There is no difference between me and some random fuck from Estonia, the only difference is skin tone and the fact that I got a slightly larger than average penis. NOTHING else, you need to provide actual studies that haven't been debunked 60 years ago. Someone prove me wrong, without using pseudoscience.
I'm black and there is no difference between me and you
pube hair
also aggressiveness due to higher estrogen.
Provide a link and a study please or shut the fuck up
full black?
You look more egyptian/n-African imo
Nigger, you smell like arse on a hot day. I don't think it goes away even if you shower.
I'm Ethiopian
STFU you aggressive monkey
well you're mixed nigger.And even if there weren't any scientific studies which there are the only reason humanity needs to label you a sub-human is your repulsive appearances-shit skin,disgusting faces,lack of any self-reflection or seeing the world outside of your gibs me dat mentality.
P.S. you're literally 90% arab/caucasian 10% black or less.
At least use a memeflag you fucking monkey.
Provide a link to an actual study that proves that there is difference in skin tone between whites and blacks, nigger.
Also, a boring bait thread.
>There is no difference between me and some random fuck from Estonia, the only difference is skin tone and the fact that I got a slightly larger than average penis
>ITT: OP tries to convince himself that he’s not a nigger faggot.
Would you fight to maintain the white majority in the country you infect? This is why you must go
Never, what you want people to think your country is full of whites.
I'm 70% Sub Saharan African so enough to be considered black, also ironic how someone from Bulgaria can have a superiority complex. What the fuck even are you guys.
uhhhhh... you're not even the same species as me. you're literally capoid and whites are caucasoid. i'm not sure where you got your facts from, kiddo, but i'd demand my money back.
I've got no problem with blacks, but you need to understand that you are less than whites. Ok? You understand?
There’s a huge difference, it’s called evolution.
Estonia and USA
hon hon hon
There's been study after study showing this to be true. There's national test scores. Unless you want to believe pattern recognition/logical analysis isn't the definition of intelligence.
But we don't even have to talk about tests. Blacks are the poorest ethnicity in the world and always have been, and it's not Europes fault. Blacks are degenerate and stupid. They've literally invented only 1 thing, peanut butter. Besides that they've never made a contribution to society.
what about crime statistics? You take those like niggers take food stamps?
Lets face it jamal in your racial group intelligence is a odd one out. Your entire existence is violence and sex.
Nothing different? I beg to differ the work and accomplishment of whites above races like africans with more resources, less war and more land shows that you are not even to be considered a human. I.e why you are called a sub human.
>There is no difference between me and some random fuck from Estonia
Well, that is actually true
>every interaction any human has ever had with a black subhuman since the beginning of time
I find it funny that they removed his titles, because they said his statements do not relate to their mission, purpose.
So, in the face of possible evidence supporting a hypothesis, relating to something we can "point to", we'll pretend that difference doesn't exist, because it doesn't fit our mission plan LOLLLLLLLLLL
Due to the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene your people are possessed of, you're many times more likely to engage in violent criminal behavior than others.
And that's not even considering IQ bell curve comparisons between different races.
>skin colour
>brain size
>neuron density
>skeletal form
>bone density
>muscle formation
>hormone levels
>age of maturation
>cognitive reasoning areas of the brain are different in size and density.
>anger levels
>overall pattern recognition
Seriously LARP, if you were black, and you had an ounce of intelligence about yourself, you’d be able to see the differences between yourself and other pavement apes.
But you aren’t black, and this is a slide thread
Niggers, I swear. Hahaha It must suck knowing that you are objectively inferior to Humans.
A literal dying old man clinging onto Pseudoscience from the past while being shunned by modern scientists, how surprising man
Doesn't prove anything, a man from Somalia is going to have a lower IQ than a man from the UK because there is literally no government and barely any education systems. I was born in the Netherlands with full access to everything I need and I'm a UNI student. Only difference between me and some other Ethiopian is the environment in which we grow up in.
>slightly larger than average penis
Because you said this, you probably have a micro pene.
