Jow Forums worshiping a psyop as the usa plans to invade Venezuela
Jow Forums worshiping a psyop as the usa plans to invade Venezuela
>giving a singular fuck about commiezuelia.
Looking forward to see you kike praising Mexico for having a commie dictator, even if hes so religious like daniel ortega that formed an alliance with a evangelical zionist party.
Fuck Venezuela!
>the usa plans to invade Venezuela
Unironically based
Still trying to spin this to get the left off the hook I see. This is just sad and pathetic at this point.
If he isn't red-pilled now, he should be, NPC's don't stand up to liberal programming, they cow to it. Your picture is stupid. Also OP is a fag,
interesting they aren't even using cia anymore just directly meddling with elected officials in the light of day i think you're all operating well outside what your constitution intended
>when inbreds in KY revolt
Hope they do it .
leave this place while you still can
t. former leftie
Implying someone give a fuck about a shithole
Good communists they need to be eradicated.
A-user why?
it's insanely obvious to anyone that people saying this is a psyop are shills.
t. shill
>evangelical zionist party
>Just shill Jow Forums, hon!
>They'll believe you if you call the Catholic pro-life kids "Jews", hon!
>You definitely pass, hon!
swedish girls decapitated by ISIS while backpacking in Morocco
wtf Jontron?
>US plans to invade socialist country
you see a problem with this?
meme flags
kek, burger education
I don’t understand why people think there can only be 1 news story at a time.
your desperation is so fucking delicious
Oh wow how original
Things that will never happen.
>Implying NS imagery is ill received here
Go back to your leddit discord, faggot
Yeah, it's a justification for beaner refugees and lets glowniggers extend their power.
>Let me complain about threads I don't want to talk about instead of making a thread about something I do want to talk about.
Good plan.
That was good! OC?
>evangelical zionist party
Hey we have rats like that too.