Would you ever marry a woman who didn’t believe in obeying her husband?
Would you ever marry a woman who didn’t believe in obeying her husband?
Yeah, that's called marrying a person and not getting a slave.
>obeying her husband?
Every woman I've ever known that did this was very submissive and would fuck any man that would show even a little attention.
Only a foolish man would. What good is a helpmeet who won't obey you?
I didn't come here to feel
I didn't, but it's definitely the case of I rule the roost and she rules the rooster. Happy wife = happy life.
Cringe and bluepilled
I did.Twice
>Would you ever marry a woman?
Never, nor if it's not a virgin either
Submission & Purity
Women are property
Never, the man is the leader in the relationship. If the woman isn’t submissive then she isn’t worth my time.
based and redpilled
What a cuck, women are meant to serve men, not the other way around.
all these "no" replies are posted by basement dwellers who get schooled by their moms when they don't shower for 4 days straight.
get a life virgins, if you were real men you would take any of these whores and make her your personal little bitch regardless of her past opinions. women are stupid, gullible but will always try to test you.
Whatever fag. I'm punching above my weight. She does what I say, and I put the toilet seat down and visit her family once a year. I even fill out her ballots for her.
I did, didn't end well
This is going to happen whether your spouse "obeys" you or not because humans are selfish petty little animals. There's no happiness in this world, stop deluding yourself.
Hey, good for you man.
I have 1 very simple rule, it's for me, but any relation should be aware of it.
I don't let anything in my life that makes me weak and if someone tries to hold you back, cut them from your life immidiately.
The only reason I would want someone around would be to cook the odd meal and a bit of tidy.
Women don't do that anymore so I don't need them in my life. After work I avg about 3 hours to myself, to cook, clean, make lunch for the next day and maybe shower. If I had something interrupting my evening because it wants to pick a fight and feels empowered and invincible because of society, I'd take it's head clean fucking off.
It really is for the best that I'm content alone and have been this way my whole life.
>black father
>white son
Im disgusted by a thought that some other guy had his way with my future wife let alone a future mother of my children. That's a deal breaker for me.
Fuuck no. That's basically financial slavery/suicide.
Better off going MGTOW than loving miserably like that.
Women are parasites that leech off men, and dont you ever forget that. If she can't be obedient and submissive, stay the FUCK away.
Which is not a bad thing at all, either. IMHO, a healthy marriage should have the duality of a strong male patriarch, and the wife as the dominant role in domestic afairs, but still very much active in helping/advising the husband. Sort of behind the scenes, but still a hugely nessesary role.
This isn’t a problem you’ll ever have.
I'm sort of like this now, although not quite as extreme as you. But I know what it's like to bring women into my life only to have them trash and destroy everything. Especially my second wife. Wiped me out. Now I steer clear of women because they're far more trouble than they're worth.
Yikes man, I'm sorry to hear it got to that point. I'm where I don't even see women. I can't remember how a woman looks after 5 minutes of having seen her because they're just shapes colors and noise to me. All essentially the same un noteworthy person who wouldn't even have a job if it weren't for mandatory diversity quotas.
>Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Ephesians 5:22
I was very specific before marrying my wife that I would not get married if she would not submit or be obedient.
I made sure in our vows that she said this.
Things have been wonderful.
Where’d you meet your wife?
>not having backup plan to dispose of body and report missing person
always have plan B
also C, D and E
My wife is very into the concept of women as property. It's how she was raised, Her father taught her she was nothing more than cattle. She even has my initials branded on her back.
Pity any simps who get a lesser bitch.
I wouldn't marry at all, as long as divorce, adultery, alimony, and child support are legal. I don't swear vows I don't intend to keep.
In his dreams.