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Other urls found in this thread:


why do people do that? "oh nonono hahaha"
is it from a movie or something, nobody does that in real life.

Here’s your (you)
Now get the fuck out


how long until he gets fired?

Attached: Capture.png (1117x610, 493K)

no, answer my question.


lurk moar, at least for a year before making your first post.

How do you brainwash someone so much that he wants to grind children of his own race with a wood chipper?
This guy deserves a bullet in the head.

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Is there any discussion platform anywhere, except maybe in court testimony that allows people to demand an answer?

He won’t, he’ll do a complete 360 and try to distance himself from his comments as much as possible, maybe tweet some kind of half ass apology, but probably not


he's a part of the progressive cult

When i text ur mom at 2am



idiots begging for attention to fill up their shitty thread since they lack the intellect to write simple 3 sentences to draw in posters.

Google that shit you idiot.

Its a shitty forced meme. One of the shittier ones.

He’ll get promoted.
((((((((Disney)))))))) openly hates white boys. He said nothing offensive in their eyes.

look at this dooood

liberals are usually so riled up by the media they post retarded things without thinking, some of them backtrack when confronted and some double down

>massively backfires
>weak apology with no real consequences
yeah that sure showed him!

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Disney hasn't been decent since Walt died.

At least he seems to have apologized. It would be nice if we could get back to a point where that was good enough for anybody

i been here since 2007 and i dont know the reference

Boy, I hope that nobody goes around and emails Disney about this!


It would be pretty bad if that happened, no?

I've heard this clip dozens of times and I've never put the oh nonono to that voice. Maybe because my internal voice that reads shit isn't a black man.

I don't think that'll work at this point. Unless he's particularly valuable to the company they'll probably throw him under the bus to save themselves the trouble of cleaning up his mess and dealing with the big juicy lawsuit that's about to come down on him.



Watch the video, here's your answer.

Rare boi

Europeans are waking up. The young will lead the way for the demoralized Boomer.

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Mountain man keeping up the board standards. Nice.

based 88

Someone shop Sandmann on Zim shooting that nigger trayvon

Attached: 480831CD-2814-43EB-A2B7-B36F99C97680.jpg (620x420, 263K)

BUMP. Keep pushing guys. Lets make him into the next James Gunn

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>When you want to be edgy and controversial but backtrack once you say something that does piss people off.

Attached: mainstream media covington kid indian black hebrew israelites hypocrisy i sleep real shit.png (945x1127, 712K)

>it was just satirical
>offended many people

fuck off. this guy (like many other libs) wanted these kids dead. in all likelihood he still feels that way. this is the enemy.

>being so autistic imageboard culture is confusing to you

Damn son

>his own race

He's Jewish. If he's not, he's homosexual, which means he has no connection to his own race anymore since he has no genetic future. He's the gay lover of the director of the new Hunchback of Notre Dame and Beauty and the Beast movies from Disney.

>The Hump-back of Not-a-dame

Disney knowingly hires pedos and covers up their crimes, you think they’ll fire someone for threatening to shove a kid into a wood chipper in a tweet? Doubt

As much as I want to think black are stupid I refuse to believe this is real.

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it means they are homosexual

nice honeypot shill faggot


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When's the Disney boycott happening? One of their biggest stars, faggot Chris Evans, also called for the harassment of children.

This is the only one I wanted to get fired and suffer the most for that idiotic bandwagon, here's hoping it happens.

incitement is considered a criminal act in Poland and this would in fact be considered incitement here
these people would be prosecuted here (they often are) and since it was against a minor they might even go to jail

why aren't they being prosecuted in the US? incitement is a criminal offense there too

Reddit culture

here's your land of the free, bro

>Openly calls for genocide
>works for a major media studio
>pumps out constant anti white propaganda
>has so dehumanized whites he no longer considers their murder to be wrong but an act of cleansing

White genocide isnt real goyim! LMAO

He is one of them. He will be protected. Otherwise, he might spill the pedo-beans, so to speak. That asswipe probably rapes and eats babies on the daily.

Dude those are his bona fides. If he wasnt an openly white hating sack of shit they never would have hired him.

Its a pre-requisite for the job.

>honey pot
>Disney’s contact us page
Rules apply to conservatives only duh


>This account's tweets are protected

No fucking joke there. Burn down Twitter HQ when?



suck a dick faggot

Just how many chromosomes do you have, Johann?


Nah, I don't want a single one of them getting off scot free. People like pic related who are doubling down on it even after they've been proven wrong especially deserve to take a fall for this.

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Turns out Bender is a bender.

>disney producer "sorry" for bloody desire to throw pro-trump teens in a woodchipper
that is literally a onion article

It's a chaponigger thing.



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For them whites must never have a moral ground for resitance. The white subhuman can never stand up for themselves regardless of the provocation.

A group of white boys not bowing down and displaying signs of strength, cohesion, and group loyalty is the ultimate sin.

These boys are guilty of heresy and disregard of the liberal religion.


Yep. Chaponigger scat. The left can't meme, so they scream awkwardly and make hideous faces in mirrors to amuse one another.


I have a feeling the Indian is what they call immune from lawsuits.

You can sue him but he aint got no money.

idc about sargon of akkad the british-supremacist and anti-germanic

dont feed the faggots

>jewish Disney producer wants to murder children

Sounds about right.

do we have it in mp3 to wake up to it each day of the Lord?

> nobody does that in real life
I do m8

Fucker needs to stop channeling Randy. Jesus fuck what a faggot he turned out to be.

Fuck off, Goygon.

Video of woke protesters outside the school.


Woodchippers is our thing

>I'm not saying x is justified, but x is justified
why do people do this

niggers do it all the time faggot it's irony
>look at this dudes head

>shitlibs trying to co-opt our woodchipper nationalism

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what a dumb fat fuck

He belongs in jail.

This deserves way more views than it currently has.

Wasn't Lisa one of the writers for Godfrey Elfwick? I miss that account. Twitter suspended it for committing the crime of sarcasm, meanwhile leaves up accounts advocating the murder of children.

You must really have a lot of time on your hands.

That ""meme"" is fucking garbage and embarassing, stop using it and people will take your shit posts more seriously

Six years? Haha. Literal chimps are smarter than nogs.

They are so dishonest that they manage to fool themselves.

"Those black men harassing the kids and Indians is fine, but looking at someone deserves death."

What a faggot

Found dead in his pool would be preferable. Stop relying on the government to fix your problems when they cause them all

Oh no you di----nt

It's just burger "culture"

Am I the only one noticing that damn near 3/4 of these retarded tweets come from Los Angeles? Same as that Dana Goldberg kike from that other thread bitching about how a white catholic school didn't have more diversity.

America could significantly improve if we just got rid of LA. Hell, nuke LA and you could probably flip Cali red. 11 million people there and it's all kike producers, illegal spics, and looney actors anyways.

"Turn off their" water.
Problem solved

>it was meant to be satirical


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