Daily reminder that if you are unattractive or with subhuman genes , you dont belong in the Etnostate . In order to claim that racemixing is bad you gotta have actual girls interested in you . After we finish building the "whites only country" some of you will sadly get exterminated based on your genes and sexual attraction . With that in mind ,I am pretty sure you will still fight for State and embrace the ultimate sacrifice for the White Race .
Heil Hitler .
Daily reminder
>In order to claim that racemixing is bad you gotta have actual girls interested in you
Do single desperate mothers who are looking for a FWB situation count?
How is this going to work? ugly people are the clear majority.
>fter we finish building the "whites only country"
That's never going to happen you dumb fuck larper. You're probably just a kike. I've never seen a non-kike post with that flag.
Unattractive men may have other valuable qualities, pic related, and they can have attractive offspring if paired with attractive women. It's an ethnostate, not a male strip troupe. Of course this doesn't apply to unattractive women, who are genetic trash.
Ah, so, so far the people have to be:
10/10 attractive
IQ 130+
That's gonna be one small ethnostate
will Mussolini be accepted in the Ethnostate?
>denies you entry to your own beauty pagan ethnostate
what do?
No , you have to look like
>pic related
We will control the genes for illneses and other mutations.
Guys, its nothing personal , you do want the white race to win and lead the world , right ? Only best genes, your sacrifice wont be in vain .
He is dead though
I already tried to kms before, I am always on drugs, and I like guys. Thank you for reminding me.
I prefer that my genes win, so no deal
so what about Himmler and Mussolini? denied entry?
what about his daughter?
Just a reminder that white people can't afford to be choosy lol
Dont kill yourself cause its gay . m-mkay ?
personnally i'd prefer a based wamen like Aessandra Mussolini, even if she's not a beaut, than that thot roastie in OP picture that might be a bluepilled coal burner irl.
Your genes are shit . You love the white race or what ? You fucking traitor .
I didn’t try to anhero because of my orientation. I was fucked up and miserable at the time. When you are deep down enough death seems the less painful option. As in it ends the pain. And you need courage for it, death is scary it’s beyond what you think it is how abhorrent it feels.
Death becomes less scary when you have jesus in your heart . But also living becomes less scary and less painful . you must try the jesuspill . im not even kidding .
Yeah? Well so are niggers and brownies.
Plenty of women has expressed interest in me. Only problem is that a lot of them fat, niggers, or both.
>Only problem is that a lot of them fat, niggers, or both.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're out. Sorry.
Wow, I have acne.
Guess it's off to niggerland for me then.
Low quality whites are welcome. They don't don't get to reproduce. Nice D&C tho Shlomo Memeflaggotstein 4/10.
The narcissism state. I'm sure it will go well. You shouldnt heil Hitler's ghost. You should follow his words and heil victory. Fucking newfag shit thread OP.
what will OP do then?
The church was 200m’s away from me. From the first shitty flat I lived in, now I am in a large house.
I went to church twice a week for regular Catholic mass and afterschool education. Had 2 priests raise me, guide me since I was like 6yo as in they were father figures additionally to my real father who is an amazing man to look up to.
One of the preachers became a very important doctrine teacher in Canon Law, passed away from cancer. The other is currently a bishop. Both knew/know me by name and my family too, due to donations, help my parents offered to the church. None of these guys abused me. Both had girlfriends in the past. You could say they were down to earth types. Confessed to both I am attracted to men. They said:
“It doesn’t matter God loves you no matter who you are or what you did. You don’t need a penance for this one, just live your life and be happy.”
Only thing I forgot through this years was how to be happy. Maybe I’ll learn it one day.
>he doesnt want the white race to have healthy genes .
Glad to hear that . God bless .
>meme flag
>cringe post
>hell hitler
You have to be 18 to post here
You know what after seeing the hordes from the third world, I would disagree with you and say attractive whites of good genetics are the majority within their culture.
Dont be mad cause your genes are subhuman-tier . stop denying the Etnostate.
>no penance for what the Bible calls an abomination
>posts picture of a trans
She looks kind of fat
It's just we have been surrounded by such beauty in our own people for so long, the standards are extremely high but compare whites to the brown skins and tell me "ugly" is the norm for white cultures.
or just stay where you are
reminder that there won't be an ethno state so don't worry about it
Am I welcome in the Ethnostate??
>tfw you realise slavs are white too, so there is no pide in being white
Stop bullying my romanian friend faggot . go rek yourself .
OP's a kike.
>muh white race
yank detected
Kekd and rekt
I know all of you haters dont have the requirements . So stop hating .
Have you ever been tested for austism?
On Jow Forums we are all Jews and faggots.
I don't even want to be in a gay ass ethnostate. Take your women and be gone from my realm.
Now a genderstate, where women are used as cattle?
>telling the truth is bullying
>(((tested))) for (((autism)))
Post your feet :3
>implying you do, either
heh, what a fuckin' LOSER
I'll be like the founding fathers, so it dont matter .
What would Jesus do?
Fuck outta the country, chink. Take your ugly ass souless women with you.
D&C Slide thread..
SAGE and report this worthless memeflaggot