I heard this in the new minister of culture in Sweden. bye Sweden, once land of warriors
I heard this in the new minister of culture in Sweden. bye Sweden, once land of warriors
Minister of Cultural Appropriation ftw baka
Not even the swedes give a fuck anymore who claims to be ruling them.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Make a big deal, my Negro
Whatever little culture that nation had up until now is going to be erased forever.
Trannies, gender fluidity and drugs incoming.
What is it going to take for people to wake up?
There is no Swedish culture anymore, just niggers according to Government
They were always like this.
They didn't even have an ethnic swedish king since 1800s. They just dont care anymore who rules them, it is baked in their genes. They will submissively accept any rule.
That meme is, sadly, not true
Genocide is needed ASAP.
A nigga caint even s-m-h up in here? It replace it with “baka”. Sheit I need a lawyer n sheit.
She's cute. Why didn't a Northman make her into a good wife?
>because it's already all over the place in a year
That "I fuck strange niggers" hairstyle.
> Pakistani Muslim Head of National Heritage Board
And now this. Just end it, Sweden.
When was it ever the land of warriors in a sense of being more so than any other nation? Ah, I know, in Hollywood-imagination! 'Vikings' really are one of the dumbest memes. The Germans, the English, the Dutch, the Franks, the Celts were doing their invading and pillaging for centuries before these late-comers turned up.
Last one was a nigger who ordered destruction of ancient artifacts. returnofkings.com
Not defending her here but lets look at her persona. Sure, she's a disgusting smelly hippie BUT seems a lot more down to earth that her predecessor who was an actual 56%er with little to no regard for swedish culture. This one however is a LARPer, likes medieval stuff, plays the panflute, is married, has children etc. Lets disregard her flea nest of a hairdo for a second and give her time to fail
Amanda Lind (Green Party), Minister for Culture and Democracy
>25 years old
gg veganism
What? She turns 39 this year
>cultural appropriation with dreadlocks.
(((Two steps forward, one step back)))
Well she is better then the 56% nigger.
weed is legal in sweeden?
Sweden was never a land of warriors, just the Danish and the Norwegian
They were decent conquerors in the 1700s-1800s though
This is her husband: youtube.com
Thas rite
>married, has children
Are they white? Because she dresses like an African.
Smells like absolute shit
Their Ex Minister of culture was :
>a niggeress sheboon
>said Sweden has no culture
>organized the melting of viking artefact to make scrap metal.
this country has to be nuked.
i learned of this filter only yesterday while pretending to be black
Yea her husband is but he seems like a total degenerate.
I retract all my previous statements.
The truth is she perfectly emobies 21st century swedish culture, i don't see why anyone finds this problematic.
The one before her was sheboon if am not wrong. so it could be seen as improvement
She ain't perfect, but she sure as shit is 1000x more promising than the last fuckup we had.
She's born and raised up in the north wilderness so at least she's not a city girl. Hopefully she has decent values.
Fucking natives.
Yes, she's from the Islamist (formerly Green) party.
Amusingly she's more in trouble for admitting to smoking pot (as if there was a question with that haircut) than she is in for praising a former party higher-up Kaplan who got kicked for associating with Islamists (making Muslim Brotherhood signs, chairman of org who invited Islamist imam, personally went to meetings with both Millî Görüş and the Grey Wolves)
Funnily enough she's already a step up from the former one by virtue of not being a nig nude model.
how many tabs of acid has this bitch dropped at pagan rave festivals Jow Forums?
Wasn't she the one to do that disgusting porn?
you dont need a minister of culture with decent values
you need a fucking purge
If by legal you mean "is treated roughly the same as heroin" then yes.
denial is not just a river in Africa Sven
Idiot lol
Are you people retarded?
moldylocks sure has moved up in the world.
>I heard this in the new minister of culture in Sweden. bye Sweden, once land of warriors
Why do you french like muslims so much?
Says the brit
Amanda "Carbon Neutral Jew Burning" Lind is /ourgirl/ confirmed. Look at that smirk and that culturally appropriated hairstyle, she is the future of right wing sweden.
actually aussie
dont know why flags not showing it
Bet she is an amazing gardener and has an understanding of agriculture superior to Etonians
Let's be real; she was the 'best' choice. The sooner Swedistan collapses the sooner we can start treating it like a cautionary tale.
Lets see how many priceless Swedish historical artifacts this cunt will destroy.
No need to destroy historical artifacts, if you destroy history itself. Prepare for the nigger revisionism of 2020. WE WUZ KEKZ!
Any leg or feet pics?
Oh wow. Fuck off with the filters already. C.u-c.k.z
With global compact, in less than 50 years there will be negro prime ministers. Trust me.
>Sheit I need a lawyer n sheit
top kek
Europe will go the way of Zimbabwe, unless something is done quickly.
I can practically hear the Viking artifacts being melted down all the way over here in Montana
>50 years
That's awfully generous of you, Sweden will have a nigger king by the end of next decade.
I swear, everytime a swedish Jow Forumsster is faced with an horrifying government he always starts the sentence with: "Yeah, but at least...".
Always making up excuses, I'd gas this whore instead of justifying her looks. Swedish cunt.
>once land of warriors
>niggers raping, killing and pillaging Europe
vikings raping, killing and pillaging Europe
We raped gently and respectfully. Tipped our helmets as we left.
Woman with flaps detected
Agreed, Sweden is accelerating exponentially. So does the rest of Europe, except some eastern based countries.
Even Sadiq Khan or Justin Trudeau would be an improvement than this mess.
Most Swedes are mentally retarded.
We haven't done any large scale IQ tests for very long but I'd guess native Swedes are below 85 average IQ at this point. (the scores you see online are old data)
IQ's in the west have been dropping steadily ever since the sexual revolution, that is since the 1960's but the sexual revolution happened a lot sooner here
nice, m8, at least she has no tunnels. so dreads are not the reason to thing DAT PESSSAN ISS BEEEED!
>native Swedes are below 85 average IQ at this point
Perhaps the Danes and us memed it that way, with all the Swede jokes?
no shit? i didnt hear about people using it free as in danada for example
I've seen a similar pattern of reduced intelligence too in my hometown. Is there a cure for such undesirable lack of brain power among some citizens? And i don't mean just a quick fix but more of a permanent long term one
>bye Sweden
Even the Swedes know that that something is SERIOUSLY wrong when they forbid the police from describing the race of the criminals.
The high IQ's we *HAD* in the west were a result of mass execution of violent criminals and a heavily regulated sexual market place that rewarded hard work, discipline and civility - i.e. the way you get a woman is not by looking good, but by impressing her father through being a hard working, stable and civil young man.
If you want to know more I suggest you read "Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification" by Peter Frost and Henry C. Harpending
I bet these newfags don't know about the secret word filter.
should we tell them, lads?
Imagine the smell
Lad, you have no clue whatsoever.
Yo I just ran into that filter for the first time neka postin’ while Black. Sheit. Tell it OCG!
>I only know of one other acvitve word filter right now.
t. increasingly nervous isabelle
It grows roots on its head. Like a turnip, it spends its life with its head buried in the earth.
Lol, here people like her works in the best case at a humanitarian resources. Most of them work in pubs/clubs and has a degree on Sociology.
Jesus Christ, Sweden. Just set off atomic bombs in all your cities and die, already.
Well share some then, you and Russia are hoarding them. I volunteer to headbutt the big red button.
starting to think this is a psyop, let me fucking tell you first hand that this is in fact true
t. had sex before