>“Russian efforts to increase its influence and authority are likely to continue and may conflict with U.S. goals and priorities in multiple regions,” according to the strategy released by Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. “Chinese military modernization and continued pursuit of economic and territorial predominance in the Pacific region and beyond remain a concern, though opportunities exist to work with Beijing on issues of mutual concern” including North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.
Do you idiots not realize that you are getting played? I swear to fucking god, Jow Forums is so stupid. It's clear as day where enemy is, and yet you continue to blame DA JOOZ.
I will never forgive Putin for allowing you to continue to exist for this long.
Nathan Morris
Yes, the only way to save us from China is to elect anti-white extremists and turn our kids into trannies! Nationalism is bad, and make us weak against China!
of course it's bad, every single war in 20 th century was fought because some nationalist wanted to make his country great
Bentley Roberts
Oh goy, there is the ignorant answer I was waiting for. Tell me what is nationalistic about empires? Oh, you have been brainwashed by comlunists to believe that nationalism = imperialism, good goy.
David Ward
Look how bad it's working for China. Poor them, becoming stronger while we become weaker due to anti-nationalism.
Ryder Davis
>Russia manipulating us into regaining our strength seems pretty counter-productive
Landon Cooper
>>DA JOOZ kike detected
Andrew Martin
Russia has not flooded my country with muslims and niggers. Russia does not steal my wealth via central bank money printing and endless government debt. Russia does not promote an endless stream of cultural degeneracy while denigrating my people and my history. Russia does not seek to control my thoughts by manipulating my language and enforcing speech codes of political correctness.
>russia increases its influence over Europe while it tries to self implode via multiple revolutions. But Russia will give what the revolutionaries and Us desire, more right wing government.
China on the other hand a nigger who is already being prepped to be taken out by the US government. The reason why Trump went with a trade war with china was to try and severe big economic ties with it and only allow small shit to go through so that the US economy isnt as harmed when it potentially goes to war with china in the upcoming years.
Wyatt Fisher
>seizing-on-global-turmoil well maybe US intelligence should start inspecting the jewish origins of said global turmoil
Isaiah Murphy
>implying Russians don't want the West to go full leftist, fuck up Germanic genetics forever and implode on itself Yes, go-. I mean guys guys. Import more shitskins. They are good for your GDP.
>EU throws caring for millions of violent people who don't work on top of its already fragile as shit trading union built on prosperous nations subsidizing Greece's debt for no reason >US incapable of competing with Asian countries in modern industries because every American education institution not already colonized and conquered by Asians has to cater to the lowest fucking common denominator that is niggers, primarily
We deserve to be conquered. Hopefully whoever does kills off every person who can't do something useful.
Elijah Thomas
I no longer give a rat's arse about our leaders or their great games. If I had the power to out every informant, agent, or undercover officer I would do so and cheer them on being beheaded and strung up in the streets by cheering mobs.
Colton Rivera
Every empire becomes degenerate, anti-human and cruel at the very end. There is no more benefit for humanity to continue the US empire, the only ones benefitting are globalist who want white genocide and eternal worldwide slavery with a small class of oligarchs being at the top. Peoples gut instinct is telling them that this is true so they revolt and they will push it to the point where the current empire is destroyed and something else takes its place. It might just be that the Eurasian continent will be ruled and influenced by Russia/China in the future, but there's very little one could or even should do about it. People are just disgusted by what the US empire is doing, I see no way of changing that anymore.
Jaxson Powell
Or name it ZOG if you want to. It's basically a disgusting Jewish/European elite who is running the show.
Justin Wright
Well duh. That fight was lost about 5 years ago, when Americans decided cutting off their ducks was the most important thing to do.
Isaiah Jones
Nah, it's because of people now know about white genocide and that all the US wars in the Middle East are for Israel, including the creation of ISIS. Who wants to be associated with that? Not even jews. Go ask a jew if the US wars were done for Israel. He will deny it vehemently. No goy, it was done to steal oil .. oh I mean the petrodollar .. oh I mean democracy or let me come up with something else if you don't believe this.
Jose Harris
Have they ever not been?
Nathaniel Young
>US intelligence: there are definatly WMDs in iraq
Elijah Campbell
>Do you idiots not realize that you are getting played? If the Western regimes want us loyal, they should stop genociding us.
You can't even say that your own people exist, without losing your job in the western armies .
yes indeed. Good for russia. Id rather live in a country thats harsh but loves its own people than the west which treats them as exchangable worker units
Nathaniel Reed
The Khazar Mafia had decided to ruin the USA because it still has too many white people. You can't keep being the world Empire when you have Khazar Masters so focused on destroying their own white Goyim. You end up having to pull out of various war ventures, just to keep a lid on home tensions.
Alexander Nguyen
>the west which treats them as exchangable worker units And they even sell us that this is progress.
You're supposed to point the pointy bit at the men charging so they impale themselves.
Grayson Myers
Fuck man like is it never cross your mind why every russian that most russians want to escape this country. like seriously, most parents told their kids learn in school good for "get out of this country". This is most of the time endgame for every "smart" russian. To get out of this country. I dont get it where did some people get this image of Russia as "le based" country. From Putin that look like "super conservative" compare to west politics, or "le orthodox"christian meme? I want to say only one thing: "if only you knew how bad things really are"
Cooper Thompson
Jeremiah Lee
>This is most of the time endgame for every "smart" russian. How is that relevant for us in the West, as it's not Putin that is making us a hated minority in our own countries?
>Good for russia. Id rather live in a country thats harsh but loves its own people than the west which treats them as exchangable worker units i was answering for that sentence. >How is that relevant for us in the West, as it's not Putin that is making us a hated minority in our own countries? Its true. It even can be said that he for some reason that only he knows continue to use RT for showing "cultural enrichment" from side that dont really approved by west.
Jaxon Robinson
Yes, be a fag. What could go wrong?
Adrian Sullivan
fuck off sargon you literal niggerfaggot
Angel Morris
You know, if us helping stop the Axis of Evil has gotten us to where we are today; why would we want to stop the next one?
Jace Wilson
Most /po/rashniks =/= most Russians
Julian Gutierrez
>Implying that is not the goal
Noah Cooper
Also, Lagarde and the rest of the IMF fucks have caused global turmoil. Fuck them.
Jaxon Garcia
because i'll totally believe frauds who have done nothing but fuck up for the past 6 decades
Adam Hall
How is any of that a bad thing? The west is decaying, as does any big powerful empire, there is no stopping it, so that they give room to other ones, not you, ever. Why would Russians stop making moves that benefit them? Why would China stop pursuing profit and control of profit? Why is any of it a bad thing? If you dont like Russia or China, buy all american or jew made, fuck you, why do you have to want to tell others what to do? The kikes will just get another golem
Thomas Richardson
Ph man we were told by obumo Russia wasn't even close to being a global threat. What happened user?
Henry Robinson
Competing intrests of intentional banks and a scramble to get a foothold in the burgeoning global economy started WWI and WWII.
David James
>What happened user? The western elites needed somebody to blame for their own people hating them, because the elites have done nothing wrong.
Carson Jenkins
America is a republic not an empire
David Campbell
Jeremiah Martinez
Fucking kremlin shills derailed the thread again.
Nathan Williams
Then our leaders shouldn't have created global turmoil with globalization and mass immigration.