wtf i love israel now hahahah
Wtf i love israel now hahahah
based israelis
>where Iran belongs
The syrian girl went nuts over it
If iran was any type of nigga they would just reply with an oven and the same question.
because it makes israel look retarded
That's not very nice to the Muslims, Hans. I am reporting you to the police.
should be assyria
Can we just kill them all already
i'm getting impatient
Lol I can barely imagine the butthurt at IDF HQ at getting btfo in yet another proxy war against a country that has no economy or fat American golems.
Can someone with skillz take the same map, font and color and draw an arrow to Israel with the caption "where Israel is"? No other captions.
This is probably the funniest thing I've seen since Trump winning the 2016 elections.
fuck both i hope they nuke each other
Where Israel belongs.
Al sharaqi el saddam twitted:
>where america belongs
>where you are
>you seem a bit lost johnny.
Also love the arrows trying to make it look further from syria when they have a right to tend to isis when it's in their backdoor
beat me to it
>Can we
No, sorry honey, unfortunately your army sucks so you can't ;)
Assuming you could move the arabs in to saudi arabia where they belong
Based Israeli bros
Those American houses look renovated
Death to Israel, death to Judaism.
Join our cause; or die.
Implying he's even austrian and not some ottoman cuck
I see you, JIDF.
Stick to subversion shlomo, banter isn't your forte
Really? lel
>when pissrael shows up to try and act tough online
you stupid kikes do this all the time but it just makes you look weak and sad, the rest of the world is awakening to your parasitic nature and your too full of hubris to notice
Can't wait to report that traitor and his faggot moustache to your desert shithole
Ja, wirklich. Das Judentum muss sterben, damit wir leben können.
Someone turned the light off, Le roaches are out
Syrian government invited Russians and Iranians. It's the kikes who should be in ovens.
You've been shilling this fucking same thread for a week you kikes. No one will ever love Israel you demonic trash.
You think that means anything? All it does is prove my point that you're not seeing reality around you.
the left can't meme
proven day after day after day
You will soon be out-mutted
Good luck voting Ocasio and become a socialist shithole
Visiting friends
> Banned in Israel.
Also fuck niggers
I guess it's more beneficial for us if you think it's just roaches that hate you kike fucks.
>jews using the happy merchant against non jews
yikes, like those mutt memes being used by mutts.
You soon will be overcooked :^)
My two cents gents
>kike acting tough
I think we should get rid of all the mudslimes and niggas here in Germany, or not? And don't tell me something about the ewige Jude , i see only stinking Arabs, retarded niggas and lying Turks who are constantly raping my Homeland.
The only thing you've got is schizophrenia.
Times almost up for you kike. Have fun sucking Satan's cock dry
>Where Israel belon..
Oh right, Jews belong no where, They are spread across the world with their loyalty to Israel.
You've been whining since thousands of years that you need a country for Jews, You stole one, Yet it doesn't even have the highest population of Jews in the world, America does. Imagine being this pathetic, Kicking hounderds of thousands of of people of their land, yet not even using it.
Jews, You know you can't oppress the free people forever, and you'll end in an oven for doing so.. Again.
Yeah, and the Americans belong in America! Right Israel?
The absurdity of IDF.
>pictures of dead kids flash before my eyes
>crying child holding mothers exploded cranium
>child is doing the floss dance
>mother is doing the dead dance
>Good luck voting Ocasio and become a socialist shithole
>become a socialist shithole
Trust me bitch, you don't want that to happen, for your own sake.
They are learning to shitpost
Moslems und Nigger müssen wir natürlich, im Rahmen eines Rassenkrieges, ausrotten. Vor allem aber die Juden, die den Zuzug dieser Untermenschen nach Deutschland, orchestrieren.
Find your shithole here, if you can
Now color in the parts when kikes weren't someone's bitch?
Gonna be kinda pathetic.
>Hides flag
KEK my thoughts exactly
>open paint
>go grab a coffee
>come back see refreshed thread
welp so much for that idea
I'm sorry I don't talk to made up countries
Your country's literally weaker than Borat's.
Inbred failure
At least you are recognizing the priorities 1. mudslimes 2. Niggas 3. Jews
Count me in ;)
>inbred failure
Don't project, kike.
what do i search to find this in NARA?
You might want to join our cause then.
See the chart, the numbers don't lie
Not today BND nigga, not today
Da leidet wohl jemand an paranoider Schizophrenie...
>See the chart, the numbers don't lie
Next to Numbeo and Haaretz it's the least credible source on the internet.
>page: 119
Aryan(Indo-Iranian) do it to help
Why are kikes so bad at bants?
I'm looking so much forward when kikes will get their share and we finally heal this planet of their plague once and for all. It will be greatest thing the man ever did, it's the only way keeping us from our rightful place in space.
now I understand why you want to culturally "enrich" the white people with sharia "diversity"
>Why are kikes so bad at bants?
Because they know they are milking an exaggerated story from 80 years ago to justify the existence of their homeland.
Thats pretty funny
Origin of white:
Origin of 666:
Hey goyz let all die in vain for implementation of "greater" Israel cause they are the chosen people according to there books !!
Anglo : YA YA lets die for our master the Rothschild !
Somewow, shitposts from official government entities are just comfy.
No doubt there'll be a retaliatory one from Iran.
The world would be a better place if everyone could just freely shitpost in this manner.
German : jajaja lets take it in the ass for the fuhrer
>No doubt there'll be a retaliatory one from Iran
They're gonna shitpost by building military bases in Syria while the IDF impotently tweets in response.
The reply was better
axis of EVIL destroyed with FACTS AND LOGIC
unironically a good idea (maybe not eastern iraq) if it guarantees all the different ethnic communities a place in government like a super-Lebanon.
>Republic of the Levant
It also shows the mind boggling hypocrisy and chutzpah of kikes. Iran should stay at home but Israel wants us to cross the entire fucking planet to meddle in desert wars for them. Hitler was 100% right about these freaks.
Lol, no
how evil are Iran are you stupid sodomite ?!
how evil is Iran .. sources
I like the new french girl a lot more.
You're gonna die for me mutt. Prepare to be conscripted as cannon fodder for Israel.