I mean how can anyone believe this? Everything is essentially probabilities. The observer effect. Relativity. Those experiments like the double slit and delayed choice quantum eraser. They don't happen in this world.
Everything in QP is relative and a bunch of probabilities and relativistic phenomena... and so are all Jewish philosophies.
Gender is relative. Race is a social construct. There are "no" borders.All are equal. Etc etc...
aren't they doing some quantum entanglement shit IRL? spoopy possibilities
Jayden Jackson
Dude, you had a good question and nobody will reply...the jews took this place down a long time ago.
Leo Morales
No, but general relativity is.
Look up the Lorentz Invariant Theory of Gravitation
Logan Morales
Pol has been dead since Pizzagate happened, pretty much
Levi Powell
I'll play with you in a bit but this is a serious question. If you can explain it then be my guest.
Has there any been a quantum phenomena that makes sense. It only does when your an NPC who believes everything from TV... *cough Nat Geo cough*
Jeremiah Foster
Researchers in the field of quantum communication have recently made great strides, taking us closer to a perfectly secure method of communication.
For years, researchers struggled to find ways to amplify quantum signals, store large amounts of quantum data, and allow for more than two nodes in a quantum network. However, in the last two months, solutions to all three of these problems have been found using the bizarre properties of the quantum world, in particular quantum entanglement.
Well for a start, lasers wouldn't exist without quantum physics (first theorised in 1917 but not made until the 50s). you couldn't read a cd without those, uh what else oh yeah, relativity, gps wouldn't work without it, and uh photoelectric effect which has to be accounted for when making delicate electronics go into orbit, and uh the light emission spectra of all elements can be produced from theory dating from 1913 by Niels Bohr. Problem is that, mathematically, quantum physics checks out on many fronts.
Anyway, saged ur shit thread laters.
Christian Nguyen
Einstein can suck dick... Tesla had it right.
Anthony Hughes
t. Shlomo
Isaiah Ortiz
How Does Quantum Communication Work? Using the principle of entanglement, researchers have used entangled photons to transfer information between two nodes, in which the sender holds half of the entangled photons and the receiver holds the other half. Communication is made possible by the manipulation of the photons, resulting in an instantaneous change in the corresponding photons.
More specifically, each node of a quantum network consists of quantum processors, which rely on quantum bits, or qubits, instead of classical bits. Qubits can exist in multiple states, known as superposition, allowing them to perform multiple calculations at once, while traditional bits are confined to only a 0 or a 1, limiting them to one calculation at a time. When one quantum processor changes the states of its photons, the corresponding entangled photons are changed in the other quantum processor, thus transferring the necessary qubits.
Oliver Cooper
Just because something works doesn't mean it's because of Quantum Physics especially if you have no definite proof that it works because of Quantum Physics.
Could you come up with an experiment to prove that Quantum Physics is necessary for GPS systems to work?
Jose Parker
Science works by best prediction. Quantum Physics predicted lasers and then we could make them, therefore until we observe something that can't be explained with QM but another theory predicts QM is considered true.
None of the electronics you use to post this inane bullshit would work if all of that quantum stuff was false. Since the quantum shit is so fucking weird, it has been tested experiment vs theory more stringently than anything else. Some of the measurements match up to predictions better than on part in one trillion. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_tests_of_QED
Go back to school or shut the fuck up.
Jason Morris
More like are Quantum Physics and their respective theories used by jews to push narratives. If so, yes. Then again everything can be used for politics.
Quantum Mechanics is easily explained and understood when you shift your paradigm of thinking. This is an information based virtual reality. Like all parsimonious VRs , things are not rendered unless absolutely necessary. For instance , the server in WOrld of Warcraft doesnt render zones no one is in because it is a waste of resources. It works very similar to this reality. Nothing is rendered unless it is being observed by a consciousness. You have grown up all your life believing this to be a material based deterministic reality but science has shown for nearly 100 years that it is not. Rather than accept the conclusions of their own experiments (which have been repeated hundreds if not 1000s of times) scientists decided that its better to keep their head in the sand and stick with the Newtonian model of reality. “Anything that cannot be measured doesnt exist”, lol what horseshit. There is a new set of QM experiments about to blow the whole thing up, check out “Thomas Campbell in LA” on youtube, he lays it out pretty damn well.
Charles Long
you don't have to believe it, merely rely on the success of its function
Jayden Long
darwinism, evolution, physics are all "jewish science" devised to destroy and corrupt morals while to divert away from God
Dylan Clark
Quantum is the cult of bumping particles.
Everything is fields and fields arent quantifyiable.
