Vaccine thread

I need you guys to help me find studies about vaccines and the negative effects they may have.

Specifically related to autism

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just to add, help me redpill my girlfriend

you have to be 18 to post here

Here is all the data that shows vaccines cause autism.

make a flat earth and 5g kills thread while you are at it, nigger

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tl;dr version: Vaccination in and of itself isn't the problem, the problem comes from overvaccination - getting too many vaccines too quickly. Some approved vaccination schedules have infants and toddlers getting upwards of 5-6 injections in a single visit and that's completely absurd.

If you've got kids, just get the MMR, IPV, and DPT vaccinations and boosters and stagger them all out by at least a month between injections, and don't get vaccinations for Flu, Chickenpox, etc.

You have been vaccinated and you are totally retarded. People won't need any further evidence.

This graph demonstrates how increase in diagnosis does not necessarily equate to increase in incidence. In this case, autism had become better understood, and more criteria for diagnosis were accepted. Basically, we got better at identifying it, and odds are a lot of people in decades past simply went undiagnosed.

>The vaccination schedule is absurd
Why? Literally why is it a problem outside of your subjective notion that x number of vaccines at once is too much? Where's the evidence?

Autism rising is because of chemicals in food and people not raising/beating their children right

your company is literally hitler now

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Autism is misdiagnosed anyways, sure it exists but at this point they just call any kid who isnt the status quo autistic so they can charge for therapy. It's like ADHD, the reason it was diagnosed in mostly boys is because the symptoms are typical behavior fir young boys lol.

>Rain Man came out in 1988
>Autism spikes starting about 1990
>Autism diagnosed between age 2 and 5
Not saying all vaccinations are good for you, but a large part of that graph has to do with hack doctors over-diagnosing the children of panicky parents.

Don't know about autism, but some influenza vaccine caused narcolepsy. It was news here years ago.

There is an over diagnosis and doctor shekelstein wants to squeeze as much money out of you as possible. I actually got diagnosed even though I was just shy because I had changed environments. The diagnosis’s really fucked me over because teachers would treat my frustrations as autistic fits and wouldn’t leave me alone. It also made me feel fucking retarded. In short Autism especially high functioning is misdiagnosed and can be something like Social Shyness

Only rural and suburban retard don't vax.

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Gut bacteria of mother and obesity play a crucial factor in autism

Vaccination works by injecting an weakened strain so that it develops antibodies for the unweakened form of the disease, but the response of the body still resembles the milder symptoms of the diseases being vaccinated against. Vaccine cocktails like MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) expose the body to multiple infections simultaneously and even though they're weakened, that still puts a lot of strain on the immune system and on the rest of the body. Doing all of them at once, plus polio, plus influenza, plus chickenpox, plus etc etc is setting a patient up for long term developmental issues.

There's absolutely no harm that comes from staggering the vaccinations by a few weeks and giving the body time to recover from the previous injection. The only inconvenience comes from having to set up more appointments with your pediatrician.

correlation does not imply causation

forgot pic

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I can relate, I was diagnosed with ADHD back in the 90s when they gave kids ritalin and that shit screwed me over. It just made me even worse and then they tried to put me into special ed because I was doing shitty from being wired as hell. Ended up switching schools and wuittingbthe drugs and did fine. I bet shit like what you and I describe is common. I could easily see them trwsting shyness as autism, some of the symptoms they use to diagnose autism is just basic shyness.

I'm sure these big pharma companies have our best interests at heart!

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>never misses their daily bluepill

Are you vaccinated, OP?

>I know these things are ludicrous because the people who get paid to lie to me all the time said so


Vaccinate your kids but don’t do it all at once, you don’t want your kids getting measles and developing brain damage

I'm aware how vaccines work, but you've yet to prove that having vaccines relatively close together is dangerous. There's a difference between -sounding- bad and actually -being- bad demonstrably.

>autism had become better understood
>more criteria for diagnosis got accepted
That's true, I would never have been sent to the psychiatrist for getting upset about niggers beating the shit out of me every week if autism wasn't so easy to "get".
You fucking mongoloid.