>Muh dick
somali / 10
>I'm black and there is no difference between me and you
Except that nigger part.
>your country
At least you're honest enough not to pretend you aren't an ugly parasite.
That's OK. Just go back to Africa now.
It's not a superiority complex.That's why you have no sense of self-reflection.I have evolved preferring my own kind and living with my own kind or people similiar to my own kind,but your shitskin societies are so bad that you will always choose to emigrate and infest other countries until they are the same shitholes as your homelands and so you repeat the process.
>They've literally invented only 1 thing, peanut butter.
They didn't invent that either; peanut butter was invented by Mayans.
>What the fuck even are you guys.
better then every black country that has ever existed :)
you will always be a nigger
You think there's no difference in collective intelligence between the population of Somalia & the population of Japan?
Sure buddy, whatever you say. You forgot to blame institutionalised racism in the schools as well.
>there is literally no government and barely any education systems
seems to be a common theme in ALL nigger nations :)
Maybe you're just a cunt user
Crime is linked with poverty and the vast majority of blacks who commit crimes also happen to come from impoverished areas, it has nothing to do with race.
Provide a study please or shut the fuck up like I said before, physical differences aside there is no mental difference between us.
Can't believe trannys can give birth now. We really have progressed
>I got a slightly larger than average penis
That's not something to brag about, Jerome.
Name a successful black leader?
With all the African states name one.
Don't fall back on Mandela. He was shit. He did fuck all for the blacks as didn't Obama.
You want reperations so as an experiment us Brits give you London and all its free council housing. You turned the third most wanted city to live in in the world to Beirut that Brits don't want to even visit anymore. House prices reduced or dropping by 25% this past year, conveniently due to Brexit it seems lol.
I could go on and on. But I hope you win. I hope your cunning playah attitude wins. Because without white man there are no council houses, without white man there is no money top ups or social security. Without white man there are no free hospitals (witch doctors not considered) without white man Idi Amin has 150 nukes. Don't worry Ahmed in France will have 150 nukes too lol.
Jihadi v driveby shooter voodoo butcher.
Lol what could go wrong.
>Crime is linked with poverty
and poverty is linked to niggers....
a check
a bait
and a fuck you nigger
if Watson is wrong, explain adoption studies and explain away the thousands of genes already connected to intelligence
If this post is legit, then why do you start with boasting about your penis size ? Is it the only thing that makes you worthy ?
I agree.
The only thing that matetrs is the softwere in our minds, not our hardwere.
timestamp too
>A literal dying old man clinging onto Pseudoscience from the past while being shunned by modern scientists, how surprising man
He is the dude who discovered DNA..
>Crime is linked with poverty and the vast majority of blacks who commit crimes also happen to come from impoverished areas, it has nothing to do with race.
Then why does the poorest white county in America have less crime than the richest black county in America nigger?
When controlled for socio-economic factors your sub-species still comes out as number one in rape, violence and murder. You could always emancipate yourself and free yourself from your victim complex, but it's easier I guess to just keep parroting what your lefty handlers keep telling you.
also ''slightly'' lower than average iq
Every leader from Ethiopia before 1970s, Thomas Sankara, Jomo Kenyatta, Patrice Lumumba, Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah and Haile Selassie of course.
Give it back, Jamal
Riddle me this, ghoul;
Why and how would any aspect of human DNA be exempt from divergent evolution?
All non bantus
FBI statistics prove overall the crime percentage remains the same for africans irregardless of wealth.
You will never see a study because it would be called hate speech by the left.
The studies done by race for IQ and crime post- 1970's have been canceled amidst threats from leftists and niggers.
However all the evidence collected by state organs and statisticians do collaborate that niggers are just violent animals. Hell even fucking racial profiling by the MILITARY has proven to work wonders.
Yeah and whites have a bigger brain.
Even if you give them council houses, for free, in London one of the most expensive cities in the world to live, give rights of residency life out and rights to inherit the council home (passing it on). They still make poverty.