Easton Jackson
you can prove (to yourself) that its real by doing electronics that involve state changes (LEDs, laser etc) now try to wrap your head around chaos theory. or how aircraft use imaginary numbers to predict their flight path accurately. (imaginary numbers are a thing in math)
Jaxson Brooks
>Just because something works doesn't mean it's because of Quantum Physics especially if you have no definite proof that it works because of Quantum Physics.
Dood, the things i listed there are literal examples of things that would not exist if it were not for the mathematics that supports quantum physics and relativity.
Relativity is necessary so that you gps isn't like 5 km off.
Do you like plastics? What about those EPIC thermite vids on youtube? Both of these things require molecular theory which was doubted to even be real until Bohr proved how atoms bind in 1913.
Shall I continue?
Kevin Bell
>Quantum >Relativity pic one quantum=chad heidegger relativity=virgin einstein
Noah Allen
word my nigga
Grayson Thompson
How did you know QP actually predicted something?
I could say anything then when something happens, I can make anything to explain it to tie up with my previous prediction?
This is what makes my brain tingle. This tie up between Quantum Physics and Simulated Realities.
Seems to me this "science" is the new religion. Simulated realities replace "God" with an "Avatar". And you should accept this new religion or else...
Blake Gutierrez
But can't there be a system to measure relativity in some unbiased way regardless of the factors?
Brody Walker
what has quantum physics produced for me as an average american? I probably pay for this shit one way or another
Hudson Rivera
the only psyops is your mom telling your dad she's not whoring with your neighbors
Nicholas Mitchell
i think there are genuinely strange occurrences in nature that we don't understand yet, but jews will exploit anything to tell the goys that objectivity doesn't exist there are no standards or rules to play by
so yes I would say its a very judaized science
Leo Campbell
science as a religion relies on blind faith in the peer review structure, just dont do that, trust in data and experiments only, thats what a real scientist does. faith is not a valid experiment.
Nathan Thompson
Let me give you an example... I have a car. I'll have you explain how my car works just by seeing it move. Can you explain it?
If your explanation posits that my car runs with a gasoline engine, how did you know it wasn't running using a diesel engine?
Just because something is said to work this way does not mean it does. People believed in ether back then and look at where they are now...
Brayden Bennett
try google you lazy hyperhomo mutt
James Rogers
you don't have a car anyways
Elijah Garcia
>Seems to me this "science" is the new religion. Simulated realities replace "God" with an "Avatar". OP you are making a mishmash of real quantum physics with the New Agers's bullshit that they dont understand but use to sell expensive books and meditation classes.
"At bottom, the entire computer industry is built on quantum mechanics. Modern semiconductor-based electronics rely on the band structure of solid objects. This is fundamentally a quantum phenomenon, depending on the wave nature of electrons, and because we understand that wave nature, we can manipulate the electrical properties of silicon. Mixing in just a tiny fraction of the right other elements changes the band structure and thus the conductivity; we know exactly what to add and how much to use thanks to our detailed understanding of the quantum nature of matter."
Sorry no. Quantum physics is real in the sense that we see these effects in our experiments. No discussion.
Now, how we interpret these results is a whole different question and there is definitely room for debate there. However, expanding (or reducing) quantum result to gender makes extremely little sense whatsoever. Basically no serious physicist will support that idea.
Henry Ross
>I don't understand physics >it must be a jewish op
"This trilateration relies on the constant speed of light to convert time to distance. Light moves at about a foot per nanosecond, so the timing accuracy of the satellite signals needs to be really good, so each satellite in the GPS constellation contains an ensemble of atomic clocks. These rely on quantum mechanics-- the "ticking" of the clock is the oscillation of microwaves driving a transition between two particular quantum states in a cesium atom (or rubidium, in some of the clocks)."
Cameron Thomas
The world is a jewish psyop, they are the machines trying to hide that we're living in a simulation.
Classical physics, no doubt it is true. I see it everyday, people see it everyday.
But what about quantum entanglement? Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser? People haven't seen shit.
Anthony King
quantum physics was the only way a tube transistor could be invented?
Aaron Ward
" The central process in an MRI machine is called Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (but "nuclear" is a scary word, so it's avoided for a consumer medical process), and works by flipping the spins in the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. A clever arrangement of magnetic fields lets doctors measure the concentration of hydrogen appearing in different parts of the body, which in turn distinguishes between a lot of softer tissues that don't show up well in traditional x-rays."
Sebastian Price
>But can't there be a system to measure relativity in some unbiased way regardless of the factors? this is what physicians try to find, it is the Holy Grail of physics, find a way to combine GENERAL relativity and Quantum physics. I personaly doubt they ever will because the geometrical/topological frame of both are not logically and math compatible. >b-but they combined both NO they combined SPECIAL relativity with quantum physics.
