Is suicide only way to finish the agony?
Is suicide only way to finish the agony?
Or you could actually work on yourself
Yes. Plz consider.
Death is the only escape for any and all pain. It's forever too, so you'll NEVER have to worry about anything EVER again. youre gonna die soon anyways, just do it already.
>contemplating suicide
Gave me a kek. Have a (You)
You could also try not being a retard baby. It that fails then yeah, kill yourself.
Its ok buddy life is terrible in most places now. America is literal a hellhole and I spend most of days dreaming of a time that may have never been or being a nomad in Kazakhstan or something cool. Just remember we're all in this together
Cheer up japan bro
Don’t claim death, claw and scratch and tool and struggle until death claims you
Turn to God, he’s real and hes about to reveal himself in great ways
What can you do to better yourself when you look like this? Nothing. Death is the only answer.
You can always try it and find out.
Just B urself
You just come back to do it again without the memory of now .
Just hope you don't respawn in a shithole but then again without the memory of now you wouldn't know any different
no. because you might go to hell
You could use drugs like everyone else who feels like you
Probably. I only stay alive for the sake of my family. Otherwise, I find life to be an endless series of disappointments and anxieties, with not enough moments of happiness to make it worthwhile. It all seems utterly pointless
Haha. Yeah, god will reveal himself any day now, as idiot Christians have been barking about for two thousand years—since some delusional jew in a barely literate town that no one had ever heard of (unlike Rome or somewhere civilized) amassed a small band of gullible followers before the authorities stapled him to a cross. That of course was the son of god. Funny how he never gave any proof, like predicting the existence of Neptune or explaining germs or anything that could have shown he had divine knowledge. But sure, you’re right—god will reappear any day now! And if I do t worship him until then he—with all his love and mercy—will have me tortured for eternity in hell, right? Christcucks. Holy shit.
You're healthy and not a paki/nigger/somali/tranny/pedo etc etc life ain't so bad!
Do it
Guess you’ve yet to experience it, or ignored it the nods when you had them. If your real and alive, you still have hope my man. I used to be like you too. It’s been passed down for a reason.
Christcucks are mentally ill brainlets. Be softer with autistic people
suicide is hard to go through, i l've felt awful sometimes but i never had any urge to end it
Try cakes.
Whenever I get bad thoughts I remind myself how fucking awesome it is to at least be white, and how much better that is than being a poor minority