Why don't we solve illegal immigration at the root cause by stopping giving any and all government welfare assistance to any non-citizen of the United States? I guarantee they'll stop coming if we stop giving them free shit.

Attached: unemployment-line.jpg (475x356, 78K)

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You know you are right but you also know why they wont stop.

health and human services near me literally flies beaner flag

Of course, because dems see illegals as a potential voting bloc

Might as well in the one near me too.

And they cloak it as a humanitarian problem: OMG these are just hungry people! Why don't you want to help the hungry??!?! You're literally Hitler!!!

While rubbing their hands together thinking of all the democrat votes they'll get.

The Left has already stated their interest to provide all services to illegals free of charge to the illegals and irrespective of what anyone wants. The Democrats have too much to gain not to promise everything for free to "non-citizens".

NYC has already states they will begin providing health care to everyone including illegals. That is not going to be cheap and the Left does not care.

"New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants"

White people are the ones feeding the gibs machine through their taxes, ask them.
Why don't white people just move out of the cites?
These people can't survive outside the cities, they have no transportation, they cant even get out of the cities.

Because that's how they get voters. If you stopped immigrants (legal or not) from voting, the Dems would lose half their votes. They openly buy votes with gibs.

>Why don't white people just move out of the cites?
Because the allure of paying for a degree from an overpriced university, fighting for a job, working long hours, paying high cost of living, and paying a shit load of taxes to fund the gibs machine so Democrats can promise that money to 3rd world illegals is better than living in a rural area having a lower wage job living on a few acres of land.


Spain did it under Rajoy, didn't stop jackshit

thats not the root cause.
to figure that out you need to ask,
Why are they coming here in the first place?
And how do we effect that to remove that pressure?

Stable economies amongst our neighbors would go a long way.

end all welfare for everyone permanently

killing every jew would be quicker

>These people can't survive outside the cities, they have no transportation, they cant even get out of the cities.
This is true. Without large urban centers this type of 'peaceful' invasion would be impossible.

we certainly shouldn't give them welfare, but the issue is their anchor babies. They are usually collecting money on behalf of their citizen children.

Because businesses who are political donors want to pass the costs of cheap labor onto the state.

>Not giving any and all government welfare assistance to any non-citizen?
That should be the modus operandi in every nation.
By the citizens, for the citizens.

That said, welfare should go either way.
Welfare is financially raping the middle class through taxes while subsidizing the absolute genetic waste material that constitutes the leech class.
If you are on food stamps you should have mandatory birth control (both men and women), and when you are off food stamps/welfare the state will remove the birth control after 6 months.
After all, if you can't financially support yourself, how would it be possible for you to financially support yourself and a child?

So why can't these shitskins create stable economies? Why is that our responsibility? You know why.

How common is it that this even happens? Pretty sure you'd get ALOT better results if there where actual harsh penalties like jail time for businesses who hire illegals.

They're giving them your shit, they don't pay any taxes.

Question is, what are you doing to legally stop paying taxes wherever possible?

This is actually our immigrant policy: give a job permit and say "you are now by your own"
>B-but I don't speak Portuguese!
Don't care
>B-but what if I don't find a job?
Then you'll die
>N-no gibs?
Well, if you have kids you can receive around US$ 22/month by kid as Bolsa senpaiília, your kids can attend public schools and public health system for free
>And are publc education/health good?
I'm sorry to say, but...

>Pretty sure you'd get ALOT better results if there where actual harsh penalties like jail time for businesses who hire illegals
Not only that, but punishment should be harsher if you are a non citizen as well.
It's like punishing a family member for stealing money at home vs a guest or intruder doing the same.

You punish the person who doesn't belong i your home harder, how much harder depends on how said person entered.

>Question is, what are you doing to legally stop paying taxes wherever possible?
> Reducing consumption in Sweden.
> Moving my side businesses to other countries.
> Taking out as much of my salary as possible in benefits.