Can't keep paying attention to the dumb, unqualified and less-than imposing female teacher? ADHD.
Getting beaten up and you get angry about it? Asperger's. I went through that one.
Wanna stay inside and play video games instead of hang out with idiot kids, and your parents can't do anything about it? Autism.

You see fuckface it's neither handicap nor mental illness to be a man and defend yourself.
To make your own decisions and live by them.
Not wanting to listen to a moronic whore isn't a mental disorder, it's healthy and shows that you understand intelligence and have run out of patience.

Huge part of misdianogisis shitstorms is caused by Psych research not being a science for more than a hundred years, so it won't be as clear as a physician practicioner, even though Psy only studies one organ but it is far more complex than any other imo. Plus, autism is also a difficult issue by itself since it's measured as a spectrum. You can't pinpoint what you are, misdiagnosis is a possibility because the tools aren't the best and the research still has a way to go, but it still impacts you long term. Check your therapist/specialist degree of qualification, that's a way better indicator of how right they are when it comes to them diagnosing with autism/other common disorders as ADD or ADHD or even fucking dyslexia, since they are on par with the research. Half-assing diagnostics is the cancer of therapy.

, - the Italian government ousted it's entire vaccine board and the new people appointed to that board did lab testing of a 6 in 1 childhood vaccine over Christmas 2018 and discovered it had NONE of the antigens for the diseases it was supposed to prevent, and NONE of the listed ingredients to boot.

Why even do it at all? If these corporations are here to make every dollar they can (and they are) plus they have full control of the CDC...why wouldn't they purposely put compounds in the vaccines that cause a need for their services down the road? A pharma corp that is involved with vaccines would surely love to have a "customer" for life.

didn't it have some type of protein they never saw before too

Anti vaxxer kids get sick frequently due to preventable disease.

back in the days we had a vaccine against autism AND IT WAS CALLED NATURAL SELECTION

Yes, something unidentifiable

It’s fine. They can just make new ones.

I've got that Code 1 Autism bois

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well actually mercury does cause autism, vaccines that use a mercury derivative can cause damage to a healthy young child if its improperly made.

>Anti vaxxer kids get sick frequently due to preventable disease.

I agree with your other posts but from what I have seen, they don't get sick any more than other kids... if anything they get sick less.

>they get sick less


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Not vaccinating your kids is natural selection at work

CDC’s Own Expert Vaccine Court Witness Confirmed Vaccines Can Cause Autism, So They Fired Him Immediately

>23 kids sick, city pop is 700k
>Fatality rate is 0.3% in the US

You're taking the bait, do you believe every headline you read before reading the story? Obvious shill is obvious.

Autism is weaponized human intelligence. Vaccinate everybody.

23 sick kids when we used to have 0 sick kids is a problem you fucking sociopath

God forbid they survive and develop immunity.
Just think of all those poor vaccinated children who don't.

Kids get sick it's natural. Don't get so mad, are they paying you or do you just hold pharma stock?

My son is 18 and has no adverse reactions to not having been vaccinated


Neck yourself

>from what I've seen

My eyesight...

>kids die, it’s natural

23 kids x .003 = .069 kids...

Seems like we're good!

>make retarded claim
>bitch people require proof
Nigger tier logic

I use logic and my own senses to make my determinations. I'll pass on "research" funded by GSK, Pfizer, & the like. Why are you such a staunch Vaccine defender? You must just be the greatest person in the world defending this noble cause without any compensation!

Only 2% of vaccinated get immunity. Risk of autism is too high for the possibility of getting immunity.

To imply that correlation and causation are completely unrelated is a gross misunderstand of statistics and npc mentality when a correlation arises that they don't like.

When a correlation between Xand Y has a high R^2 and a low p value, then they are related. Either X causes Y, Y causes X, or Z causes both. Z being a confounding variable. Generally, timing allowes you to cross out one of the possibilities (for example, child autism causes vaccine inoculations doesn't make sense), so you're left with X causes Y, or Z causes X/Y, to which you make an experiment, controlling X. If you control X and Y maintains correlation, X causes Y. If you control X and Y's correlation disappears, you can conclude that there is a confounding variable that causes both. Then you go and see what Z could be. Find what else correlates with Z, then run over your hypothesis again.