2 minutes into your speech about holohoax numbers being faked to raise Jewish interests for future and she gives you this look.
2 minutes into your speech about holohoax numbers being faked to raise Jewish interests for future and she gives you...
I'd probably fuck her, then sacrifice a pig on her stomach
She's absolutely gorgeous.
That's how I got my ex GF alright was ranting about the Israeli lobby in America and her little Moroccan bagina couldn't take it
girl probably fucks niggers
Based and redpilled.
Are you black?
I miss her....
tell us a love tale sad irishman
Not a drop
I've got a yummy Persian girl. It's nice not having to hide your power level and can say anything you want about anyone in their presence. I have to hold my tongue in public as does she. Why are ME/light skin N. African women so attractive?
Yep that's me
Ohhh I don't find browns that attractive physically but Muslim girls tend to be the only girls around that aren't complete whores
whiter than me, mohamed.
Believe it or not, the Persian girl I am with is paler than I am. Her skin looks like yours when she doesn't get much sunlight. But you're right, they do tend to be the only ones who don't try to be total whores.
>You move in for the kiss and are immediately decapitated by her caveman brother
I got myself a Tunisian girl who agrees with my Jew rants. And she lets me finish on her face
I love being able to say whatever I want and KNOW that I won't be reported to the thought police or judged...
This thread...