Next up
> Start applying for all forms of welfare gibs, maybe read some nonsense uni courses to get 250$/month in student gibs.
> Employ wife in company to reduce our tax bracket
> Start to over use the health care system. (as soon as you hit the max annual cost, it is virtually free massages, cheaper meds etc for the year)

Stop coming?
End welfare and people will leave.
Billions in state and federal expenses all migrating too, to the realm of excess budget. You can lower taxes with that or even better, buy out the Fed and nationalise it.
You're grossly underestimating the positive effects this would have on your economy.

No more welfare full stop.
Except for the very needy. Not in work then internment camps.

Where do you get the audacity or entitlement to go to a country illegally then depend that country pay to you to stay? If I’m being honest I don’t care about NEET’s if their white or even fucking abbo’s seeing as though they stick to their own. I would vote for any PM that promised he would remove the welfare system for non-whites and mass deport them all, even the working ones.

Is that why Trump shut down the gov for so long? 4D chess unironically confirmed.

>I would vote for any PM that promised he would remove the welfare system for non-whites and mass deport them all, even the working ones.
You won't get the chance, it would hurt the profitability of the donor class

It's worse than people know.
Follow along with me.
A Mexican goes to the Mexican government and gets a book.
The Mexican Government publishes a handbook for illegals on how to get across the border and what their rights are once they are in the US illegally.

Guide for Illegal Immigrants PDF (in Spanish)

The Translation into English

Then they call
in El Paso and prepare to have the baby in the US.

They get a simple visa to attend an EDUCATIONAL conferance; or if they are dirt poor, they pay a coyote to get them across the border for $XXX, or they just come in at night.

They have the baby. THEN they claim IRS tax credits for thier relatives in Mexico.
Illegal Aliens Claim BILLIONS in Fraudulent IRS Child Tax Credits

Then the mother divorces the husband and he stays in the household and is claimed as another dependent...

Attached: Doctores Para Ti 2.png (1099x761, 96K)

They shit out a lot of little goblins and collect welfare that way OP because their little shits are magic citizens at that point.

A much better way is to seriously start enforcing laws and increasing the punishments of breaking laws that involve hiring illegals. Cut off as many means of ways of making money and they will leave on their own.

>We should give people free shit because they were shit out on our soil.

>Cut wire transfers to Mexico
Problem solved

No wall needed just shut off the benefits. If they still want to come pick vegetables and now yards so be it. Oh and any non citizen stupid enough to have a child on American soil should be deported and permanently separated from their child.

> thinking the gov't will solve anything, ever

Every single business found guilty of knowingly employing illegal immigrants should have their assets seized. Trump could do this and use the money to build his wall.

No. Traitors are worse than invaders. They deserve death

They don't always get it. If there's one anchor baby, the child can receive welfare, and the rest of the illegals can benefit from it. The center for immigration studies has some interesting info published about this.

I FUCKING HATE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS I pay over 20,000 in federal and another 6 in state taxes and THIS (pic related) is what the scumbag fucking politicians do with other people's money, that's where all of society's freeloaders learn it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-12 New York City will cover illegal immigrants as part of $100 million-a-year hea (873x295, 33K)

Traitors are a separate issue, although you have a point.
A burglar letting more burglars in is less of a crime than a traitorous nephew letting them in.

But if a family members steals the money from the parents/siblings it is punished less severely compared to when a stranger does it.

Look user, I grew up in the 80's and 90's in east LA. They are here specifically because they can cheat the system and get away with it. Throughout my entire life the trends have never changed. People here get fake id's and steal identities, make false claims on those false tax returns and lie about having a bunch of kids to inflate the payment amounts. They will lie to get student loans and pell grants and consider it free money because there is no way its ever getting paid back or used for what it's for. Everywhere you go there are young women with 3-5 children who don't speak a word of English, neither do their children and they will pull up with carts overloaded with 300 dollars worth of groceries that always go on a ebt card.

They are here because we are suckers and they consider it to be a form of Mexican manifest destiny to come here and take them. God would not let them do it if it was not right in their eyes. To top it all off they don't care about the problems back home. They are here because they don't want to do the work of fixing their own communities. They would rather flee and bring the same socioeconomic problems with them.


But... but the how would the Democratic party grow?!

Attached: Republican_VS_Democrat_Supporters.jpg (600x429, 66K)

Who the fuck moves to hueland anyway?