've payed the gas bill
Кocoвo јe Cpбијa