You give them a million pound each, they will spend like assholes, be bankrupt within two years bleating slavery and evil white man.
fuck off nigger
Based sheepfucker
my bet is on OP being a paki with a very small penis
how about the fact your IQ is 30 points lower, and no your dick isn't larger than average, thats a myth.
Hair, average IQ, sickle cell
>ooga booga ook ook
Didn't catch a word of that. Did you escape the gorilla enclosure in London zoo and steal a sweater?
50 years of IQ studies are pseudoscience...
Why would any aspect of your DNA change with actions? No amount of "trying" will make a genetically short man genetically taller. No amount of software improve the hardware; how could it?
Patrice Lumumba is a non bantu? Please actually go look this stuff up before you talk, plus you realize he said "African" leaders right it could be anyone from Africa. That's the problem when you put everyone under the umbrella term of black, you're now trying to find a difference between bantu and non bantu "Blacks"
t. nigger
also you fail to provide a proper timestamp as OP
Yes every (((uni))) is churning out truth no matter how politically incorrect.
Oh wait. No they’re not, that’s bollocks isn’t it.
You just quoted a (((study))) that ignores every other study done before 2005. Africa’s average penis size is 5”. The normal black has a very small penis according to every study done until recently when they chose to study only groups that included those perma-floppy losers from Google whose willies you’ve never seen hard because they do not work.
Until recently they called white people bad for creating the trope of blacks having big dicks. It was racism and we did it to make you look like beasts they said. Now in this age of media truth (!) you’ve suddenly all got big dicks because they are pushing race mixing.
Anyone claiming a big dick can post it. My BBC is in a hundred threads. I point it like a gun. Here’s an old pic of Whiteys BBC. The blue light in the hotel bathroom was reflecting red like blood off my knob and it looked like I’d just murdered someone or stirred the paint with it so it’s an out take.
You brought it up so you can either post or retract but I’m calling you a liar, little dick.
>asserts he is educated because he has access to a white country's universities
wewwwwwwwwww lad
You will always be a nigger
Well here you go buddy. Sorry to say, all those faggots telling you it’s pseudoscience were lying to you.
Top kek
Just IQ and the potential to create civilizations
Bantus suck ass. Swasis and Zulus are ok tho
Except your skin color strongly correlates with violence, dereliction from fatherhood and, worst of all, being a nigger.
Ok so black leaders pre 1970 count but science of that era and Doctor Watson doesnt.
Very selective. I suppose white man is to blame for the degredadation of Ethiopia. If I remember rightly we had to give you food because your whole system collapsed.
What changed was racism. Previously what had been cooperation with traders from around the world the black Ethiopian s saw skin colour for an excuse for our prowess with hundreds of years more experience.
Your society died. Like the chavs and career white unemployed here you had an excuse and ran with it.
No one stopped you picking up a book and knowing more about something than you obviously do of rap music playah. Libraries are free in the UK.
lol every Uni is Jewish controlled and every study that suggest race and IQ are not linked is Jewish controlled, everything I don't like is Jewish. The facts I don't like are Jewish, you realize anyone could do this right?
Phrenology is a pseudoscience and everyone knows that, everyone but you Jow Forumstards apparently. Just call me a nigger and go, seeing as that's all anyone can call me.
Same IQ and brain size... Nope, blacks are the dumbest race on the planet (after Australian aborigines).
there are, you wouldn't be a nigger if there were no difference.
Heritability of IQ. It’s not environmental.
Well done for making it out of the shithole. You should be one of the smart ones.
Sadly for your people and nation, you’re going to waste it over here by being one amongst our average intellect when you could have been a leader amongst men amongst your own.
Kek. Stupid nigger. Are you truly that delusional?
Who gives a shit about Estonia? There's a big difference between you and and english, french, or german man who have evolved to create industrialization
>Dumb blackie admits he is different in his own post
>demands scientific proof he is different
Wew lads, we got a live one here!
Post pick of your forehead OP
Notice this chap keeps avoiding this.