You want a serious, politically neutral answer to how politics work?
Newsflash, it's all about money. That's why humans do what they do.
Liberal policies stimulate consumer spending, as poor people get more free handouts and welfare (poors are by far the largest spenders in any society, as they are many and they're too dumb to save) this props up the economy by increasing consume and the money in circulation.
Meanwhile, republican policies stimulate entreprenurial spirit, incentivising more and more people to create businesses, and keeps big business from leaving the country. These periods aren't econlmically stimulating in the short-term, since poor people can't afford as much - however it is what keeps USA as the prime country for business and capitalism.
In summary: It's a symbiotic relationship, 20 years under either republicans or democrats would not be feasible. Everyone in politics knows this - it's not a coincidence that the dichotomy between left and right is so clearly split at 50/50 levels.
That goes along with the nwo. Communism forces people to act accordingly and fairly in the hopes that they stay that way by default
Parker James
Here's the true kicker, and it'll sound like a conspiracy but hear me out - communism is just a roundabout way of keeping the most wealthy and/or powerful wealthy and powerful (literally the same thing, especially in communist countries). Communism and capitalism has the same exact goal - keeping (((the rich))) in power by suppressing everyone else.
Capitalists do this by fooling the masses into thinking they can be elites
Communists do this by telling the masses there is no elite - and stripping them of the means to ever think otherwise.
Christian Gonzalez
>Everyone in politics knows this
ya well its still not sustainable, the currency will fail within 15 years
William Long
Nevermind that, do you agree with the purple pill or not?
Landon Green
>Communism forces people to act accordingly and fairly Ha! Communism is a Ponzi scheme, pulled off by the people bribed with a guaranteed position once the new power is in place. It only maintains loyalty by offering to let someone avoid the three hour line for toilet paper if they’ll turn in enemies of the state they overhear at their jobs. It only works on paper.
Xavier Miller
>it's all about money That explains why the jews are at the centre of everything.
Wyatt Sanders
People have been saying that since 2007.
Austin Nelson
This guy is onto it. Communism being anti-money is a facade - the Chinese govt is by far the biggest capitalist force in existence, Russia and even North Korea are right behind.