Thomas Fisher
The way physics works is that you build on what those before you have discovered. If i were allowed to look at the designs of the engine, the top speed of the car, the engine revs-torque curve, i would definitively be able to tell you more about your car than you could ever know by just looking at the thing.
It is the same with quantum physics (and all physics). If everyone had to start from the beginning (with no information about the car as you put in your example) no one would make any progress. Your analogy doesn't work. Read and then come back, at this point the glow in the dark niggers are just laughing at you.
Nathaniel Harris
Again. You take their word that it works this way. At the same time, they tell you it boggles the mind but it's ok bro, just believe it.
Tyler Thompson
OP just sacrificed a chicken, too late user
Wyatt Butler
you fucking retard
Elijah Stewart
Thank god there people like you user.
Julian Rivera
Ok then... If I show you a GPS schematic, would you understand it? How about a semiconductor schematic? I show you how to shoot one photon at a time, would you be able to build a machine that does it?
Jaxon Anderson
Ryan Murphy
you must be very smart. we should all strive to be more like you
Austin Jones
>It's a conspiracy, studied at every fucking cattle college in the world, and used in practice in every thing I own see
Aaron Torres
google said the band effect is solid-state physics. article disproven and thrown into the trash
Jace Parker
Unless you know differential equations then you cannot understand it. Also most of the people who worked on quantum mechanics were nazis and/or european.
Ethan Roberts
Unironically linking a jewish website. That's my fucking point.
Noah Jenkins
Self interest and power, that's all that's actually real.
Anthony Smith
Just stick to hard stuff like math. Who gives a fuck what quantum physics is about anyway. Physics is just applied math, its just weaker and so they have to compensate for it by building massive hadron colliders and coming up with shit that is not provable.
For example, black holes cannot exist in the same universe as big bangs since black holes demand a k-type universe whereas big bangs demand an asymptotic type universe. So either or can exist but not both , however, to derive black holes you divide by zero so idk it's hard for me to see how this is possible. Either way, even if both of these exist, which they certainly don't, the sun cannot be a fusion reactor since the current physical solar model would then have the sun's surface temp hotter than the inside which obviously violates the thermodynamics law.
Matthew Perry
you guys do realise that quantum mechanics wasn't invented by jews right?
relativity is the jew physics which will be replaced by quantum gravity (made by white people)
Charles Williams
The entirety of modern history is a jewish psyop.
Isaiah Mitchell
You live your shitty little life and then you die, the rest of us would think it's JUST FUCKING GREAT if you weren't a serial killer or something along those lines. You see, champ.
Carson Collins
Why do Jewesses of this greasy Khazar type get me so hard?
Not sure the level of Jewery at the Smithsonian, but I can keep going, Alex Mulder, you fucking skitzo dolt
Christian Jackson
You sure?
Heisenberg was attacked by Hitler for being a "White Jew". Let that sink in.
Chase Roberts
The fucking guys from Apolo 1 saw like aliens when they arrived in the Moon, there's like a recording of it and shit. Who the fuck knows what's going on.
Tell you what though, reincarnation and the Nordic God who may be The Bible God. That, also it would be great if you weren't a baddie. Woodinnit.
Aaron Watson
No it isn't, you better believe there is at least one parallel universe in which you are not a retarded Pinoy posting on /pol
Isaiah Hill
Say my name.
Grayson Sanders
You mean your flag, faggot?
Xavier Gray
As mentioned, you experience it when using Semiconductors. The double slit experiment can easily be replicated. Moreover, you don't see EM waves right? I'm sure you believe in that?
Usually when we try to explain complex phenomena we find an analogy in our everyday world. With quantum physics this is not really possible. Quantum physics works but what it means fundamentally, it's ontology on a philosophical level, that we don't really know.
Robert Bell
Quantum physics Jewish in that tons of time and money is dumped into it and we get nothing of value in return. It's basically the bagel of science. No one likes it, it's bland, it's boring, and for some reason there's this one faggot who keeps bringing to the office.
Dunno, but kikes go with nigresses because filth attracts filth. Same reason Germanic blonde haired blue eyed women go with niggers, cause White women are filth and basically niggers themselves.
Eli Jenkins
Michael Cooper
>every fucking time "In February a team of researchers at (((Japan’s Hokkaido University))) developed the world’s first entanglement-enhanced microscope, using a technique known as differential interference contrast microscopy. This type of microscope fires two beams of photons at a substance and measures the interference pattern created by the reflected beams—the pattern changes depending on whether they hit a flat or uneven surface. Using entangled photons greatly increases the amount of information the microscope can gather, as measuring one entangled photon gives information about its partner.
