"Vietnam Vet"

This guy didn't even go to Vietnam, he was a repairman in the marines state side. He was discharged as a private, and he went awol a number of times:


Attached: nativevet.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy fucking hell why do you care so much???? You say the liberals are the crybabies but fucking look at yourself.

>why do you care


Attached: 1546890639625.jpg (855x582, 70K)


I'm really convinced that this angle is a (((msm))) disinformation tactic. All that had to happen is that supporters of the true facts had to do was nothing at all, the evidence is plain as day in the full video, twits on twitter realized that they fucked up and were about to get their asses handed to them in the court of law and popular opinion. This angle is only making Covington defenders look as bad as the leftists.

It shows this guy is more of a liar and how the MSM makes up shit.


All dog raping leafs must fuck off


>Covington defenders look as bad as the leftists
maybe to a kike like you

I wouldn't take this as concrete proof just yet, things don't add up. They wouldn't release any documents during the shutdown.

>angry at falling for an obvious con

Chief Crazy Teeth

imagine the smell
do we have a name for this guy yet? how about Chief Ten Beers

Calling me a kike? Now I know it's bullshit. Thanks schlomo.

>not basing your conclusion on facts and reason
>someone called me kike therefore y
honestly, fuck you and no one cares what you think

I agree that we have all the evidence we need to prove that the man is a liar, but if can be established that he's THAT kind of liar there can really be no doubt.

How is this being a crybaby?
Please explain that?
It's pointing out fake news
Pointing out fake news, and crying about something are completely different.

You people are so transparent it's not even funny.
>Righty is the real cry baby
>Righty is the real snowflake
You people are actual retards, and just project your own down falls onto us.
This is why we call you NPCs. You are incapable of original thought.

People that know they are correct will genuinely build their own case by proving facts about themselves. Pointing out negative things about an opponent, especially their ideology is a Marxist tactic that the media adheres to. Covington only needs to stay the course, people realize that they were innocent and it will demoralize them against their benefactors and they will change their opinion.

>awol many times
Guaranteed he got a paycheck right before each one.

Chief Running Sore

>Pointing out negative things about an opponent, especially their ideology is a Marxist tactic that the media adheres to.
That is the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard. Information about his penchant for lying helps us to establish an irrefutable fact-pattern which exonerates the Covington students.

Chief Hobo Haemorrhoids

Uh lol maybe because the left tried to use the vet card when he doesn’t even merit that title. Fuck off lefty

t. Loser Indian

Also they threatened to kill those kids based on lies.

They got his documents. It’s true his DDblanket confirms

The irrefutable evidence is in the video, its right there for everyone to see, Covington has done nothing wrong at all. Pointing out anything negatively against their accusers only emboldens the left.

"conservatives" are like this, its why they and their politics are called reactionary. its all emotion and knee jerk reactions out of fear. they march in line because being different is scary, and hate "liberals" for the individuality they pretend to care possess. If something or someone doesnt support the narrative, smear and spread disinformation. the world is comfortable and warm when we lie to ourselves in our echo chamber.


>Pointing out anything negatively against their accusers only emboldens the left.
hahaha are you kidding me? They already put the cart before the horse and are grasping at straws to justify their conclusions.

No, their faces need to be rubbed int he mess they've made. They should not be spared the consequences of supporting a con artist because he happened to be goading white children.

>all that flawed rationalizing to avoid confronting your abject defeat
maybe you should learn to pick your battles

I understand this argument from the first time you posted in this thread. I will reiterate my argument from the first time I posted. Covington is 100% innocent, people from all sides realize this. The ones who initially jumped to the conclusion that Covington were the aggressors realize that they were wrong not only in this instance, but also on their past judgements and realizing that they were not only just wrong, but that they themselves have been the aggressors in nearly all of their arguments. If you can't realize the conclusion that I have, then we fundamentally disagree.

>The ones who initially jumped to the conclusion that Covington were the aggressors realize that they were wrong not only in this instance, but also on their past judgements and realizing that they were not only just wrong, but that they themselves have been the aggressors in nearly all of their arguments
I have seen no evidence of such a thing. Very few have shown remorse that wasnt for the lost wages/opportunity cost of running their mouths.

Furthermore. These deranged hot takes have not stopped after the release of the video.

These head scalping savages are held up as being noble arbiters of morality who are beyond all criticism.

We are simply killing your sacred cow and we do it with a smirk.