Why was this racist incident NEVER in the News?


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I'll give you a (((hint)))

Jews similarly to blacks have a real reason to be pissed off at everyone. Holocaust was just as bad if not worse than slavery.

Weak b8, Jews are of satan holocaust was a good thing

Except the holocaust was vastly over exaggerated
Then again so was slavery (which was primarily done by Jews)

Because they are white

Oy very, not anudda shoa!!

The genital mutilation budget discussions are getting violent

Ww2 was shit for many people. Jews just have a boner for their part.

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they should be angry at their fellow jews who set them up. we were just following the Jesuit's orders. we dindu nuffin

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Fuck I pray every night for holocaust 2.0 2019, or 1.0 since the cunt never happened in the first place.

The holocaust wans't real idiots

Is the a video?

What happens if you post this picture on reddit or twitter posing that question?

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The Palestinian bitch started it.
She was beating her dumpster lid trying to distract the Israelis during one of their holidays.

because kikes are scum

Jews are white people with funny hats

This is the Jewish mindset, folks. Whine, complain, cry - and if there isn’t something to bitch about, they will eagerly make shit up, cite each other as sources, and make a movie about it.

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my god.....

Because TRIBAL SUPREMACY rules the whole world

found the jew