What up white boy?

What up white boy?

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Please, take them all.


Damn she is hot.

Why are women obsessed with being blonde?

i'm not white nor do I want to be white


What's up, lottery winner? Congrats on finding the literal one out of a million who isn't repulsed at your smell.

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Hey there midnight.

I'm more into Iranian women as they're a bit brighter and less inclined to suck jew propaganda cock.

She's canadian.

Why don’t blacks like their own women? Why Do they want to have white kids so bad?

I'm not white

snowbunnies were created to please BBC

Not much nigger, get the fuck out of my face

Hey handsome.

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why do they all ad up to 100% what's even the sense of this?

Oh no. Please don't take all the gutter trash, degenerate roasties.

You can have as many nigger influenced
amerimutt white women you want at the end of the day asian women are the most classed smart and disciplined women out there they make food and tea when we tell them to they always dress in traditional Asian clothing nothing provocative and they will never talk back when you ask them to do a simple fucking task. Plus the sex is great.

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And yes I have called black guys a nigger to their face. They look very surprised and their mouth drops and then I keep walking. Please I dare one of you to attack me, please do, Give me a fucking excuse to defend myself

In fact any nigger on this board tell me a neutral spot and I have a lot of free miles and we can meet up and then I will call you nigger and I’ll watch you do nothing itll be fun

What did you just say to me, nigger?

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You're like 4 feet tall man cmon

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Ooo, yay. More niggers and white sluts desperately seeking white male approval. When are you idiots going to get all we see is she getting AIDS from the filthy nigger and he getting herpes from the filthy whore? You're trash and nobody wants your ugly little mullato including the nigger male who will leave her to a life of no more dates and public housing and welfare.

imagine being such a pussy that you can't even handle the women of your own race, disgracing every single one of your ancestors

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I still think nogs all look exactly the same I seriously can't tell them apart.
Is this Michael Jordan? I would never be able to tell you and I actually like Space Jam.

I've come to the conclusion lately that black men and white women are literally exactly as retarded as each other.

Yep. They're made for each other. It's time to start impregnating muslim women. They hate jews and don't care about your power level
>Caucasian attributes
>Healthy children

It's time to outbirth niggers and spics and put an end to the mongrel race that will happen thanks to niggers and white women.

The top part of that meat is not getting cooked at all, I have never eaten meat but even I know that's not how you do it.

>bottle blonde
>black choker
>vanilla bullshit 'coffee'


Hey nigger, wash your nasty, smelly ass. NIGGERS STINK.



Isn't beastiality illegal?