Jow Forumsstars what's your average commute time and why isn't there any affordable housing anymore?
Jow Forumsstars what's your average commute time and why isn't there any affordable housing anymore?
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Glow nigger i believe the cool kids say.
In Scotland the housing situation is completely fucked. We've got a huge homeless problem because of a lack of housing, and social housing is being taken up by immigrants
15 minutes if I'm not biking, walking, or taking an Uber.
I wake up at 6.30
leave a 7
Train at 7.50
Arrive a 9
Work 9 to 18
train at 18.06
get back home a 19.50
rince and repeat.
82 miles on train approx, 133 km
fuck this shit ?
he is going to commit suicide in a years time, there is nothing more soul crushing than a long commute
just kill yourself. your soul is already dead, let your body join it.
t. enlightened neet
5-10 minutes each way, £23,000 a year job.
I live about 3 minutes away from work. Every day I am off at about 8:55 and are just in time at 9 to start my day.
Small towns have their perks as well.
my commute is 5 mins, i go home at lunch to smoke a joint every day
I have like 5 minutes on bicycle from my home. Time is too precious to make jews steal it from you.
Fuck and i thought i looked old for 29
Who cares? Sounds like a problem
45 minutes for one trip (33 miles). Fucking sucks, but I live with my brother and I want to keep an eye on him while he does college.
My commute is 30seconds im a farmer.
>This 29-year-old commutes 4 hours and 140 miles to work every day
Why doesn't this stupid nigger just move?
> San Francisco
4 hours to work? fuck that....
>why isn't there any affordable housing anymore?
OP stated it already
The longest commute I ever did was 2.5 hours on the train each way. This was still preferable to 1.75 hours driving out of NYC.
ouch. how long did you do this?
>San Francisco
>Whining about the commute
Zero fucks given. It takes me an hour to drive, park, then walk a mile (saves $1K/yr in lot fees) in my flyover state. If he actually cared, he'd get into truck camping and stow away some real cash.
1 hr in the morning
1½ hrs in the evening
Save me God. Forgive my mistakes.
I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
My commute time is 10 minutes, 18 if there is terrible traffic.
I drive my own car because I dispise public transportation.
The reason that affordable house has dried up is because the fucking commies in my area are allowing druggies to shoot up fentanyl laced heroin, make building anything new impossible, and are trying get everyone to be paid $15/hr, even burger flippers.
I'm particularly pissed about that last point because it suddenly drops the value of my $38/hr, and will make my cost of living in my own house skyrocket.
There is no way that man is 29
>an hour
an hour each way - didn't see he was adding to and from.
Genuinely fuck him.
15 to 20 minutes on foot, depending on the weather. Life's good in my shithole.
About 5 months, this was a temporary thing. Trains are nowhere near as bad as driving tbqh because you are free to do whatever you want instead of staring at someone's bumper.
>be teacher
>live 7 minutes from work in major Australian city
>finish work at 3everyday and home by 10 past 3 to relax until wife comes home at 6.
feels good man.
5 min bike ride to uni
Get a job, you dumb zoomer.
Manual labor from young age can fuck you up pretty bad.
He is 29? jesus christ is it normal to look 40 at 29 in germany?
lmao nah I work at a hotel in the summer and meetbux rest of the year
Just sleep in your wagecage, that way you'll save time on commuting and be ready to start working for Mr. Shekelbergstein as soon as you wakey wakey
That's not that bad, listen to podcasts! I recommend legion of skanks.
1 hour 15 minutes. 25 minutes is walking, rest is subway.
Why not car? Traffic in center of Moscow is crazy. It would actually take longer.
Also I get some exercise and save a bit of money on gas. On subway I usually read a book.
My previous commute was two feet, I lived under the same roof as my work.
I recently got a promotion and live on an island now, I drive a company car and my commute is 5 minutes.
I once had a commute of over an hour and barely broke even with gas, car, the inevidable speeding ticket.
But for the most part I’ve only ever worked close, or moved to be close to work, or started dating a girl just so I could be close to work.
Poor health, poor diet and 1% will to live will do that to a man.
He looks like he’s 39. Jesus
I work from home teaching chinks english. lol, commute.
The day Walmart has dormitories is the day I sign up for them. I don't leave the house much, so being literally a shuttle away would be a godsend
At least he’s not driving and can read or do something on his phone. When I lived in LA I had a 2 to 4 hour commute because of traffic and I was driving. The stop and go would make me so sleepy. It sucked but it was bearable, I only did it for 2 years though.
0 minutes. I work from home. But if I have to go in the office is only 10 to 15 minutes away.
A boy I work with commutes 106 miles one way and two hours one way from his house every day as a first year apprentice. I let him ride with me whenever it’s convenient for him because he’s got a good attitude about it, constantly talking about how it’ll all be worth it when he tops out and becomes a journeyman. He’s a good kid.
>Work 9 to 18
Wtf? You work 21 hours a day? I thought French were lazy.
1 hour 50 minutes in 1 direction. so close to 4 hours
Hi froggie, you are me almost 1:1 (90km).Main difference is:there are no nogs on trains here.It's not so bad I tend to read a lot and I'm crazy enough to do it by bike in the summer(2-3 times per week) - about 2 hours to get to work and 2 hours to get back home.I hate gym so this/hiking and gardening are only workouts I do.
