Not baiting, seriously want to know how you cucks justify being such sensitive little SJW man babies about a commercial telling men to be decent human beings
Not baiting...
>smirks in Caucasian
I think it was mostly about "white man is evil" thing.
>commercial telling men to be decent human beings
thats not what it was
I don’t need my razor company to tell me what is and isn’t acceptable.
I don’t even understand why they think they have this power. Are companies the new preachers for the religious gospel of social justice?
OP raped and destroyed
fuck off with your glowkike shit
day of the rake when
absolutely advertising companies have more influence on the young generation than any religion.
>Not baiting,
>posts shitty stale bait
Sage and report
Fighting isn't all that bad, homophobia isn't all that bad, sexual assault is bad.
Over-reacting to Jewish virtue signalling from a company that profiteers on forced child slave labor is retarded.
in all fields
not being able to detect the tone of a conversation is a sign of Autism.
not even joking. might want to get yourself checked buddy.
>niggers stopping whites doing something bad twice in a row
Anyone who cares about realism would naturally be angry about that.
OP, as always, sucks cock.
we need to update the "stop and think" meme
stop feeding this fuck spice the options
This is sickening. Materialism has gotten to such a point we are taking moral advice from companies that have workers in sweatshops about what’s right and wrong.
Don’t use their propaganda, even casually. He was smiling.
the ad wasnt even about razor it was full propaganda
>fighting is bad
No, it isn't.
>homophobia is bad
If faggots kept their line, no one would care about them.
>sexual assault is bad
Yep, but picking up girls (or whatever it's called) is not a sexual assault.
Haha, nice roast, but joke's on you. OP left the thread as soon as he posted it.
There is literally nothing wrong with fighting
not my oc but i agree,
its ok to smile
>disgusting for profit corporations preaching morality
How about they shut the fuck up and make razors?
If I want a fucking sermon I'll go to church
I think both kinds of SJWs are cringey retards
>Men: had enough of (((this shit))), gillette, not buying your faggot razors anymore
>Insecure Men: why are you mad tho, my wife's son loved the ad, you're part of the problem
The expiration date for this slide thread was about a week ago. Sorry, user.
I just spent over 100 bucks on old school razors (the price on these things has gone up ever since the commercial came out).
I'm not giving those judases another penny for the rest of my natural life
>I don’t need my razor company to tell me what is and isn’t acceptable.
This. No one needs moral guidance from a fucking razor company.
and no one here seriously believes they put it out as an act of good faith or anything other than virtue signally. But is the message itself not fuckin valid? Do you ignore the message and get butthurt because the preacher is trying to paint themselves in a good light? I dont get why the whole thing is worth getting so butt flustered over on any side.
The only thing bad you mentioned is sexual violence.... also men already act right it is a small minority that act like frat boys or niggers
Fighting is good.
Homophobia is good.
Sexual assault is conditionally bad.
fighting is good for men. caring about the faggots is a late 90's meme. chasing girls is not wrong.
>Sexual assault is conditionally bad.
You sound like a bitch
That’s because your not White.
>caring about the faggots is a late 90's meme.
It's a late 2000's meme
Your a leaf so you wouldn't understand cuck
lmao and you sound like the sort of cuck that enjoys women getting to use sex to their advantage. some women deserve rape. some women deserve molestation. and it's worth laughing at when the ones who deserve it receive it
You sound like a nigger.
The commercial said men are evil.
It said nothing about being better that was just the substrate in which the propaganda was encapsulated.
> t. fag who's never been in a real fight
I mean chains, nailed boards, pitchforks and axes, not pussy monkey fistfights
I stopped buying Gillette after many many years. I now buy Dorco: just as good and cheaper. Fuck you PG.
>this kills the kike
based and redpilled
ok, so you are young.
>I don’t even understand why they think they have this power
Pic related. They d it everyday, and once you see it, you can't un-see it.
Class of 99
time for the superior commercial, one about how women need to stop being dirty, disease ridden whores who constantly bitch at both men and other women, and who are always lusting after more overpriced shit to make themselves feel important
oh wait
You're a few days too late shill the world has forgotten that shit propaganda
Lol they forgot 11. It really should have been higher up that list
Always nice to see a good OP rape.
Right wing propaganda. Just because most pedophiles molest boys doesn't have anything to do with normal gay people and plus this is referencing old studies that included anyone slightly under legal age.
You're weak, losing the ability to call something what it is. You will not survive anything when you lie to yourself and everyone else about reality. Reality in this case is the assumption that all men are bad and are guilty of the allegations that the sjw community has placed on men. It's the same as saying a trans is the gender they prefer despite not having the proper genes to be what they larp. Overlooking reality for what it really is a fast track to the downfall of an individual or even a species; as you will overlook instincts needed for survival developed over the hundreds of thousands of years homosapiens have walked the earth. Utter trash, but I wouldn't expect less from a faggot leaf, you're on the same level as Jews/muzzies and niggers.
>t. larper that's too much of a coward to show his flag, let alone fight anyone.
Nobody cares
>Commercial showing white men as rapists and a noble black man has to stop the white man from raping
Fuck you for making me defend white people.