The (((Hokkaido team))) managed to image an engraved "Q" that stood just 17 nanometers above the background with unprecedented sharpness. Similar techniques could be used to improve the resolution of astronomy tools called interferometers, which superimpose different waves of light to better analyze their properties. Interferometers are used in the hunt for extrasolar planets, to probe nearby stars and to search for ripples in spacetime called gravitational waves."
Ian Young
>State of pol Just because you retards were psyoped into thinking that you elected Trump don't meant you will now question science
Charles Reyes
>quantum gravity LMAO no tesla got that bit solved. "science" just needs to rediscover it now. mfw they made a documentary on fucking wardenclyff, literally went into the building, and still dont know how it works *facedesk*
Parker Reed
Super Pooper by 2050
Ethan Green
>double slit experiment can be easily replicated Go on then. The interference pattern is easy. Now make an observation. Would the interference pattern go away?
Do it. Or you just watched a JewTube video explaining it?
Alexander Harris
this is why science sucks now. where are the showman who can explain to a lay person. fuck off with that Asian guy
Jace Rogers
Listen dot nigger, i'm going to fuck your whore mother in her shitcunt and you will sit there in the corner and jerk yourself off to orgasm.
We can team up and fight the forces of darkness together, decide, i ain't got all day.
Andrew Brown
isn't that how science works?
Carson Stewart
You real name is Desmond Arthur Collones. Don't act surprised.
Jason Russell
>Uruguay Zika baby needs to learn English
Christian Cruz
I beg your pardon?
Nicholas Ross
"Today companies such as BBN Technologies, Toshiba and ID Quantique use QKD to design ultra-secure networks. In 2007 Switzerland tried out an ID Quantique product to provide a tamper-proof voting system during an election. And the first bank transfer using entangled QKD went ahead in Austria in 2004. This system promises to be highly secure, because if the photons are entangled, any changes to their quantum states made by interlopers would be immediately apparent to anyone monitoring the key-bearing particles. But this system doesn't yet work over large distances. So far, entangled photons have been transmitted over a maximum distance of about 88 miles. "
Jason Scott
Again. Prove it really works the way they said it or it's just useless Jewish blabber.
Leo Hughes
I'm a mindless retard with a chip in my shoulder the world in my eyes and an ace up my sleeve.
Jayden Perez
Your government is a fucking dictator, probably why you're not allowed to learn how the universe works.
Noah Nguyen
>Seems to me this "science" is the new religion. Simulated realities replace "God" with an "Avatar". And you should accept this new religion or else..
Far from it. In fact, the hard evidence of simulated realities actually proves there is a god. Logically, a simulation cannot simulate itself. It must be simulated completely outside of it's reality. The computer which is running World of Warcraft does not exist inside WoW. You see? So the hard evidence that keeps piling up is actually proof of god, things will get pretty crazy when Science concludes this reality is virtual, we might see religious wars with people fighting over who's god is the programmer, you see?
You're confusing the word "Avatar." Your body is an "avatar". You are conciousness, experiencing all the information which makes it seems pretty damn realisitic that you are "inside a body" or "are the body." You, however, are the immortal immutable consciousness experiencing a body. Much like you can log on and experience an elf in WoW, you have logged on into this immerse VR for a purpose, to reduce your entropy and thus reduce the system's entropy.
Jayden Hill
Are you a slant eye?
Nicholas Morgan
"Today, the most precise clocks in the world, atomic clocks, are able to use principles of quantum theory to measure time. They monitor the specific radiation frequency needed to make electrons jump between energy levels. The quantum-logic clock at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Colorado only loses or gains a second every 3.7 billion years. And the NIST strontium clock, unveiled earlier this year, will be that accurate for 5 billion years—longer than the current age of the Earth. Such super-sensitive atomic clocks help with GPS navigation, telecommunications and surveying."
Julian Peterson
You fucking retard
Angel Robinson
>You live your shitty life and then you die
maybe that's why math is infinitely better, have fun shooting little protons together! have fun recording the one millionth interaction, instead of actually looking to prove something which might actually be fucking useful in 100 years.
damn this should be on the front of newspapers. lets see this shit
Ian Moore
Nobody shits on Duterte.
Make it happen.
Jeremiah Howard
To what end? If you're going to argue it's to slow down the goy scientists on a quantum goose chase ok.. I don't really see how that's a psy-op though, the average retard on the street can barely find their own country on a map.