>not working at home
0 min commute for me
>Be me, 1994
>Be first to get in the van, just outside Rotherham
>Drive all over the place picking up 16 other muppets
>Drive to Norfolk, Near Thetford
>Arrive at prepared salad factory 4 hours after getting into van
>Learn to walk again
>8 hours in a fridge
>Many, many East Euro qt's
>They were a novelty & unheard of in Yorkshire
>Be last one to be dropped off 16 hours later
>£6p/h, double what I could get at home, triple of what I was used to
>Tax free
>Buy a car after a few months
>Become local engineer/welder instead of former coalfields dosser & smackhead
>Fast forward to 2019
>There is no factory/packing casual work for the English
>East Euro's have become slavers in the most literal sense
>They only employ other foreigners that don't know their rights
>Google 'Lincolnshire slave ring'
>280'000 results
>The kids try to meme they're neet by choice
>The first, easy, adventure tier rung on the ladder isn't even there
I used to do 1 and a half hours to work and then the same back. I lasted 2 years before I had to give it up
>Dixon to San Francisco and back
>4 hours
Fucker needs to get up earlier. That's a 50 minute drive without traffic.
From the time I leave my front door to getting the the business door is 5-10 minutes, 1 mile. 27k job full benefits.
30 minutes each way. Could live closer, but the town is so small, the trips to get groceries, auto parts, or anything but gasoline would be 15 minutes.
Crawling out of the basement and doing mommys dishes for GBP doesnt count as a job, user.
1 hour and 20 minuets
This is the future you chose
based walmart guy. keep your chin up.
for you
That's the power of soi, living in an area with lots of beaners, being in an area with lots of bums who shit on the street and having to worry about getting HIV or hepatitis from them, living in an area with ungodly rent and mortgage, and working for a left company where he has to worry about looking at a female worker in the eyes otherwise it's rape.
20 minutes on foot.
Thisnis going on everywhere in the western world
Salary: 27.5k a year
Rent for flat: £800 a month
Walk to work: 10 minutes
What did he mean by this?
>Tfw I live less than a mile from the school I teach at.
Get fucked Commiefornia/Jew York
How much is that in real money?
>why isn't there any affordable housing anymore?
>tfw waiting for GM plant to close so fat boomers will sell their house to me
380 miles, and then thousands when I get to work.
>t. flight attendant
I've been doing 160 mile commutes daily, on average driving about 6 hours a day (NYC). Then again I have to visit multiple locations daily. Been doing it for about 2 years now.
Putting about 5000 miles a month on car.
>tfw it takes me two hours to take the bus to a place that is 20 minute car ride away
How is it possible to have such shit public transport? I'm in a region with 500k people it not like its q small town
The envy of half of this board, good on you. At least if you're not industrial farming.
>The envy of half of this board
I don't think so, the suicide rate for farmers is notoriously high lmao
10 minutes, I can go home during my lunch break to chill at the house
15 minutes drive. 9am-2pm. feels good, mang.
500k isn't even close to enough people to warrant a decent public transit system.
since farmers no longer slaughter their own animals they get attached to them like pets and feel really sad when they get taken away for slaughter.
Five-minute drive, very easy love my country
Fucking hell.
15minutes, it's on other side of city, it would be 20 if I took normal road, but I go through fields
this car looks comfy.
comfy af
0 zero commute time for me. I wake up in my underwear and then zoom to my computer to shitpost and eat eggs. They pay me to shill but really I just shitpost.
That must be why he looks 39, not 29
I work as a service engineer, so I go out to other places where I am needed. 75% of my jobs are either at Oslo university or at a specific hospital, both places takes 5 min to reach from my home. Other 25% I live in a hotel in other cities/countries. Comfy as fuck.
I literally live about a quarter mile from my job so about 5 mins it takes me saves me alot of money with not having to buy gas and shit
I live in my car and am a food courier from 7am to 10pm so my commute time is zero.
where do you shower and shit tho
It should still be better than that. I was in a city with 75k and it was way better
My dream is get my shit together enough to start homesteading with maybe a touch of seasonal work. But I don't think I'd raise animals for that exact reason. Hunting isn't as bad and I'm a bit of a pussy about the idea of raising an animal to slaughter.
Do they need anyone else? My shitposting is level 10.
Lately, I've been calculating the real cost of housing. There is zero (((investment))). Through interest, insurance, taxes, and upkeep, I'm out of pocket $10,000 every year. Poof. Gone. A decade from now, I'll sell and be so tickled to find I 'made' $75K or whatever. No, that's $25K that wasn't recouped. I've been idolizing alternative living lately. It flies in the face of capitalism and jewish traps. If I had my 20's to do over, or didn't have a family, I'd sell it all and do this.
In before
24/7 gyms. Around here, they're $10/m. Restrooms, wifi, lounges, and exercise.
I drive 1 hr and 30 mins one way to work, just to get in my work truck and drive all day. But it's worth living in the boonies with just white country folk instead of the subhumans of cities.
your business is about to boom if the EU decides to blockage and seige the UK with sanctions on imports and exports.
I suspect the government subsidies for meat will dry up when they realise its not effective to grow plants to feed animals to feed us when we could just directly eat the plants ourselves.
A 10 minute walk. I can't fathom how anyone could tolerate taking more than 20 minutes to get work.
3 minute walk to metro.
3 minute walk to office.
20-35 minutes
i keep telling my wife this when she keeps pressuring me to get a mortage
If we can afford a house we'd be able to just buy one.
People who think the value of the house increases don't understand inflation.
The mere fact that every single person has to take a mortage to buy a home only creates an invisible layer of tax and artificially inflated house prices because people need to increase the price to cover the loss they made on the interest.