2 minutes into your speech about holohoax numbers being faked to raise Jewish interests for future and she gives you...

2 minutes into your speech about holohoax numbers being faked to raise Jewish interests for future and she gives you this look.

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I'd probably fuck her, then sacrifice a pig on her stomach

She's absolutely gorgeous.

That's how I got my ex GF alright was ranting about the Israeli lobby in America and her little Moroccan bagina couldn't take it

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girl probably fucks niggers

Based and redpilled.

Are you black?

I miss her....

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tell us a love tale sad irishman



Not a drop

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I've got a yummy Persian girl. It's nice not having to hide your power level and can say anything you want about anyone in their presence. I have to hold my tongue in public as does she. Why are ME/light skin N. African women so attractive?

Yep that's me

Ohhh I don't find browns that attractive physically but Muslim girls tend to be the only girls around that aren't complete whores

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whiter than me, mohamed.

Believe it or not, the Persian girl I am with is paler than I am. Her skin looks like yours when she doesn't get much sunlight. But you're right, they do tend to be the only ones who don't try to be total whores.

>You move in for the kiss and are immediately decapitated by her caveman brother

I got myself a Tunisian girl who agrees with my Jew rants. And she lets me finish on her face

I love being able to say whatever I want and KNOW that I won't be reported to the thought police or judged...

This thread...

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